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Woman sues boyfriend over ulunyoka

by Staff Reporter
01 Aug 2013 at 15:20hrs | Views
A woman from Pumula South suburb has approached Bulawayo Civil court seeking compensation from her boyfriend after he put ulunyoka on her.

Ulunyoka is apparently a spell of some sort on a lover or spouse by their partner often as a deterrent against extra marital affairs.

It is assumed to cause lovers to become stuck during lovemaking.

In her submissions, Lindiwe Chikoto (30)said she suffered humiliation and trauma after Milton Moyo fenced her yet they are not legally married.

"Me and the respondent have been cohabiting for five years. He never made any attempts to solemnize the union meaning we are just lovers.

"As a result of possessiveness, he put ulunyoka on me and I got stuck to my 23 year old lover," she submitted.

Chikoto said what she finds funny is that Moyo punished her for using her 'God given anatomy.'

"I find it funny that Milton decided to detect how I should use my God given private part," she wrote on her affidavit.

Chikoto is demanding $5000 from Moyo for humiliating her and trying to control how she should use her private part.

In addition, she made it known to the court that she has cut ties with Moyo because she 'cannot continue to stay in abusive relationship where everything is detected to her.'

Source - Newsbite