News / Press Release
Ndebele King's Christmas Message, 2017
24 Dec 2017 at 14:20hrs | Views

It is that time of the year when the world celebrates in different celebrations; it is time of Christmas, a celebration unknown to us as a people before the advent of the white man. This time has assumed great importance in our calendar of events. It is a time to wish each other well. It is a time to travel from diverse places to our different home areas to be with those we love. It is a time to take stock of our lives and situations. It is a time to correct mistakes and make plans for the future. It is a time to forgive and reconcile with those we have been estranged with. I take this opportunity to wish you a happy festive period and safe travel to your different destinations. I pray for the blessing of our Father in heaven, the Father of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ to be on all of you.
This festive season we are completing 124 years since our defeat and destruction of our state, kingdom and nation; leading to expropriation of our lands and all that belonged to us. Those who hate us have ruled over us these long years. Our experience is that of total helplessness. Over these years we have been victims to genocide more than two times and subject of at least three secret conspiracies. People we did not offend sat secret meetings to plan to destroy us.
Rhodes conspired with Johnson to invade our country and destroy our kingdom and way of life. These men were English citizens of a country over six thousand miles from us. They left their country and came to our country to be offended by us in our own country following our own way of life. Rhodes as Premier of the Cape in April 1889 asked the Cape government to invade Matabeleland and dispossess the Matabele of their country and possessions. He was purely driven by greed and envy; for Lord Harris in his book "The Chartered Millions" says that the Matabele had a welfare and land tenure system far advanced than that of the British, they were still wishing for a system similar to ours and were and are still to attain it.
Then the Victoria conspiracy. In this conspiracy a plan was devised to create a reason to invade Matabeleland. The white men cut the telegraph wires of their own telegraph system and blamed the Shona of that area, subjects of the King of Matabeleland. They then took the cattle which these Shona were looking after knowing fully well that the cattle did not belong to them but to the King. These white men knew that this act will incite a response from the King. The King sent a small detachment of his soldiers to enquire, with explicit instructions not to fight the white men. The white men responded insolently. When they failed to get the desired response from the soldiers who were under strict instructions not to fight they fired on them and killed Mgandani, whom they scalped in a barbaric satanic ritual. War then ensued resulting in our defeat, the last black super power of southern Africa that had checked the advance of colonialism northward for many years. Then followed the distortion and misrepresentation of our history and way of life so as to completely disorient us as advanced by a slave owner of America in 1712 called William Lynch I quote "Our EXPERTS warned us about the possibility of this phenomenon occurring, for they say that the mind has a strong drive to correct and RECORRECT itself over a period of time if it can touch some substantial original historical base: And they advised us that the best way to deal with this phenomenon is to shave off the brute's mental history and create a multiplicity of phenomena of illusions." This they did by falsifying our history and giving us false knowledge in the name of education.
Then the world, sometime in 1968-1979, during the premiership of Canada of the father of the present Canadian prime minister, took counsel where they planned to deal death to us in whole; to commit genocide. In this meeting the then Canadian prime minister, the father of Justin Trudeau, made a placid protest.
Then the Shona under the tutelage of the British crafted the grand plan in 1979. The tactics and strategies of this nefarious plan have done and are doing their baleful destructive work. Then followed many reviews of the grand plan and others. These are ongoing with no let up, despite the so called unity accord.
In 1980 started the GUKURAHUNDI genocide which when it ended a more devastating form of genocide commenced. This is subtle or covert genocide which is ongoing and intensifying. Our enemies are strong and well-resourced and have a demonic determination to extirpate us in whole and wipe out our memory.
Praise be to our Father in heaven for He loves us as a nation and has raised a King unto us. I Stanley Raphael Khumalo, anointed king on 10th September, 2017 am that King. On my anointment I assumed the title King Mzilikazi II. It is this title I am referred to and addressed as. These atrocities and conspiracies I have recounted are not exhaustive but the tip of the iceberg. I have recounted them to impress upon ourselves that we have a work to do, a work that demands our all, a work that dictates to us to commit ourselves to it sparing neither effort nor expense, a work that denies us the luxury of divisions and a multiplicity of organizations with opposing objectives. Yes there was a chapter when these myriad organizations were useful and relevant, but now that Yehovah has taken matters into His own hand and raised us a King, He has closed that chapter. Hence forth they serve a negative purpose, the purpose of our enemies. We are now by holding to our groupings, our worst enemies and delaying our destiny. I therefore appeal and entreat all groupings and individuals to coalesce under the King that Yehovah has risen for us to actuate our independence and freedom.
In that vein I appeal to my Khumalo clan and brethren to come so as to work and stand united to execute the task. There is no reason to continue seeking ITHOLE; Yehovah has raised us a King. I appeal to the Chiefs who have been set up as a committee to lead this no longer necessary work, to stop and put their energies towards working with the King to accomplish the work of reviving the nation. Their continuing is playing against the freedom of Matabeleland. The chiefs must ask themselves why those who have set them up as a committee did not do so in 1980. The nation must ask what the chiefs under the present dispensation have done for it. I appeal to the chiefs to desist from confusing the nation by continuing with a task clearly originated and sponsored by our enemies. I demand of the chiefs to come pay allegiance to the King or risk to
I now turn to the Members of Parliament and Ministers in the Zimbabwe government, who are citizens of Matabeleland. Matabeleland now has a King just as King Mzilikazi and King Lobengula were Kings. He is the only authority in Matabeleland. While performing your duties in the present dispensation you must do so within the ambits and direction set by the King so as not to work counter to the objective of liberating Matabeleland. This demands that you come and swear allegiance to the King and Matabeleland and take orders from the King. All those attached to the present dispensation in any capacity, who are citizens of Matabeleland must primarily work for the freedom of Matabeleland and swear allegiance to the King and Matabeleland. The Chiefs, MP's and Ministers must contact my office for appointments to see me individually. Letters to this effect have recently been hand delivered to the Zimbabwean Parliament, Senate and the Council of Chiefs.
To the government of Mashonaland/Zimbabwe: we desire no conflict with anyone, but desire independence and freedom as you do, we hate oppression by others as you do, we hate being ruled by foreigners and their foreign systems as you do, we desire peace and not violence as you do. Our forefathers fought to avoid foreign rule, they did not volunteer to be under the British rule, they laid down their lives in an effort to prevent foreign rule and foreign ways, but were defeated in a military weapon skewed, unfair war of 1893. They rebelled against foreign rule in 1896; this encounter ended, with a negotiated settlement. One of the terms of peace was that Matabeleland should not be joined to Mashonaland. This like all the agreements between the British and the Matabele was soon disregarded. In 1923 it was joined to Mashonaland, and that situation remained from then to date because there was no King to call the British to account. This is one of the major reasons the British are using every trick in the book to prevent the installation of the King of Matabeleland. Now Matabeleland has a King who holds the same authority held by King Mzilikazi and King Lobengula before him. He is the Sovereign Ruler of Matabeleland. The situation since 1923 has ended. We desire a meeting with your government to map your withdrawal from Matabeleland. Clearly Matabeleland was incorporated into this British construct formerly Rhodesia now Zimbabwe without her consent as a direct affront to her, which it is her responsibility to correct. This has been done by anointing King Mzilikazi II. From thence forward all Zimbabwean government officials without exception, must first ask permission from the King before entering or doing anything in Matabeleland.
To the British Queen and government: Matabeleland has a King, King Mzilikazi II, putting an end to the sorry chapter created by your progenitors through Cecil John Rhodes. King Mzilikazi II is the title by which he is referred to and addressed as. You know how your forefathers came to our land and through lying and downright dishonesty, they fomented a war to dispossess us of our country and treasure. I have written to the British Queen and her government seeking a correction of the situation but got no response. I therefore on 5 November, 2016 made declarations revoking all post 1893 agreements, licenses and arrangements, Matabeleland Order in Council and Rule by right of Conquest. We desire a meeting to deal with the treasure stolen from us by your fore bearers and reparations for war and forced colonization. We desire no conflict with you for that would be an uneven war with a predicted outcome, but we cannot continue to be prisoners and outcasts in our own country, just because your fore bearers defeated us in an uneven and unfair war. We ask you to refrain from interfering by pouring in money to confuse our people. All these measures will not solve the issue but may delay the solution. The solution lies with directly engaging the King, King Mzilikazi II. We ask you to stop using the Shona government to channel funds to some Matabele to destabilize Matabeleland and retard its restoration. Further we must deal with the genocide committed by your fore bearers in 1893 in which over twenty thousand men women and children were killed, and the genocide fomented by you since 1980 in which over 40, 000 died in the overt stage and many tens of thousands die in the covert phase that is ongoing as we speak.
To the world: we advise the community of the world that Matabeleland a country that has been under direct British rule since 1893 to 1980 and under British proxy rule since 1980 to date has a king. The King has revived the Matabele state and government, therefore all agreements, licenses arrangements entered into with the British and later the Zimbabwe government are all cancelled and rendered null and void. Any agreements will be those done with the King, King Mzilikazi II and His government. Agreements entered with Kings Mzilikazi and Lobengula will be revised to see if those who got them acted fairly and honourably.
We appeal to the world community to accept us and recognize us as an independent sovereign separate country from Mashonaland/Zimbabwe country, not obligated to any country except such obligations placed on us as a member of community of nations. We appeal to governments, organizations, men and women of goodwill far and near to give us material and moral succour and stand with us against tyranny directed at us and others elsewhere in the world.
To the many groups and formations of Matabeleland fighting for the independence of
Matabeleland; there is a King now in Matabeleland whose mandate is to ensure the revival of the kingdom and nation. King Mzilikazi II invites you and humbly entreats you to come and work with him so that there is no confusion to the nation and the world. Only when we come together and work under the guidance of the King will we quickly achieve what has been elusive since 1893. Restoration has been achieved, let me say restoration has been declared, what remains is to actuate it, we can do this by working together. I am willing to meet any grouping and formation to explain the way forward.
Finally I wish Mthwakazi, our friends and foes a happy festive season and prosperous New Year. Let's take care on the roads, let us desist from driving while drunk. May Yehovah the Father of our Lord and Saviour grant you travel mercies as you travel to and from your varied destinations. In our celebrations let us remember the poor.
I thank you! May the Lord God bless you all, abusise lo Mthwakazi! Love you all.
Source - Stanley Raphael Khumalo