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Mnangagwa preparing his Presidential inauguration speech

by Itai Mushekwe
11 Nov 2014 at 06:21hrs | Views

COLOGNE - Combative justice minister, Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa, is already now allegedly preparing his inauguration speech, as the second Republic President of Zimbabwe, as the coast has been cleared, for him to replace President Robert Mugabe, The Telescope News reported on Tuesday.

This publication reported early this year, that top army chiefs had struck a deal with Mnangagwa, to enable him to ascend to State House, and that calculated plan is now in motion, intelligence sources have revealed.

Mnangagwa appears to have scored early, against his number one nemesis, Vice President, Joice Mujuru in the race to succeed Mugabe. There are unconfirmed reports that Mujuru had tendered her resignation as VP to Mugabe yesterday morning, but Mugabe is said to have declined.

Furthermore, the State media has now gone for the kill, in soiling Mujuru as a very corrupt leader, who is unfit to lead the country, following a chicken scandal story published today nailing her as having directed secretary of agriculture, Ringson Chitsiko, to issue her family business with a permit to import chickens from Brazil against a government embargo.

We also have been briefed that some "influential security elements" are mounting pressure to force Mugabe to call off Zanu PF's elective congress, slated for the first week of December, and inaugurate Mnangagwa to finish his current term of office, which runs until 2018.

"Political developments in the country, are changing at rocket speed, and we must not be shocked if Mugabe steps down any day from now," one of them said. "There is now increased pressure for Mugabe to call it a day, because the military just want this succession issue urgently resolved, to avoid a coup or civil unrest. On the other hand Mnangagwa is ready to take over, with a well known government press official having tasked to skillfully word his inauguration speech."

Mnangagwa is reportedly also said to be preparing a cabinet, which might see the invitation of former prime minister Morgan Tsvangirai, and former finance minister, Simba Makoni, into his government.