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Fraud 'prophet' jailed

by Andile Tshuma
25 Aug 2016 at 08:11hrs | Views
A SELF-STYLED prophet has been jailed for stealing more than $100 from his client's Eco-cash account.

Dzingirai Damiso (31) of Emganwini suburb in Bulawayo appeared before Western Commonage magistrate Mr Abednico Ndebele facing two counts of theft for transferring the money from the Ecocash account of his client, Mr Charles Amungani (59), who had approached him for spiritual healing.

He pleaded guilty and was jailed for 12 months.Three months were suspended on condition that he does not commit a similar crime within five years.

"You claim to be a prophet, a man of God, but your actions do not tally with your claims. You should not take the name of the good Lord in vain. You are sentenced to 12 months in prison," said magistrate Ndebele.

Prosecuting, Mr Busani Moyo said on July 17, Mr Amungani went to Damiso's residence for spiritual healing and was accompanied by his two daughters.

"The complainant was instructed to pay $25 for products that were to be used for the healing session. The complainant offered to make the payment via Ecocash and gave the accused his phone and pin number for him to effect the transaction as he was not very conversant with using Ecocash," said Mr Moyo.

Damiso then transferred more than he had been instructed to. "Thereafter on July 17 he transferred another amount, $27, to his former wife's phone without the complainant's consent. The accused transferred a total of $54 instead of $25 as per agreement.

"On July 24, 2016, the complainant went to the accused's residence for another session. Upon arrival, he was told to hand over his phone for safe keeping as the place of worship was sacred, and thus, mobile phones were not allowed," said Mr Moyo. "He used the pin code he had been given on July 17 to transfer $100 to his former wife's phone without the complainant's consent."

Mr Amungani realised that he had been defrauded two weeks later and reported the matter to the police.The stolen money was not recovered.

Source - chronicle