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Former Zimra official up for $75 000 fraud

by Court Reporter
10 Oct 2013 at 05:17hrs | Views
A FORMER Zimbabwe Revenue Authority employee who allegedly swindled the revenue collection authority of more than $75 000 after originating fake documents has appeared in court.

Terrence Mukuze (40) of 3 Ifield Avenue in Mabelreign, Harare, was not formally charged with fraud when he appeared before Harare magistrate Mr Elijah Makomo who remanded him to October 16 on $500 bail.

As part of his bail conditions, Mukuze was ordered to reside at the given address, report once every week to the police and surrender his travel documents.

Prosecutor Mr Tungamirai Chakurira alleges that Mukuze was employed by Zimra as a revenue specialist at Nyamapanda Border Post since April 2010 before his resignation on September 7 this year when the offence was discovered.

It is alleged that his duties included processing of import and export bill of entries and clearing commercial consignments. In June 2012, Waverley Blankets (Pvt) Ltd imported bed sheets material valued at $50 140 from China which was to be kept in a bonded warehouse in Harare with a guarantee of $75 481,64 in customs duty, the court heard.

The customs duty was to be paid upon removal of the goods from the warehouse, it is alleged. In December 2012, Mukuze allegedly took advantage of his position at Zimra before he connived with Waverley Blankets manager Lakshmi Boddapati who is still at large to originate a fictitious export in bond.

The export in bond entry number, R1929, the court was told, was dated December 12 2012 and it purported that the sheets material imported by Waverley Blankets was further exported to Malawi when it was used within Zimbabwe.

Mr Chakurira alleges that Mukuze went on to capture details of the false export bond entry at Nyamapanda Border Post which he handed to his accomplice for record purposes when in actual fact the imported material was diverted for use at Waverley Blankets in Harare.

As a result Zimra was prejudiced of $75 481, 64 in unpaid duty and nothing was recovered.

Source - herald
More on: #Zimra, #Fraud