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KPMG to lead ZBC turnaround

by Staff reporter
07 Jul 2014 at 08:38hrs | Views

KPMG South Africa is playing the leading role in crafting a ZBC turnaround strategy that will see retrenchment, retraining and hiring of personnel with digital compliant skills.

Information Minister Jonathan Moyo said KPMG is currently finalising the strategy in anticipation of the digitalisation programme.

He said the ministry is currently looking at ways to raise $173 million required fromc  the digitalisation project before the June 2015 deadline.

Moyo said so far ZBC has only digitalised 14 of its 24 transmission sites and needs to add another 24 site to cover 100% of the country's territory.

He also revealed KPMG Zimbabwe has completed its forensic audit at the public broadcaster and the report would be made available to the public soon.

Source - The Standard
More on: #KPMG, #ZBC