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MRP blasts Munhumutapa over private member bill

by Stephen Jakes
4 hrs ago | Views
Mthwakazi Republic Party leader Mqondisi Moyo has blasted 'King Munhumutapa' Timothy Chiminya over his private member bill tabled in parliament seeking to take traditional leaders' authority from the local government.

The bill was tabled in parliament last week.

Moyo said the bill proposing the amendment of Section 283 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe to transfer the powers of appointing traditional chiefs from the Minister of Local Government to the King of the Munhumutapa Kingdom is on one side a thinly veiled attempt to undermine the cultural heritage and autonomy of the Mthwakazi people.

"By installing a Mashonaland king as the patron of Mthwakazi cultural heritage, the Zimbabwean government is effectively erasing the rich history and identity of our people. This move is a continuation of the long-standing suppression of Mthwakazi culture, which has been consistently blocked or hijacked by the Zimbabwean state since independence, it has no nation-building agenda at all and does not qualify for multiculturalism therefore does not make Zimbabwe united or any better in terms of social unrests that have bedevilled the country," he said.

"MRP vehemently opposes this bill, which lacks judicial basis and is driven by political motivations. We urge our lawmakers to take immediate action to discredit and challenge this move on legal grounds. It's crucial that we protect our cultural identity and autonomy by fighting any semblance of Mthwakazi historical and cultural annihilation. This is one of them and is deliberate in application."

"The bill undermines the right of the Mthwakazi people to self-determination and cultural expression. Imposition of Shona Culture: This move perpetuates the imposition of Shona culture on Mthwakazi, further marginalizing our people. Lack of Judicial Basis: The bill's legal framework is flawed, and its passage would set a dangerous precedent."

He said interestingly Zimbabwe is admitting to a two-nation state -Mutapa (Shona State) is in the creation; Zimbabwe's recent creation of a Mutapa fund by ED Mnangagwa , and the ongoing rallies behind the Mutapa Kingdom and it's systems , reveals their knowledge of two nation state in Zimbabwe, contradicting their denial of Mthwakazi's right to a king and autonomy.

"In my view Zimbabwe has conceded to the pressure of a two nation state and in retrospect are now preparing for their new Mutapa state. Meaning Zimbabwe was never a creation of its own people, it was a scam.Unfortunately in Mthwakazi most people are still blind to this reality of a two state nation," he said.

"We call upon our people, especially our lawmakers, to Reject the bill and protect Mthwakazi's cultural heritageļ¼Œ Demand recognition of our right to self-determination and autonomy and Challenge the Zimbabwean government's attempts to impose Shona culture on Mthwakazi."

"Why was this Bill not created when the Coronation of Bulelani Khumalo was blocked by the High Court on 02 March 2018 on a matter that was presided by Justice Makonese; furthermore we have argued as Mthwakazi people that the fact that traditional leaders are covered under the Zimbabwean constitution, automatically the King is covered because he is also a traditional leader and apparently all the Chiefs in Mthwakazi were created from Kings Mambo, Mzilikazi and Lobhengula . Shonas have had no King hence their trying to create it."

Source - Byo24News