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1893 MHRRM UK Matebele Genocide Demo on the 24th March 2018

by Thembani Dube, 1893 MHRRM Secretary for Information and Publicity
09 Mar 2018 at 17:44hrs | Views
The 1893 Mthwakazi Human Rights Restoration Movement's (1893 MHRRM's) UK Chapter, hereby announces that it will be holding another Matebele "Gukurahundi" Genocide Demonstration against the Zimbabwean government on the 24th March 2018. The Demonstration will take place outside Zimbabwe's UK embassy, the Zimbabwe House, located at number 429 Strand, London, WC2R 0JR from 1pm to 5pm.

The Demo will also be denouncing the on-going systematic Human Rights violations in Matebeleland. As we all know, the genocide in Matebeleland continues unabated under different forms and guises including cultural and linguistic genocide as well as the brazen confiscation of Matebele Land.

Any form of protest or assembly in Matebeleland invites beatings and arrests from the security apparatus or invites the massive deployment of armed security personnel and its heavy water tanks in the streets of Bulawayo. Last week we witnessed the massive deployment of this security apparatus against the Matebele people for wishing to exercise their Rights. We also witnessed the deployment of the Courts and all manner of Politicians to keep Matebeleland and its people under siege. We condemn this aggressive behaviour of this tyrannical regime against the people of Matebeleland in the strongest terms possible. The regime must retreat and abandon its systematic Human Rights violation forays in Matebeleland.

The Demo will also denounce the white-wash works of the compromised National Peace and Reconciliation Commission (NPRC). It has been established beyond doubt that the works of this Commission are purely whitewash in nature and are meant to cover-up for those implicated in the genocide. That Commission is not fit for purpose. It is a toothless hyena.

In that regard, the NPRC is utterly rejected, rebuffed and repudiated by the people of Matebeleland. It is a nullity as far as we are concerned. It is clear to all and sundry that its results will be adulterated. The 1893 MHRRM therefore calls for its disbanding and the urgent establishment of an international and independent Truth and Justice Commission headed by a prominent Judge to deal with the Matebeleland Genocide in an open, transparent, fair, just and independent way in order to set conditions favourable for sustainable Peace in that country.

For those who know little about the Matebele "Gukurahundi" Genocide, the following links are recommended for viewing:

Diaspora Matebele Genocide Conference Latest

Preparations for the first Diaspora Matebele Genocide Conference on 12th May 2018 in London, UK are at an advanced stage. Three high profile personalities based in Matebeleland at present will be gracing this event and the names will be revealed nearer the time.

The following are the contact telephone numbers for any queries regarding the 1893 MHRRM and the above Demo.

Tel: 07889422695/07763305905

Source - Thembani Dube, 1893 MHRRM Secretary for Information and Publicity