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Matebeleland mourns Chief Marupi

by Staff reporter
4 hrs ago | Views
A dark cloud has fallen over the Matebeleland region following the death of Chief Marupi, born Oaheng Nare, who passed away on Sunday in Harare after a short illness. The 28-year-old traditional leader's untimely demise has left the community in shock, especially coming just days after armed robbers raided his homestead, stealing his newly allocated Isuzu double-cab official vehicle, R2,700, and two mobile phones.

Chief Marupi was installed in 2012, succeeding his father, Lawrence, who had died four years prior. His sudden passing marks a significant loss not only for Matabeleland South but for the nation as a whole. Minister of Provincial Affairs and Devolution, Evelyn Ndlovu, expressed her sorrow, highlighting that the province has lost a young leader still in the process of learning from his elders.

"We have lost a young leader, not only in this province, but to the nation at large. Chiefs are under the Ministry of Local Government, so it is a loss to the government as well," said Minister Ndlovu. "We are not sure of the cause of his death; we will wait for the post-mortem results. His death comes a few weeks after we lost Chief Kandana as well."

Chief Kandana of Bulilima district passed away last month at the age of 72 due to a short illness, compounding the sense of loss felt within the community.

Chief Mtshane Khumalo, president of the Chiefs' Council, also mourned the loss of Chief Marupi, expressing disbelief over the premature death of such a young leader. "It is sad. He was still young. We do not expect the young to die at such a young age. We do not know if his death is related to that unfortunate incident which he met," he said.

Gwanda resident Siduduzile Masilela echoed the community's sentiments, expressing shock at the unexpected passing. "It is so sad that we have lost such a young and vibrant traditional leader. We did not hear about his illness," he remarked.

Chief Mathema voiced his sorrow, stating, "I cannot say anything for now. It's painful." Meanwhile, Victor Vodloza Sibanda, chairperson of the Gwanda Anti-Stock Theft Association (GASTA), who is also a subject of Chief Marupi, lamented the loss, stressing that the community had looked to him for guidance in development and crime prevention initiatives.

"We are saddened by our chief's death and we send our condolences to the family and the community. We were looking up to him for many things that would develop our community and prevent crime," Sibanda said. "The GASTA is shocked by this untimely death. Chief Marupi had started the work of gathering his people to form structures of GASTA in all villages to fight crime, particularly stock theft and violence."

In light of the recent robbery at his homestead, police have launched investigations into the incident involving armed gunmen. Chief Marupi had recently received his official vehicle from the government during a ceremony officiated by President Emmerson Mnangagwa in Harare, further highlighting the gravity of the loss felt by the community.

As tributes continue to pour in, Chief Marupi's legacy as a young leader committed to the development of his community will not be forgotten. The Matabeleland region stands united in mourning the loss of a promising traditional leader.

Source - newsday
More on: #Marupi, #Chief, #Dies