News / National
Shamuyarira burial - Live update
07 Jun 2014 at 12:01hrs | Views

14:05 - Close of Bulawayo 24 live update of Nathan Shamuyarira's burial at the National Heroes Acre.
14:03 - Service Chiefs lay their wreaths: Defence Forces first, Police Commissioner, Commissioner General of Prisons.
14:00 - Chief Justice Chidyausiku also follows
13:58 - Next is Edna Madzonge President of the Sanate followed by Jacob Mudenda Speaker of the National Assembly, then Simon Khaya Moyo Chairman of ZANU PF.
13:56 - President Mugabe assisted by wife Grace Mugabe lays the first wreath followed by VP Mujuru
13:55 - Time to lay the wreaths
13:48 - While the coffin is being lowered into the grave ZANU PF youth on the terraces go into song and dance denouncing opposition MDC parties so loud interfering with the proceedings at the grave site.
13:47 - The gun salute has been done and the coffin now being lowered into the grave.
Family handed over the National Flag.
13:45 - Finally the coffin gets to the grave site after a 15 minute march.
(Graves at the heroes acre gradually getting far from the stage.)
13:30 - Coffin being carried to the grave site led by President Mugabe and family members.
13:25 - Church choir on the stage singing "Sizowanyathela amadimoni"
13:25 - The coffin being prepared to be moved to the final resting place of Nathan Shamuyarira.
13:22 - [Mugabe] Congratulates Shamuyarira once again for the work he did for the country before ending his speech wish the late Shamuyarira to rest in eternal peace.
13:20 - [Mugabe] Jokes about how people in Goliath's army fled when their leader was slain by David saying that Zimbabwe's struggles never end by the deaths of its heroes.
13:17 - He [Mugabe] says Nathan did not go to school and brag about going to school like Edison Zvobgo who would boast that degrees have no more space in his home.
13:14 - "It is a damned fool who says I am educated and know everything that is knowledge."
13:13 - "Education did not make Nathan an egoist, an egoist is one who thinks that what he thinks is right nothing else. If you are educated that way I say damn you"
13:10 - [Mugabe] Says media must be stopped from dividing the people
13:09 - [Mugabe] Says media must uphold the right to relious choices but religions must also remain within the laws and culture of the country.
13:08 - Congratulates Shamuyarira from turning the Zimbabwean media from the white partisan media to the pro black media. Says that this will be the kind of media that they shall make sure remains in place.
13:07 - [Mugabe] Addresses the late Shamuyarira thanking him of the hard work he gave to the causes of the struggle for Zimbabwe. He says the youth of Zimbabwe should emulate the tiresome work that Shamuyarira did.
13:06 - [Mugabe] Returns to his written speech again
13:02 - Explains that because of the land holdership by the people the 51% share holding on industries that deal with Zimbabwean resources will not be reversed. He says the attitude should not to stick to 51% but aim at 100% ownership of industries that tape resources within Zimbabwe.
12:58 - [Mugabe] Says that Zimbabwe's socialism can not focus on industrialisation but on rural agriculture where the people are. Says its false reports that 75% of Zimbabweans are not employed because people are busy on the land.
12:57 - [Mugabe] Explains how he and Shamuyarira took studies in socialism, Marxist and Leninist which empowered the working class. He says that Zimbabwe's socialism is different as the majority of the people are peasants and the factories in Zimbabwe are not as advanced as those in Europe where land is being consumed by urbanisation.
12:54 - [Mugabe] Explains the last moment he was with Shamuyarira who then could no longer speak but his widow Dorothy was there by his bed side throughout.
1252 - Mugabe turns to the written speech in English!
12:49 - [Mugabe] Equates ZANU PF to a barner of seed which gets infested by pests and says there are pests also within ZANU PF that are trying to destroy the party from within and they will do all they can to remove the pests from within ZANU PF
12:48 - [Mugabe] Says that Shamuyarira was a big farmer who believed in breading his own seed not GMO seed.
12:44 - [Mugabe] Says that the struggle for independence was to give Zimbabweans the right to the country's resources and noone from outside can come and claim the resources from Zimbabwe.
Outsiders can only be given a share of the resources by the people here not for foreigners to come and grab the resources.
12:40 - [Mugabe] Explains that they appointed Shamuyarira into Information and publicity because he was straight forward. Warns those that are now sending information and publicity to divide the people as it is against his party's policies. "That's not ideology is destructive ideology"
12:38 - Explains that ZAPU and ZANU were never rivals but brothers in the same struggle only differing in the methodology and leadership in the struggle that's why the parties managed to reunite in 1987 to form one party.
12:35 - Narrates that the heroes who lie at the heroes acre sacrificed their lives for the struggle for Zimbabwe. "Kwete zvitototo zveMDC".
12:33 - [Mugabe] Explains that the liberation struggle had a purpose to liberate the masses of Zimbabwe not to for personal benefits of those that fought in the war. "That's why we were prepared to die."
12:30 - [Mugabe] - "That's the struggle, that's where we came from."
12:28 - [Mugabe] Narrates how the parties started regrouping in preparation for independence with ZANU regrouping in Mozambique which was when Shamuyarira rejoined them in Mozambique from overseas colleges.
12:25 - Only when Margret Thetcher's Conservative party took over did real talks come into place in 1979 at Lancaster House.
12:25 - [Mugabe] Explains how the British Labour government in 1977 to 78 tried to divide the Patriotic movement causing confusion to the liberation struggle in the the 2 years.
12:23 - Nathan Shamuyarira was at school all this time after quiting the Chikerema led FROLIZI.
12:22 - [Mugabe] - Ndabaningi Sithole envious of the Patriotic Party pulled out of Muzorewa's ANC and formed his own ZANU Ndonga leading to parties going to the Geneva Convention in four parts.
12:20 - [Mugabe] - Julius Nyerere encouraged the parties to go to Geneva as a united Patriotic Party instead of divided parties.
12:15 [Mugabe] Explains how Julius Nyerere tried to convince ZAPU and ZANU to go for the Geneva talks while the parties were refusing to go unless and until all political prisoners both in Zimbabwe and Zambia were released.
12:10 - He [Mugabe] explains how Zapu and Zanu refused to be party of the temporary Zimbabwe - Rhodesia arrangement
12:05 - Mugabe narrates how destructive Chikerama was resulting in ZANU breaking into pieces bringing about four political parties fighting against colonialism ZAPU, ZANU, ANC led by Mzorewa and FROLIZI.
12:03 - Mugabe castigates James Chikerema for attempting to destroy Zanu including Shamuyarira resulting in the formation of Frolizi
11:55 - President Mugabe called to address the nation
11:50 - Touching singing from the Methodist Church Choir
11:41 - Family confirms that Shamuyarira was a man of his word and never doubted speaking what was on his mind as it is.
11:38 - Family representative Lovermore Chihota addresses the gathering
11:28 - Methodist church pastor leads the devotions.
11:25 - Coffin put in position in front of the tomb of the unknown soldier.
11:15 - Body of the late Shamuyarira arrives.
11:10 - President Mugabe arrives accompanied by Grace Mugabe.
Source - Byo24News