News / Press Release
'Mugabe should hold the talks on stopping economic meltdown now!'
15 Jul 2014 at 09:14hrs | Views

Zimbabwe Social Democrats call on Mugabe to hold the talks now on how to stop the economic meltdown as a matter of urgency and to stop dithering.
"It is a disheartening situation and nobody wants to work with a demoralised force. Our officers at times have to use waste paper to prepare crime records or even going beyond their limit to purchase bond paper," Home Affairs permanent secretary Melusi Matshiya told parliament.
"They have at times also been forced to wear tattered uniforms and shoes as well as
sharing police hats but they have remained disciplined."
Well Police Commission Augustine Chihuri gave enough public testimonial of just how bad the situation is in the Police Service. He was could not afford a decent pair of shoes and squeezed his foot into the only pair he had. They were so tight fitting they cut all blood circulation. Instead of witness the pass out parade of new recruits they witnessed him passing out.
The Army too is having the financial squeeze; all soldiers are now being forced to go on leave for two weeks in a very month, just to save on the food bill!
34 years of Mugabe's scientific socialism – read gross mismanagement, rampant corrup- tion and all out looting spree – has not delivery mass prosperity, "Gutsa ruzhinji!" as he never tired of tell the nation. It has delivered mass poverty at a grand scale.
Zimbabwe's economy was doomed to fail because no economic can survive much less thrive when there is so much criminal waste of human and material resources. Impossi- ble!
Last week Zanu PF spokesman Rugare Gumbo announce that Mugabe was ready to hold talks on what should be done to rescue the national economy and end the tragic human suffering it has brought. The story of Police officers using waste paper to write legal doc- uments should help focus the Zanu PF minds on the urgency and seriousness of the eco- nomic meltdown.
In a few weeks 250 000 Zimbabweans returnees whose work permits SA cannot extend will start arriving. There are at least four Zimbabweans who depended, directly or indi- rectly, on the remittance they have been sending back home. Time is fast running out for Zimbabwe to get the national economy on a firm recovery path and give our people hope in a tomorrow!
Mugabe and Zanu PF thought they could rig economic recovery just as they had rigged the 2013 elections; they have failed to do so. The economic meltdown is real and must now be addressed as a matter of urgency. This country is sitting on a ticking health time bond because there is no clean water and the health services has collapsed. We are sit- ting on a social time bomb because millions of our people are out of work and are living in abject poverty. These bombs can go off any day; Mugabe and his Zanu PF cronies must know that will be held to account for the consequences!
"It is a disheartening situation and nobody wants to work with a demoralised force. Our officers at times have to use waste paper to prepare crime records or even going beyond their limit to purchase bond paper," Home Affairs permanent secretary Melusi Matshiya told parliament.
"They have at times also been forced to wear tattered uniforms and shoes as well as
sharing police hats but they have remained disciplined."
Well Police Commission Augustine Chihuri gave enough public testimonial of just how bad the situation is in the Police Service. He was could not afford a decent pair of shoes and squeezed his foot into the only pair he had. They were so tight fitting they cut all blood circulation. Instead of witness the pass out parade of new recruits they witnessed him passing out.
The Army too is having the financial squeeze; all soldiers are now being forced to go on leave for two weeks in a very month, just to save on the food bill!
Zimbabwe's economy was doomed to fail because no economic can survive much less thrive when there is so much criminal waste of human and material resources. Impossi- ble!
Last week Zanu PF spokesman Rugare Gumbo announce that Mugabe was ready to hold talks on what should be done to rescue the national economy and end the tragic human suffering it has brought. The story of Police officers using waste paper to write legal doc- uments should help focus the Zanu PF minds on the urgency and seriousness of the eco- nomic meltdown.
In a few weeks 250 000 Zimbabweans returnees whose work permits SA cannot extend will start arriving. There are at least four Zimbabweans who depended, directly or indi- rectly, on the remittance they have been sending back home. Time is fast running out for Zimbabwe to get the national economy on a firm recovery path and give our people hope in a tomorrow!
Mugabe and Zanu PF thought they could rig economic recovery just as they had rigged the 2013 elections; they have failed to do so. The economic meltdown is real and must now be addressed as a matter of urgency. This country is sitting on a ticking health time bond because there is no clean water and the health services has collapsed. We are sit- ting on a social time bomb because millions of our people are out of work and are living in abject poverty. These bombs can go off any day; Mugabe and his Zanu PF cronies must know that will be held to account for the consequences!
Source - Zimbabwe Social Democrats