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Student suspended over MDC-T demo

by Staff reporter
24 Aug 2016 at 07:45hrs | Views

MIDLANDS State University (MSU) has suspended one student for participating in an MDC-T protest against President Robert Mugabe's alleged misrule while holding a placard with an inscription that all students at the institution supported the labour-backed party.

Archibald Madida was pictured early this month while holding a placard carrying the MSU logo side by side with that of the MDC-T and inscribed "MSU students 100% behind MDC-T" during a jobs protest.

In a suspension letter dated August 17 signed by Vice-Chancellor Ngwabi Bhebe, MSU said Madida's conduct was likely to be harmful to the interests of the university and was in contravention of section 3.1.4 of Ordinance No 2 of 2000.

"The MSU logo was not sanctioned by the Vice-Chancellor for such a purpose," part of the letter read.

"In terms of Section 8, subsection 3 (d) of the State University in the Midlands Act Chapter 25.21 of 1999, I now hereby suspend you from the Midlands State University.

"An investigation into your case will be carried out as a matter of urgency and you shall be called to a student disciplinary committee set up in terms of section 27 of the State University in the Midlands Act Chapter 25.21."
Madida was ordered to vacate the university premises upon receipt of the letter, not attend any lecture or participate in any university programme.

"Any violation of any part of this suspension letter will constitute a breach of the regulations, which will attract further charges," the letter added.

Madida, a second-year History and International Studies student, yesterday confirmed receiving the letter and that he was already out of MSU, but refused to give further information saying his lawyer was handling the case.

Zimbabwe National Students' Union (Zinasu) spokesperson Zivai Mhetu blasted the MSU administration for taking advantage of "MSU's draconian ordinance No. 2 of 2000" to victimise students.

"The MSU VC is exercising draconian powers afforded to him by the Midlands University Act and the various ordinances that govern his institution," he said.

Zinasu secretary for legal affairs Privilege Kandira said the practice of suspending students pending investigations was archaic and only worked to disadvantage students before they were proved guilty.

Source - newsday
More on: #Student, #Demo, #MDC-T