News / Press Release
IYS saddened by Obert Gutu's gukurahundi genocide remarks
26 Jun 2021 at 02:37hrs | Views

National Peace and Reconciliation Commission (NPRC) chairman Obert Gutu, was quoted on Tuesday saying that the Gukurahundi Genocide is a very small, tiny fraction of the various issues the Commission is looking at.
As Inhlokomo YeSizwe sikaMthwakazi pressure group, we are saddened about Obert Gutu's remarks. First of all Gukurahundi is, and was, a genocide.
How can a genocide be reduced to a tiny thing unless the tiny thing referred to is the size of the speaker's brain.
This simply shows the height of ignorance of Obert Gutu and his masters who are Gukurahundi architects, the likes of President Emmerson Mnangagwa, Sydney Sekeremai, Constatino Chiwenga and Fredrick Shava.
As Inhlokomo we will soldier on and put more pressure on the Gukurahundi issue together with our partners in the struggle.
We, therefore, call the government of Zimbabwe and Zanu-pf to fire Obert Gutu as NPRC chair unless he is man enough to resign if at all he is a principled leader.
If the government is failing to do that Obert Gutu will be not be welcome to come and chair meetings in Matebeleland and Midlands. Gukurahundi is a very sensitive issue and subject which needs to be handled with extra care.
People like Obert Gutu who are suffering from diarrhoea of speech will cause lot of damage instead of reconciliation which is desperately needed in Zimbabwe right now.
We lost our people who were killed in cold blood and wantonly raped by the notorious 5th Brigade, As Inhlokomo YeSizwe sikaMthwakazi we are warning Zanupf and its puppet Obert Gutu not to rub salt in our fresh wounds.
We want closure on Gukurahundi and justice must prevail.
Those found guilty must be punished for their deeds. We lost over 20 000 of our people during uMbhuqazwe weGukurahundi and as Inhlokomo we are working closely with other organizations like IBhetshu likaZulu to fight for justice to prevail.
No amount of intimidation will stop us. People like Obert Gutu must be careful when dealing with such issues. Recently we have been having serious problems of Gukurahundi memorial plaques being vandlised and stolen.
Based on Obert Gutu's utterances that Gukurahundi is a minor matter, it makes us suspect that he has a hand in such activities if not directly then indirectly.
Inhlokomo YeSizwe sikaMthwakazi pressure group will continue to put more pressure on the NPRC and Zanu-pf to deal fairly with this case of Gukurahundi.
This article is written by
Victor sibanda Aka Vodloza.
IYS Secretary General
IYS Info-Desk
As Inhlokomo YeSizwe sikaMthwakazi pressure group, we are saddened about Obert Gutu's remarks. First of all Gukurahundi is, and was, a genocide.
How can a genocide be reduced to a tiny thing unless the tiny thing referred to is the size of the speaker's brain.
This simply shows the height of ignorance of Obert Gutu and his masters who are Gukurahundi architects, the likes of President Emmerson Mnangagwa, Sydney Sekeremai, Constatino Chiwenga and Fredrick Shava.
As Inhlokomo we will soldier on and put more pressure on the Gukurahundi issue together with our partners in the struggle.
We, therefore, call the government of Zimbabwe and Zanu-pf to fire Obert Gutu as NPRC chair unless he is man enough to resign if at all he is a principled leader.
If the government is failing to do that Obert Gutu will be not be welcome to come and chair meetings in Matebeleland and Midlands. Gukurahundi is a very sensitive issue and subject which needs to be handled with extra care.
People like Obert Gutu who are suffering from diarrhoea of speech will cause lot of damage instead of reconciliation which is desperately needed in Zimbabwe right now.
We lost our people who were killed in cold blood and wantonly raped by the notorious 5th Brigade, As Inhlokomo YeSizwe sikaMthwakazi we are warning Zanupf and its puppet Obert Gutu not to rub salt in our fresh wounds.
We want closure on Gukurahundi and justice must prevail.
Those found guilty must be punished for their deeds. We lost over 20 000 of our people during uMbhuqazwe weGukurahundi and as Inhlokomo we are working closely with other organizations like IBhetshu likaZulu to fight for justice to prevail.
No amount of intimidation will stop us. People like Obert Gutu must be careful when dealing with such issues. Recently we have been having serious problems of Gukurahundi memorial plaques being vandlised and stolen.
Based on Obert Gutu's utterances that Gukurahundi is a minor matter, it makes us suspect that he has a hand in such activities if not directly then indirectly.
Inhlokomo YeSizwe sikaMthwakazi pressure group will continue to put more pressure on the NPRC and Zanu-pf to deal fairly with this case of Gukurahundi.
This article is written by
Victor sibanda Aka Vodloza.
IYS Secretary General
IYS Info-Desk
Source - IYS Info-Desk