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A polling station in Matobo has only 7 registered voters - Bajila

by Stephen Jakes
11 Jul 2018 at 10:11hrs | Views
MDC Alliance official Discent Collins Bajila has said one polling station in Matobo district has only seven registered voters a figure that gets into the number of presidential candidates three times.

"I have been reminded of a place called Pagati in Matobo North Ward 21. It is a polling station and there are only 7 voters registered there. There are 3 times the number of Presidential candidates to be voted," he said.

"I have been to that polling station several times. The first time I went there was in 2010 when we were conducting consultations on the New Constitution as COPAC. Donald Khumalo was one of my co-Rapporteurs to the team. Bernadete Mpofu was a team member."

He said 9 locals attended the meeting and there was 12 of them (officials)  in the outreach team.

"We were therefore more than the meeting attendants. As a team we caucused across the political parties and agreed that the meeting must be postponed. We then went to the people to announce that because they are too few we will have to reschedule the meeting and they must encourage others to attend the rescheduled meeting," he said.
"The people told us that everyone who stays in the area was actually at the meeting so there was no need to reschedule. We proceeded to hold the meeting.

There was no response for more than half the 26 questions on the questionnaire.
The only strong point raised was "Asifuni inkotshani ". This is Zimbabwe for you!!!!!!!."

Source - Byo24News