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1893 condemns On-going Human Rights abuses in Zimbabwe

by 1893 Baythe Board Of Directors
10 Mar 2021 at 15:39hrs | Views
The 1893 Mthwakazi Human Rights Restoration Movement (1893MHRRM) has been alerted to the attempted abduction of the leader of Mthwakazi Republic Party in Zimbabwe, Mr Mqondisi Moyo, following events of the Floyd-Ambrose-Gate Farm scandal in Ntabazinduna, Matebeleland, where, Ambrose, a Zanu PF functionary together with Zanu PF police functionaries, are making unlawful attempts to take over a farm from one Brian Davies.

Subsequent to this attempted abduction, the Zanu PF functionary police have been running battles with Matebeleland Youths in Bulawayo and shooting at them wantonly in broad day light.

The 1893 Mthwakazi Human Rights Restoration Movement condemns the government of Zimbabwe for this continued and systematic wanton violation of the rights of the people of Matebeleland, whether black, blue, green or yellow. It calls upon the immediate stopping of systematic human rights violations in Zimbabwe and in Matebeleland.

1893 Bayethe Board of Directors

Released by 1893 Mthwakazi Human Rights Restoration Movement Board

Source - 1893 Baythe Board Of Directors