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Inhlokomo YeSizwe condemns Seh Calaz's unprovoked attack on the Ndebele nation

by Inhlokomo YeSizwe
09 May 2021 at 12:34hrs | Views
On May 8, 2021, Pindula News published a nauseating report from Seh Calaz insulting the late Ndebele king, HRH King Lobengula and the whole of the Ndebele nation. In his ill-advised advice to musicians to save for a rainy day and to engage in lucrative financial deals, he chose to single out the Ndebele King as an example of bad negotiation. Below is the quotation as reported in Pindula News on-line:

He likened mortgaging one's future for short-term exposure to Lobengula, a Ndebele King who reportedly "sold" the country to British fortune hunters in the 19th century for a few hundred pounds. Seh Calaz posted on Facebook:

He went further to claim that King Lobengula sold the country for short term gain. If this Tawanda Mumanyi, has a poor grasp of history, why did he not look closer to home where his direct ancestors are still parcelling out land and mineral resources for peanuts to the new Chinese colonisers. We have not heard him condemn this. Surely if he was looking for examples of poor management of personal and national resources he could have started by checking what is happening right under his nose in his own back yard.

Since it is clear that this was a calculated attack on the Ndebele nation and Mthwakazi nation as a whole, we would like to demand that this story be taken down from Pindula News and Facebook for lack of decorum. In addition, on behalf of all self-respecting people of Mthwakazi, Inhlokomo YeSizwe demands an immediate public apology.  Failure to that will see our pressure group take matters into their own hands the next time Seh Calaz sets foot in Matabeleland.

InfoDesk: Inhlokomo YeSizwe

Source - Inhlokomo YeSizwe