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Mnangagwa's cabinet an affront to the masses
01 Dec 2017 at 17:05hrs | Views

Revolutionary greetings dear comrades. A leopard will never change its spots. Mnangagwa has been Mugabe's right hand man since the liberation war of independence, he shall remain as such. We therefore submit that Mnangagwa's administration is nothing but an extension of Mugabe's.
Mnangagwa's cabinet is litered with the same old evil faces who are responsible for the death of the Zimbabwean economy. Their appointment is a premonition to a disaster ahead. Zimbabwe is back in the hands of jackals and hyenas.
The appointment of senior army personnel is enough proof that Mnangagwa is a puppet to the army. It is the army that takes decisions because they bought him power. He is indeed captured hence his clumsy appointment of his ministers. We reiterate that Mnangagwa is the army and the army is Mnangagwa. They belong to the same watsapp group.
If the army is in control of the country there is no gaurantee that the elections will be free and fair. The elections will be littered with violence of extra ordinary proportion. Rigging the election is a big probability.
Will Mnangagwa make some valuable electoral reforms before the elections? The answer is No. He wont because he still believe Zanu Pf was ordained by God to rule Zimbabwe until donkeys grow horns. Any threat to that will be treated with brute and force.
We cant credit Mnangagwa's statemanship account with acumanship, especially after the appointment of the same old and tired horses. Zimbabwe has very young and innovative leaders who can transfigure the economy. We truly expected Mnangagwa to invest in these young minds so as to give the economy the much needed breath of life. The recycling of old faces from the failed Mugabe era is the downfall of Mnangagwa.
The make up of his cabinet proves beyond reasonable doubt that Zanu Pf does not give credit of dethroning Mugabe to the masses and the opposition. They think it was Zanu Pf in isolation that led to the demise of the age-ravaged Maugabe. One wonders what Mnangagwa meant when he said the voice of the people is the voice of God. His cabinet is an unadulterated affront both to the masses and opposition. An inclusive cabinet is ideal for the eejuvination of the economy(atlist between now and the elections).
The masses and the opposition are now aware that the rise of Mnangagwa to power meant nothing less that a change personalities at the helm and the continuation of Magabeism. It marked the continuation of an era of active involvement of the army in politics. Dear comrades, the masses are powerful than the army and its tankers. Remember the children of Israel whose country was a geographical expression, united, marched around the strong walls of Jericho till they tumbled down on the 7th round. Dear Zimbabweans if ever there was a time for us to unite and dislodge Zanu Pf from power, this is the time.
This is the time for the opposition to form a strong alliance. I am not a political prophet, but i can prophesy that a strong opposition alliance is the only weapon that can effectively and efficiently wrestle political hegemony from Zanu Pf. It is the only weapon that can free the country from the strong and strange holds of the Satanic church of Baal-Zanu Pf.
Dear comrades this is time to unite because if we dont we shall be defeated by wounded crocodiles. Wounded as he is, Mnangagwa has shown the masses and the opposition his middle fingure. Zimbabweans you are on your own, and you are your own liberators.
As NPP youth we are wholly behind our President Dr Joice Mujuru. We support her in all her future coalition talks because we understand a strong coalition is the panacea to our problems.
Power to the people, let people govern through their servants. Victory is certain, allutta continua.
NPP National youth spokesperson Khulani David Ndhlovu
Mnangagwa's cabinet is litered with the same old evil faces who are responsible for the death of the Zimbabwean economy. Their appointment is a premonition to a disaster ahead. Zimbabwe is back in the hands of jackals and hyenas.
The appointment of senior army personnel is enough proof that Mnangagwa is a puppet to the army. It is the army that takes decisions because they bought him power. He is indeed captured hence his clumsy appointment of his ministers. We reiterate that Mnangagwa is the army and the army is Mnangagwa. They belong to the same watsapp group.
If the army is in control of the country there is no gaurantee that the elections will be free and fair. The elections will be littered with violence of extra ordinary proportion. Rigging the election is a big probability.
Will Mnangagwa make some valuable electoral reforms before the elections? The answer is No. He wont because he still believe Zanu Pf was ordained by God to rule Zimbabwe until donkeys grow horns. Any threat to that will be treated with brute and force.
We cant credit Mnangagwa's statemanship account with acumanship, especially after the appointment of the same old and tired horses. Zimbabwe has very young and innovative leaders who can transfigure the economy. We truly expected Mnangagwa to invest in these young minds so as to give the economy the much needed breath of life. The recycling of old faces from the failed Mugabe era is the downfall of Mnangagwa.
The masses and the opposition are now aware that the rise of Mnangagwa to power meant nothing less that a change personalities at the helm and the continuation of Magabeism. It marked the continuation of an era of active involvement of the army in politics. Dear comrades, the masses are powerful than the army and its tankers. Remember the children of Israel whose country was a geographical expression, united, marched around the strong walls of Jericho till they tumbled down on the 7th round. Dear Zimbabweans if ever there was a time for us to unite and dislodge Zanu Pf from power, this is the time.
This is the time for the opposition to form a strong alliance. I am not a political prophet, but i can prophesy that a strong opposition alliance is the only weapon that can effectively and efficiently wrestle political hegemony from Zanu Pf. It is the only weapon that can free the country from the strong and strange holds of the Satanic church of Baal-Zanu Pf.
Dear comrades this is time to unite because if we dont we shall be defeated by wounded crocodiles. Wounded as he is, Mnangagwa has shown the masses and the opposition his middle fingure. Zimbabweans you are on your own, and you are your own liberators.
As NPP youth we are wholly behind our President Dr Joice Mujuru. We support her in all her future coalition talks because we understand a strong coalition is the panacea to our problems.
Power to the people, let people govern through their servants. Victory is certain, allutta continua.
NPP National youth spokesperson Khulani David Ndhlovu
Source - Khulani David Ndhlovu