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'ZANU PF is a party of vagabonds,' says party councillor

by Paul Ndou
2 hrs ago | Views
Mazowe ward 6 councillor, Shamie Sande (51) has lambasted and labelled ZANU-PF party members as vagabonds following his arrest for allegedly stealing 100 bags of fertilizer reserved under the Presidential input scheme (Pfumvudza/Intwasa).

In a leaked audio conversation where Sande was talking to his co-accused, Tichaona Sorotiya (45) who is the party chairperson for Gonhi district in Mazowe North constituency, Sande is heard saying the majority of ZANU PF leaders are greedy and they survive on corruption.

"The majority of ZANU PF guys survive on corruption, l was voted in power by the people so one cannot stop me from doing my job," Sande said.

"Kangaroo courts are being sat by the DCC leadership which is in poverty. These dogs are unemployed, they survive on milking people. Politics is a dirty game and these are faeces my friend," bellowed Sande.

Meanwhile, Sande's anger emanated from his temporary suspension during the incarceration which left council chair, John Mudzonga serving on acting basis.

However, Sande's theft case was removed from remand at Concession magistrate court.

Allegations are that on 12 January 2024, ward 6 was allocated a consignment of 600 x 50kg bags of urea fertiliser by GMB Nzvimbo depot for distribution to villagers.

The consignment was received and signed for by Sande, on dispatch vouchers 18709, 18711, 18712 with 12,5 tonnes and 5 tonnes respectively.

Sande is alleged to have then assigned Sorotiya, his secretary, to take 500 x 50 kg bags of fertiliser to villagers in ward 6 whilst he was advised to leave behind 100 bags at GMB Nzvimbo depot for collection the following day.

The state further revealed that on the 13th of January at around 1630hrs, Sorotiya went to the GMB depot to collect the remaining 100 bags using Ernest Musora’s Mitsubishi Canter truck registration number AAX 9418.

After collecting the 100 bags, Sande allegedly instructed Sorotiya to divert the fertiliser to Nzvimbo Growth Point where the loot was shared.

Sande allegedly got 20 x 50 kgs, Sorotiya 18 x50kgs, Stanley Mutizwa 16 x 50kgs, Namatirayi Mabharani 2 x 50kgs, Ernest Musora 4 x 50kgs and Paul Chisambira got 4 x 50kgs. Charles Mtetwa, Paul Chisambiro and Memory Chamika also got 35 x 50kgs.

The matter came to light on 8 February, when an anonymous caller advised the informant, Tsungai Makumbe, the Member of Parliament for Mazowe North who is also the complainant in the case.

Police at Chombira instituted investigations into the matter resulting in the arrest of the accused who failed to account for the stolen bags valued at US$4 600 which has not since been recovered

Source - Byo24News