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1893 MHRRM brands its structures into Matebele Regiment Names

by 1893 Bayethe Board of Directors
05 Sep 2020 at 11:35hrs | Views
The 1893 Mthwakazi Human Rights Restoration Movement (1893 MHRRM) has this week, through its Bayethe Board of Directors, its Chapters and its members branded its Chapters or structures into its Matebele Human Rights Regiments named after the Regiments that composed our Nation before it was destroyed in Nov 1893. Notably this co-incides with the King Mzilikazi Memorial Day, a day where HRM King Mzilikazi died on 5th September 1868. This day is on the Movement's calendar of the special days in our Nation released recently.

The 1893 MHRRM, through is Regiment Chapters is declaring a Human Rights advocacy battle against the violation of the Human Rights of the people of Matebeleland.

As such the 1893 MHRRM has named the 1893 MHRRM-UK Chapter, the 1893 Zwangendaba Regiment. iZwangendaba means the bearer of news. This was King Mzilikazi Khumalo's illustrious and famous Regiment that was led by General (Chief) Mbiko Masuku. This Regiment tis therefore the bearer of Restoration News and Messages for the movement and for the people of Matebeleland.

The 1893 MHRRM-Matebeleland Chapter has been named the 1893 uMbuyazwe Regiment. The uMbuyazwe Regiment was King Lobhengula's body-guard regiment, the fortress that was led by General (Chief) Nkantiwo Sibanda. We must guard our Nation against those bent on violating its Human Rights wantonly and for eternity! Therefore this 1893 Regiment is the fortress of the Movement and of the Nation in the Human Rights advocacy arena!

The Republic of South Africa 1893 MHRRM Chapter is now also known as the 1893 Magoloza Regiment (the Smiters, giving of heavy blows) that is prepared to deal a heavy blow on those violating the sacred and sacrosanct Human Rights of the people of Matebeleland. This Regiment was once led by General (Chief) Mankanyiyana Thebe.

In South East Asia, our Chapter is hereby known as 1893 Inqama Regiment. Inqama is a ram. This was one of King Mzilikazi's Regiments. Inqama by its nature is a bulwark and therefore stands in defense of the Human Rights of the people of Matebeleland. This Regiment was led by General (Chief) Somhlolo Mathema.

Last but not least is the 1893 MHRRM-East Africa Chapter. The Chapter becomes the 1893 uGodlwayo Regiment. uGlodlwayo means eager to advance. This Regiment was once led by Generals (Chiefs) Mtikana Mafu and Dambisamahubo Mafu (both executed in 1885) after the colonization of our Nation. From then on it was led by General (Chief) Maduna Mafu.

As  1893 Mthwakazi Human Rights restoration Movement (1893 MHRRM) grows, it will continue to name its Chapters after the Nation's illustrious Regiments.

We have often seen people naming organs of their organizations with names borrowed from organizations responsible for Matebeleland Gukurahundi Genocide.

Our Movement takes a dim view of such actions and takes a position of Restoration as important as Restoring the Names of these famous and illustrious regiments in our public domain and discourse and in the psychology of the people of Matebeleland. We must be proud of our "Righteous" identity and diverse cultures and ubuzwe bethu.

Isihlomile eyamaLungeloethu!

Forward with Restoration of our Sacred and Sacrosanct Human Rights as a people and  a Nation Forward!

1893 Bayethe Board of Directors

Source - 1893 Bayethe Board of Directors