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Woman raped, brutally murdered

by Beitbridge Reporter
18 Jun 2012 at 11:40hrs | Views
A 21-year-old Beitbridge man allegedly raped his neighbour's wife in full view of her two-year-old baby before he went on to kill the woman and the toddler by striking them with an old bicycle frame and a log.

Confirming the incident of the gruesome murder that has left the community of the border town shell-shocked, the Officer Commanding police in Beitbridge District, Chief Superintendent Lawrence Chinhengo said the incident occurred on Friday at around 1am at Mr Pilate Mbedzi's homestead in Mpande village in Chief Sitauze area in Beitbridge District.

The woman's husband was not at home when the incident occurred, said the police chief.

"On the fateful day, the suspect, Zenzo Zhou, went to the now deceased's homestead knowing fully well that her husband was away. On arrival, he knocked on the door of the bedroom hut where the woman was sleeping with her two-year-old baby boy and she refused to open the door," he said.

Chief Supt Chinhengo said Zhou forced the door open and got inside.

"He destroyed the door lock before gaining entry into the room. He then dragged the woman out of the hut while at the same time assaulting her with fists and the woman screamed for help.

"The suspect then raped the woman twice in full view of her two-year-old baby until she fell unconscious," Chief Supt Chinhengo said.

The woman later regained consciousness while Zhou stood besides her.

"Soon after regaining consciousness, the now deceased woman told Zhou that she would report the matter to the police and he got incensed, picked up an old bicycle frame and log and struck the woman until she died. The suspect then turned to the toddler whom he fatally struck in the head using the same weapons," Chief Supt Chinhengo said.

Soon after committing the offence, Zhou took to his heels taking along the woman's blouse and the weapons leaving the two lifeless bodies lying in a pool of blood.

A local boy who was on his way to school discovered the bodies at around 6am and he alerted the elders.

A report was in turn made to the police and investigations were conducted leading to Zhou's arrest. Police also recovered the blood-stained weapons used in committing the offence including the blouse belonging to the deceased woman at Zhou's homestead.

Chief Supt Chinhengo identified the deceased woman as Cecilia Muleya (27) of Mpande village. The bodies of the two victims were taken to Beitbridge District Hospital mortuary for a post-mortem.

He said the suspect would appear in court soon on murder charges.

"We have since arrested the suspect and he is currently in our custody assisting us with investigations before appearing in court.

"As police we urge people living in a community to help each other whenever there is a problem. The now deceased woman tried to shout for help while being attacked but no one came to her rescue until she died together with her baby," Chief Supt Chinhengo said.

Source - TC