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Police officer in botched attempt to solicit for sex

by Michael Magoronga
05 May 2014 at 05:16hrs | Views
A POLICE officer was arraigned before the courts for allegedly taking advantage and c*ressing a woman whom he had offered accommodation, in a botched attempt to solicit for sex.

Constable Yona Banda of Mkoba 9 in Gweru, appeared before Gweru Magistrate, Sithembiso Ncube facing indecent assault charges.

It is the State's case that Banda was on duty in Lower Gweru when he met the complainant, Linda Dube who was on her way home. Dube works as a barlady at a local bar in Lower Gweru.

Daniel Tafuma for the State, further alleged that Banda requested for a place to lay his head since he could not travel during the night.

The two, it is alleged, agreed that Banda was going to be accommodated at Dubes place that night.

Upon arrival at the house, the court heard, Banda was given a room in which to sleep in while Dube slept in the other room with her sister.

"Banda then protested that he could not sleep alone in the room, he wanted company," Tafuma told the court.

His antics however, fell on hard ground when the complainant refused to be conned by the cop's moves. At this time, perhaps taken over by a high sexual libido, he went into the room Dube was sleeping in and forcibly carried her into his room where he tried to solicit for sex.

Again, his plea fell on deaf ears as Dube turned down the request.

Banda would however, have none of it and began fondling and c*ressing her all over the body in a bid to forcibly turn her on.

Dube however, managed to free herself from the sexual predator and sought refuge in her sister's room where she locked the door.

Banda kicked the door open and allegedly assaulted Dube with fists and booted feet.

The court was told that the complainant then shouted for help prompting the sexual predator to take to his heels.

Dube sustained a bruised face. The matter was reported to the police leading to the arrest of the cop.

Source - B-Metro
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