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1893 MHRRM set to demonstrate against Motlante Commission outside RSA embassy

by Thembani Dube, 1893 MHRRM Secretary for Information and Publicity
18 Nov 2018 at 13:38hrs | Views
The 1893 Mthwakazi(Matebeleland) Human Rights Restoration Movement is set to demonstrate against Motlante and his Commisson on the 15th December 2018 outside the UK RSA embassy for its failure to protect Matebeleland Genocide victims who testified before it about the Genocide perpetrated by the Zimbabwean government in the 80s when the Commission visited Bulawayo a few weeks ago.

As indicated above, the demonstration will take place outside the Republic of South Africa UK embassy on the 15th December 2018 from 10:00 am to 4pm. Attendees are kindly requested to bring banners inscribed with Genocide protest messages seeking Truth, Justice and Reparations for Matebeleland.

On the very day, a formal 1893 MHRRM letter of complaint and protest about the conduct of Motlante and his Commission will be handed over  to the South African embassy.

It is seriously noted that the Motlante Commission has failed in its duty to protect the victims of genocide who have testified before it. Theirs is a serious dereliction of duty to protect those testifying before it. This is a serious matter as far as the Movement and the people of Matebeleland are concerned.

The surving genocide victims have been violently beaten by the Zimbabwean police and other state agency security apparatus for daring to talk about the Genocide before this Commission and for demanding Truth, Justice and Reparations for their lost relatives.

The Motlante Commission has remained mum on these developments and arrests effectively colluding with the regime in this matter. Its silence is a serious matter and sends a loud message to Matebeleland and the International Community that it is a seriously compromised Commission.

Wisdom Mkhwananzi and others were arrested, persecuted and put in police cells and have since been dragged before the partisan Zimbabwean courts and prosecuted on trumped up charges for daring to demand Truth, Justice and Reparations for the Matebeleland "Gukurahundi" Genocide.

The 1893 MHRRM and delgates who attended its UK succesful conference on the 3rd November 2018 in Luton,  resolved that a demonstration needs to be carried out against Motlante and his compromised anti-Matebeleland Commission.

The Movement once more invites Matebeleland people and friends of Matebeleland and all Human Rights Defenders to attend this important demonstration so that a clear, unambiguous  and strong message is sent to Motlante and his commission and the Zimbabwean government that persecution, prosecution and victimization of Matebeleland people must stop forthwith and that Motlante must stop being used as a cog and a spring of the Zimbabwean government in this serious issue.

 In anycase, Matebeleland has sacrosant and sacred Right to ask why there is no UN International Commission to investigate the Matebeleland Genocide where 50 000 to 100 00 people died and yet all of a sudden there is a Commission dubbed "International Commission" investigating the death of 6 people who died in Harare. Lives of the Matebele matter. We are simply no "chuff" to be swept away willy nilly. The game in town is fundamentally changing home and away.

While the Movement condemns the brazen shooting and mauling down of innocent people in the streets of Harare on that state bloodletting day and believes that those who did so must be brought to book,  the Movement strongly condemns attempts made at minimizing Matebeleland Gukurahundi Genocide by its perpetrators and those who are now being used to make attempts at sanitizing the image of the genocide perpeteators in Zimbabwe.

The Motlante Commission seemingly fits in the category of a rogue political sanitization project in Zimbabwe. The Commission is nothing else but the Motlante Sanitization Commission Project of Zimbabwe. We condemn it unreservedly.

Therefore, Motlante must retreat and stop playing the role of a Genocide perpetrator Sheriff from across the Limpopho River.

Meanwhile the 1893 MHRRM RSA Student Wing is due to announce very  soon the date and time of its Matebeleland Gukurahundi Genocide Conference and its high profile guest speakers in South Africa. Those in RSA are called upon to attend in huge numbers.

The Revolution for the Restoration of our Matebeleland Human Rights is now firmly in full motion home and away!

Source - Thembani Dube, 1893 MHRRM Secretary for Information and Publicity