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ED2030 a reality as Zanu-PF passes resolution amend the Constitution

by Staff reporter
3 hrs ago | Views
Former Deputy Information Minister and current ZANU PF Member of Parliament for Bikita South, Energy Mutodi, announced that the ruling party has resolved to amend the constitution to extend President Emmerson Mnangagwa's rule beyond the 2028 limit. This resolution was passed during the ongoing ZANU PF People's Conference in Bulawayo, which is set to conclude today.

Mutodi shared the development on social media platform X (formerly Twitter), stating, "ZANU PF People’s Conference passes resolution for Parliament to amend Constitution allowing President Emmerson Mnangagwa to stay in office until 2030. Other resolutions include the need for meritocracy for all appointments, the digitalization of party cell registers among others."

The proposed amendment has sparked discussions about the implications for Zimbabwe's political landscape, as it would effectively allow President Mnangagwa to extend his presidency for an additional two years beyond his current term limit. This move is seen by some as a consolidation of power within the party, while critics may view it as an affront to democratic principles.

In addition to the term extension, the conference has also addressed other significant issues, including the need for merit-based appointments within the party and the digitalization of party cell registers. These resolutions reflect ZANU PF's efforts to modernize its operations and ensure greater transparency in its internal processes.

As the conference wraps up, the focus will now shift to how these resolutions will be implemented and the potential impact they may have on the upcoming political landscape in Zimbabwe. The party's commitment to extending President Mnangagwa's rule has raised eyebrows, with many keenly observing the unfolding political dynamics as the country approaches its next election cycle.

Source - byo24nes