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Zanu-PF is satanic and barbaric, says MDC-T

by Staff reporter
11 Jan 2016 at 06:59hrs | Views
The main opposition MDC has savaged Zanu-PF as "satanic" for its alleged insensitivity to the suffering of Zimbabweans who live in squalor and abject poverty while "chefs" feast on caviar and champagne.

It also said the country had slid into the abyss over the past 36 years due to President Robert Mugabe and Zanu-PF's misrule.

The MDC made these scathing comments as a recent Zimbabwe Poverty Atlas report - whose research was carried out by Zimstat, the World Bank and the United Nation's Children Fund - said some districts such as Nkayi were facing an astronomical poverty prevalence of 95,6 percent.

Of particular concern to the MDC, it said, is the fact that the government which is now calling for national prayers, has not supported church-led initiatives such as those relating to missing democracy activist Itai Dzamara.

MDC spokesperson Obert Gutu said Zanu-PF should desist from "masquerading as a God-fearing party when history is littered with examples of their atrocities".

"Isn't it very ironic that the very same government that has in the past ruthlessly and savagely clamped down on Zimbabweans gathering to pray for Itai Dzamara's safe return is now calling upon Zimbabweans to pray for rain as well as for the country's various socio-economic challenges to be redeemed?

"As the MDC, we have always been a God-fearing political party and this is the main reason why we actively participated in the Itai Dzamara prayers.

"Whilst the government's call for prayers should be applauded, we should also condemn the same government for displaying double standards.

"God is a jealous God and He doesn't allow His name to be taken in vain.

"The Zanu-PF regime is essentially satanic and thus, they should be the last people to masquerade as a God-fearing government,'' Gutu said.

The government pleaded with churches last week to pray for rains as millions of Zimbabweans face hunger and an uncertain future.

Gutu also equated the Zanu-PF government, which has violently crushed demonstrations in the past few weeks, to a "terrorist organisation".

"It is apparent that the Zanu-PF regime is afraid of the people of Zimbabwe.

"The regime is now paranoid as it is acutely aware of the fact that millions of Zimbabweans are living in abject poverty and destitution as a direct result of the regime's misrule, unmitigated corruption and misgovernance.

"Typical of all dictatorial and fascist regimes, the Zanu-PF government is determined to use brute force and violence in order to unconstitutionally stop Zimbabweans from exercising their constitutional right to stage peaceful demonstrations," Gutu said.

Source - Daily News
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