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Chamisa outsmarts security forces

by Desmond Nleya
22 Nov 2021 at 08:09hrs | Views
As the "Ngapinde Hake Mukomana" slogan continues to grow, opposition leader Nelson Chamisa has also continued to outsmart the security forces by meeting the masses.

Yesterday, the young leader braved heavy rains in Goba areas, Bulilima East in Plumtree and met hundreds of villagers.

Once more, Chamisa resorted to cunning ways which left security forces monitoring his movements with an egg on the face.

While addressing the masses deep in the heart of Bulilima District Chamisa promised people that the new Zimbabwe was inevitable.

"The Zimbabwe we all want is coming. Let us all remain vigilant and urge each and everyone to go and vote for change."

The young leader was welcomed by joy and ululation as visibly soaked but happy villagers resorted to music and dance.

To his credit, Chamisa has also abandoned his large entourage and security and is only accompanied by his aides.

"My dream has come true' said one villager who managed to take a selfie with him.

Over the weeks Chamisa has embarked on a nationwide tour meeting the people while also dodging bullets.

The youthful leader was at times spotted walking long distances to meet the people while on some instances he used a motorcycle.

However, his next destination is not known as the leader has chosen to play his cards clause to his cards while causing sleepless nights to ZANU PF.

Source - Byo24News