News / Press Release
Mugabe resignation not the end of democratic revolution
22 Nov 2017 at 18:48hrs | Views

Revolutionary greetings dear cdes. The resignation of President Robert Gabriel Mugabe is not the end of the democratic revolution, but the beginning.
We can celebrate his resignation, but if we are not careful the rise to power by Emmerson Dambudzo Munangagwa might consign us from the desert to hell. He is not by an inch better than his predecessor. His active involvement in reign of terror precipitated upon the masses by the army and the police in the elections in the past two decades and the looting of diamonds and farms makes him an unfit candidate for this job.
The soft coup engineered by himself and the army confirmed that the army is Zanu Pf and Zanu Pf is the army. In an ideal democracy the army is non partisan and the honest custodian of the constitution and the protector of the people. This dirty relationship between the army and Zanu must be brought to an end.
The Zimbabwe Defense Forces (ZDF) has proved beyond any reasonable doubt that they are a Mnangagwa structure, abandoning its mandate of being non partisan. Their double standards are evident, as not so long ago, they remained silent when Mnangagwa, with the backing of the G40 cabal, victimised Dr Mujuru, a woman whose liberation war credentials are clear to everyone. This kind of behavior by the ZDF is a cause for concern, and the reason why people should vote for a people centered NPP.
Munangagwa must acknowledge the role played by the masses and the opposition. We did not do that to support his accession to power, but to remove a tyranny from power. He can not use the masses and the opposition as a ladder for his climb to the highest political office.
Since he was assisted by the opposition and the masses in general to achieve his political dream, the only way he can thank them is through an inclusive transitional government.
The inclusive transitional government must work on electoral reforms before the upcoming elections. The whole electoral system must refurbished because it fevours Zanu Pf. No elections will be held wothout these reforms which are meant to level up the playing field and ensure free and fair elections.
The elections can not be deferred because at this moment deferred elections mean deferred democracy coupled with freedom.
NPP rallies behind president Joice Mujuru. She has made it unadulteratedly clear that she wont go back to Zanu Pf. This shows that she is consent with her new political home and knows what she wants- removing from power the demonic church of Baal-Zanu Pf.
Comrades we have moved a step further through removing a defiant demon from power. Let us therefore work together to remove the whole army of demons from power. As long as the diabolic party- Zanu Pf is still in power we shall not be free indeed. We cant keep returning to the same script, same act scenario. The accession to power by Munangagwa is a mere change of personalities at the helm of our politics and the continuation of the same system of looting, ill governance, repression and election manupulation.
Since Munangagwa claims to be a born again politician, we challenge him to declare his assets. We want to make sure he is now an agent of good governance who wont continue enriching himself and his family with public resources. This is a new era of good governance hence we cant risk being led by the Judases who love money, fame and power more than the plight of the citizens. It is this sense that Tokunboh Adeyemo asserted thay if the people in leadership are intellectually and morally bankrupt and moribund, chances are that the nation, institution or organization will be unprogressive and backward.
To end this system, there is a need for coaliations leading to concerted effort towards the removal of Zanu Pf from power. United we stand and divided we fall comrades.
The Promised Land is nigh. Let us soldier on tirelessly till we attain pure freedom.
Victory is certain, alluta continua cdes.
NPP National Youth Spokesperson Khulani David Ndhlovu
We can celebrate his resignation, but if we are not careful the rise to power by Emmerson Dambudzo Munangagwa might consign us from the desert to hell. He is not by an inch better than his predecessor. His active involvement in reign of terror precipitated upon the masses by the army and the police in the elections in the past two decades and the looting of diamonds and farms makes him an unfit candidate for this job.
The soft coup engineered by himself and the army confirmed that the army is Zanu Pf and Zanu Pf is the army. In an ideal democracy the army is non partisan and the honest custodian of the constitution and the protector of the people. This dirty relationship between the army and Zanu must be brought to an end.
The Zimbabwe Defense Forces (ZDF) has proved beyond any reasonable doubt that they are a Mnangagwa structure, abandoning its mandate of being non partisan. Their double standards are evident, as not so long ago, they remained silent when Mnangagwa, with the backing of the G40 cabal, victimised Dr Mujuru, a woman whose liberation war credentials are clear to everyone. This kind of behavior by the ZDF is a cause for concern, and the reason why people should vote for a people centered NPP.
Munangagwa must acknowledge the role played by the masses and the opposition. We did not do that to support his accession to power, but to remove a tyranny from power. He can not use the masses and the opposition as a ladder for his climb to the highest political office.
Since he was assisted by the opposition and the masses in general to achieve his political dream, the only way he can thank them is through an inclusive transitional government.
The inclusive transitional government must work on electoral reforms before the upcoming elections. The whole electoral system must refurbished because it fevours Zanu Pf. No elections will be held wothout these reforms which are meant to level up the playing field and ensure free and fair elections.
NPP rallies behind president Joice Mujuru. She has made it unadulteratedly clear that she wont go back to Zanu Pf. This shows that she is consent with her new political home and knows what she wants- removing from power the demonic church of Baal-Zanu Pf.
Comrades we have moved a step further through removing a defiant demon from power. Let us therefore work together to remove the whole army of demons from power. As long as the diabolic party- Zanu Pf is still in power we shall not be free indeed. We cant keep returning to the same script, same act scenario. The accession to power by Munangagwa is a mere change of personalities at the helm of our politics and the continuation of the same system of looting, ill governance, repression and election manupulation.
Since Munangagwa claims to be a born again politician, we challenge him to declare his assets. We want to make sure he is now an agent of good governance who wont continue enriching himself and his family with public resources. This is a new era of good governance hence we cant risk being led by the Judases who love money, fame and power more than the plight of the citizens. It is this sense that Tokunboh Adeyemo asserted thay if the people in leadership are intellectually and morally bankrupt and moribund, chances are that the nation, institution or organization will be unprogressive and backward.
To end this system, there is a need for coaliations leading to concerted effort towards the removal of Zanu Pf from power. United we stand and divided we fall comrades.
The Promised Land is nigh. Let us soldier on tirelessly till we attain pure freedom.
Victory is certain, alluta continua cdes.
NPP National Youth Spokesperson Khulani David Ndhlovu
Source - Khulani David Ndhlovu