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Prophet Magaya crusade creates excitement in SA

by Staff reporter
02 Oct 2015 at 06:28hrs | Views
Believers break into song and dance at Prophet Walter Magaya's PHD Ministries crusade in Pretoria, South Africa, yesterday. - (Picture by Innocent Makawa)
THERE was palpable anticipation and excitement in the air from thousands of worshippers who thronged Tshwane Stadium for the Prophetic Healing and Deliverance Ministries crusade that was set to start last night under the leadership of Prophet Walter Magaya. Several people, including the physically challenged, came in anticipation of deliverance from Prophet Magaya.

Gates were opened at around 1300 and queues had already formed as people came early to get seats from a vantage position. Long and winding queues could be seen as early as mid-morning and by around 1700 hours, people were still trooping into the venue.

People who came were Zimbabweans resident in South Africa, South Africans and other foreigners from neighbouring countries such as Namibia, Lesotho and Swaziland. People were being entertained by praise and worship choir while they were waiting for Prophet Magaya to come to the venue.

The presence of Prophet Magaya generated a lot of interest in South Africa, whose arrival at Johannesburg OR Tambo International Airport caused a stir as several people jostled to have a glimpse of him.

The arrival lobby was a hive of activity on Wednesday evening when he arrived, drawing attention from travellers, cabin crews among others who were taken by surprise.

Prophet Magaya predicted a bumber crowd on Tuesday when he addressed congregates at his Waterfalls base in Harare before leaving for Pretoria.

Source - the herald
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