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Zanu PF thugs brutalise ZimPF members

by Stephen Jakes
26 Sep 2016 at 03:17hrs | Views
Zanu PF thugs yesterday (Sunday) reportedly attacked Zimbabwe People First members including Retired Brigadier General Agrippa Mutambara and left them with bruises and injuries.

The party posted on Facebook that Zanu PF thugs were at it again.

"We shall not be deterred!!! No amount of violence or intimidation will derail the freedom train!!," read the post.

"Rtd Brig Gen Agrippa Mutambara and other ZimPF supporters were brutally and savagely attacked by axe wielding Zanu-PF youths who had invaded builder Obert Mutasa's plot at Dunaventy farm in Guruve. While Mugabe is talking of UN reforms and threatening to pull Africa out of the UN, his supporters are brutalising opposition political party supporters. A landcruiser 200 series belonging to Builder Wilbert Mubaiwa had its rear windscreen smashed and a Toyota saloon belonging to Builder Manyika was burnt by the Zanu-PF merchants of violence."

"Let's stay steadfast, let's build. We are the future."

Source - Byo24News