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Inhlokomoyesizwe SikaMthwakazi condemns arrest of innocent, prayerful citizens

by IYS Info-Desk
13 Jun 2022 at 01:40hrs | Views
As Inhlokomoyesizwe SikaMthwakazi pressure group we have learnt that ZRP has arrested 36 Citizens of Zimbabwe for organising a Christian response to the crisis in Zimbabwe. They were arrested on their way from a pre-arranged prayer gathering where Zimbabweans assembled to ask for the intervention of a higher power to end the suffering of the masses. Surely praying to God to intervene in Zimbabwe so that the country could move forward peacefully is not a crime.

Among those who were arrested are pressure group leaders like Mbuso Fuzwayo of Ibhetshu lika Zulu, pastors, elders and women. The state agents argue that the prayer was meant to overthrow the government of Zimbabwe. How does prayer overthrow a government? The real truth is that the Zanu government is now afraid of its own shadow and panics at the sight of three or more people gathering. It has become increasingly paranoid as 2023 general elections draw nearer.

As Inhlokomoyesizwe SikaMthwakazi, we are angered and bewildered by this act of the state agents. President Emmerson Mnangagwa who is the chief architect of the Gukurahundist regime once said the Voice of the People is the Voice of God. So what are they afraid of now as the arrested members were merely calling on the same God to shower the country and its people with abundant blessings?

For the state security agents to arrest citizens for engaging in prayer is taking tyranny to a new level. This infringes the citizens' human rights to lawful gathering,  freedom of association and the freedom to practise their preferred religion. Citizens of Zimbabwe have a fundamental right to freedom of thought, religion and belief as enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights Article 18. This is also provided for in the Zimbabwe Bill of Rights as the Freedom of Conscience.

As Inhlokomoyesizwe we are worried about another likely outcome when the matter is handled at the courts. From experience, we know that the state apparatus is kinder to ChiShona-speaking suspects and harsh on those from Mthwakazi. Recently we witnessed the controversial sentencing of the MRP leaders over petty misdemeanours. We are worried that SiNdebele-speaking people will be unfairly singled out and given harsher sentences as has been the case since 1980.  Zanu-pf is on record for brutalising innocent citizens as from 1980-1987 during Gukurahundi and has continued to butcher opposition party members to this day. As Inhlokomo yesizwe we are saying these blood-thirsty mongers must stop their culture of brutality and wanton destruction of a once thriving country. We are warning the Satanic and diabolic regime to stop terrorising innocent citizens as they risk the ire of a people pushed too far.

We are calling on all progressive organizations and civil society to stand up and challenge these possessed state agents who go around arresting innocent citizens.As a pressure group, we will continue to condemn all forms of injustice by this or any future governments or those in authority bent on abusing office power. Any future government dreaming of continuing to oppress our people has another think coming. For now we PRAY for the release of our innocent brethren and sisters.

Source - IYS Info-Desk