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MDC Renewal condemns arrest of Mangoma

by Stephen Jakes
14 May 2015 at 01:23hrs | Views

The MDC Renewal has condemned the arrest of its senior member former Energy Minister Elton Mangoma by the police describing it as triumphed up action by the police on behalf of the government which is struggling to revive the economic due to misrule.

MDC Renewal Jacob Mafume said the arrest of  Mangoma  for Criminal Abuse of Office is being the policeshift of charges like offals in a dish.

"Those of us with telescopic eyes watched with a sense of premonition as the Air Zimbabwe duo were convicted of criminal abuse of office," said Mafume.

"In the twisted society that is Zimbabwe the corrupt have found a new arsenal in their bag of tools criminal abuse of office .They will use this provision until the upright are in prison and the corrupt reign supreme. The irony is that they are passing a bill in parliament in a giant criminal abuse of the institution."

He said the reserve bank debts are $1,5 billion and no explanation on how it was used .

"The classic being the 40 million taken from Meikles where the Bill says and I quote "used for Unkown reasons by management ".

"This is the Zimbabwe we are in, a real life Gotham city without batman. The evil people control the reigns of justice and dispense injustice like confetti at a wedding," said Mafume.

Mangoma was arrested on Tuesday and has been released on $1000 bail.

Source - Byo24News
More on: #MDC_Renewa, #Mangoma