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Zimbabwe army in another looting scam in Lupane

by Stephen Jakes
05 Jul 2017 at 14:21hrs | Views
Mthwakazi Republic Party has claimed that it has come to our attention that Zimbabwe's top military brass has engaged on yet another Looting spree in Lupane district after they were once again given Lupane Gas.

In a statement the party said the ZANU PF led government has once again given the military men the right to harvest methane gas in Lupane  district through Sakunda company which is currently in a protracted legal battle to clear its name on allegations of corruption and dirty deals with the Lacoste faction leader VP Emmerson  Mnangagwa and the military in the command ugly culture better known as Command Agriculture scheme.

"Which of late has come under in tense criticism by the Independent media as well as other government ministers who are also Politburo members. This is happening at a time when the country has been run down by the regime. Every normal progressive, peace loving person in this country is praying and wishing that the country be returned to the Rule of Law but chances of such are very slim," said the party.

"Both ZANU PF and Government officials from Matabeleland North who spoke to us on condition of anonymity, confirmed that just like the Marange diamonds saga, where the military looted the precious stone willy nil with the help of few corrupt individuals within the ruling elite, the same is going to happen in  Lupane if nothing is done fast to stop it."

MRP said the the government of Zimbabwe has become so scary such that all the key institutions and parastatals including other key government portfolios have been militarized ahead of the elections due in twelve months  time as they normal do.

"Right now the government have bought over 300 top of the range vehicles for the military, chances are high that these will be used to help the ruling party retain power, as the military in the country is known for publicly surppoting ZANU PF," said the party.

"Lupane is a provincial town in the heart of the most poorest province in Zimbabwe yet the richest in terms of natural resources in that province called Matabeleland North. The best the government has to do, is demilitarise the province's abundant natural resources be given to professional  civilians for the benefit of all the citizens particularly Matabeleland North people."

MRP said the area of Lupane was one of the hardest heat places by the North Korean trained fifth brigade.

"The people are yet to find closure over Gukurahundi atrocities, on why were they killed, maimed, raped, displaced or assaulted thouroghly by their own army for being Ndebele? The trees that are found in Lupane do not benefit the locals, not even employment is given to them," said MRP.

"As if that is not enough, Hwange town, Victoria Falls, Binga and the rest of Matabeleland North's natural resources including employment is not in their hands. MRP was launched specifically to fight injustices and to defend Mthwakazi state. Mthwakazi Republic Party is pleading with the military to leave politics to politicians, leave business to businessman, and maintain the Rule of Law, instead of doing it otherwise. If we were in a normal country with rule of law we were going to demand that Sakunda be investigated, we are surprised that ZACC is not saying anything about Sakunda's shoddy dealings with the government."

MRP said the military is unaccountable to anyone  hence our fears that Lupane will be turned into another Marange diamonds saga where only the military and the elite are said to have unduly benefited leaving the rest of locals poor.

"As the people's revolutionary party MRP is worried, Hence the calls to have our State restored as it were before 1893. MRP is convinced that only self-determination will help Mthwakazi to develop," said MRP.

"The military should Immediately leave Lupane alone. The people of Matabeleland have always argued that Matabeleland Zambezi Water Project can be done to its completion without any loan, but only using its abundantly available natural resources. This can still be done if the economy could be returned to the right people and not unaccountable institutions like army. Hands off Lupane gas and the rest of Matabeleland."

Source - Byo24News