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Man dies in goblin exorcism ritual

by Staff reporter
13 Aug 2014 at 14:27hrs | Views
A 72-year old man from Gokwe died under mysterious circumstances a few minutes after a traditional healer (tsikamutanda) from Chipinge allegedly destroyed his goblin.

Members of the Mhlanga family in Mhondogori, Gokwe are yet to come to terms with the death of Punish Mhlanga who died immediately after the alleged destruction of the goblin.

The family had sought the services of a witch doctor from suspecting that neighbours were responsible for inflicting illness on their father, Punish.

Events however took a tragic turn for the worse when the tsikamutanda claimed Mhlanga's illness was of his own making and it was impossible to heal him unless the goblin was removed.

The traditional healer told the family, removing the goblin will however have dare consequences as the father would die. According to the deceased's wife, Sylivia, true to the tsikamutanda's word, Punish started vomitting blood and died fifteen minutes after the goblin had been destroyed.

The tsikamutanda was tracked and caught at Gokwe Centre where he had gone to assist another family.

Chief Njelele confirmed the incident that has left tongues wagging in Mhondongori communal lands in Gokwe South.

Meanwhile, the late Mhlanga was buried at his homestead last week.

Source - zbc
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