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Zanu-PF unanimous on extending President's term of office

by Staff reporter
3 hrs ago | Views
In a unanimous decision at the ZANU-PF's 21st National People's Conference held at the Zimbabwe International Trade Fair grounds yesterday, party delegates resolved to extend President Emmerson Mnangagwa's term of office until 2030. This resolution aims to allow the President to complete ongoing development programs and achieve Vision 2030, a framework for transforming Zimbabwe's socio-economic landscape.

ZANU-PF's Secretary for Legal Affairs, Patrick Chinamasa, presented the resolution, which received broad support from thematic committees and representatives from Zimbabwe's ten provinces. "That the President and First Secretary of ZANU-PF, His Excellency ED Mnangagwa's term of office, as President of the Republic of Zimbabwe and First Secretary of ZANU-PF, be extended beyond 2028 to 2030," said Chinamasa, sparking applause among delegates.

Addressing the legal feasibility of the extension, Chinamasa explained that two constitutional amendments and national referendums would be necessary. The first amendment would remove the current fixed term limit for the presidency, while the second would waive the restriction on President Mnangagwa from serving beyond 2028. "The constitutional Bills must be separate; not in one constitutional Bill," Chinamasa clarified.

The proposal for term extension is fueled by the party's desire to see President Mnangagwa continue his transformative work. Under his leadership, Zimbabwe has made significant strides in infrastructure, economic stabilization, and agriculture, prompting widespread support for his continued presidency.

Chinamasa noted, however, that President Mnangagwa himself had expressed a reluctance to extend his tenure. "I was granted a meeting in August, where I raised the issue... I was given an answer, but I was not satisfied," he said, explaining that he consulted the President several times on the matter, most recently last Tuesday. Each time, President Mnangagwa reaffirmed his intention to step down at the end of his term in 2028, despite the party's resolution.

The conference also adopted other resolutions, including measures to improve living standards, strengthen Zimbabwe's currency, and accelerate youth land allocations. Notably, the party called on the government to enhance the purchasing power of the Zimbabwe Gold currency and to expedite the 10-hectare land allocations for youths in each district. Additionally, delegates resolved to push for timely agricultural input distribution to boost food security and urged the government to engage Britain on its commitment to contribute financially toward compensating white former commercial farmers.

The conference's resolutions underscore ZANU-PF's focus on economic empowerment, self-sufficiency, and sustained development in the coming years, as the party seeks to solidify its commitment to President Mnangagwa's Vision 2030 framework.

Source - The Sunday Mail