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Woman attacks mother-in-law with an axe over 'witchcraft'

by Staff reporter
15 Apr 2014 at 13:11hrs | Views
In an incident that left the court gallery shell shocked, an elderly Eskbank farm woman ran amok after attacking her mother- in- law with an axe after accusing her of witchcraft, a court heard on Monday.

The accused, Berita Soveti (55) of Eskbank farm in Harare, stood bewildered in the dock while appearing before Magistrate Tendai Mahwe at the Harare Magistrates' Courts.

She was arrested on April 12 2014, the same day the offence was committed. She faces attempted murder charges.

Allegations against the accused are that she attacked her mother-in-law (name not supplied) while wielding an axe. The two stay together at the farm compound.

She struck the victim repeatedly on her limbs, resulting on her sustaining deep cuts that required medical attention.

According to facts availed in court, Soveti dreamt of a snake in her mother- in-law's house and the dream did not go down well with her as she  took as a sign of witchcraft by her mother-in-law.

The following morning, she ran berserk and attacked her mother-in-law brutally with an axe, resulting in her sustaining multiple injuries for which she later sought treatment at a hospital.

The matter was reported at Marlborough police station, leading to the arrest of the accused. Soveti was found in possession of the alleged weapon which will be used as exhibit in court.

Prosecutor Sharon Mashavire advised the court to remand Soveti in custody, considering the nature of crime she was facing.

Mashavire also highlighted that the accused might abscond trial due to the gravity of the offence.

The magistrate ordered the state to provide two medical practitioners to ascertain the accused's sanity.

The trial continues on April 22 2014.

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Source - Zim Mail
More on: #Witchcraft, #Court