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ZANU PF weakens, CCC flexes muscles

by Paul Ndou
19 Jul 2022 at 14:49hrs | Views
With the ruling party seemingly weakening in Plumtree ahead of the 2023 harmonised elections, Citizens for Coalition Change is flexing its muscles to snatch away the seats.

Taking advantage of the widening cracks within the ruling party in Plumtree, CCC has swiftly moved to position itself to snatch away the seats in the district.

In Bulilima West constituency, information received by this publication indicated that one Trynos Tshuma who is based in the UK has started mobilising resources to wrestle away the seat from ZANU PF.

The source said Tshuma is likely to be in the country by August to set up campaign structures.

However, it would not be a walk in the park for him as Rosemary Maplanka of Bulilima West constituency is also eyeing the seat.

"This time ZANU PF does not have a chance. CCC is ready and umama is busy on the ground mobilising voters", said one party member who said they prefer Maplanka because she has always been on the ground.

When asked about the possibility of her squaring off with Tshuma, the source said it was good for democracy as theirs is a democratic party.

"Yes I have heard that one Tshuma also want to join the race but all the indications are positive because both candidates have the stamina to shock ZANU PF.

Efforts to get a comment from Maplanka were futile while some officials refused to comment citing security reasons.

Source - Byo24News