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Kasukuwere described as 'dunderhead' over economic recovery claims

by Stephen Jakes
05 May 2015 at 01:52hrs | Views

Some social and political commentators have attacked Zanu PF political Commissar Saviour Kasukuwere for attacking MDC T leader Morgan Tsvangirai after he said his party was working hard to resolve the economic problems yet the MDC-T leader seek to worsen the situation.

Kasukuwere had warned Tsvangirai to stop inciting public disorder and anarchy in the country.

This follows the opposition leader's the May Day address where he said the current economic and political crisis must be escalated to force government to act.

Kasukuwere said the former prime minister should zip up and stop inciting violence because the ruling party has no time for "reckless talk".

"He is a spent force and we won't spend our time on responding to the rants of a failed and fake politician," said Kasukuwere adding that "he must just mind his mouth and stop thinking with his feet or else he will invite trouble with the law on his miserable life".

"We know he thrives on chaos but that strategy is now expired he must go and rest in the political graveyard just like his funders," he added.

Speaking at May Day celebrations in Harare on Friday, the MDC leader said Zimbabweans must escalate the crisis so that they could find the solution and force president Robert Mugabe to act.

Zimbabwe has struggled with a serious economic crisis for years which has also resulted in political instability.

But the Zanu-PF minister responsible for Water and Environment said his party is attending to the national crisis which Tsvangirai wants escalated.

"We are working hard on attending to the economy, empowerment of our people," he said.

"We are escalating the participation of our people in the ZimAsset programme and not inciting mayhem and calamity as is being proposed by Tsvangirai"

Patience Nyowa said Kasukuwere was  talking nonsese.

"I need armed struggle to remove this regime," she said.

Rejoice Ngwenya described Kasukuwere as dull asking which economy he was referring to since that economy had been nose diving for a long time under the Zanu PF administration.

"We are working hard on attending to the economy, empowerment of our people," he said. " Which country is this dunderhead taking about?" said Ngwenya.

 Another social commentator said one gets wondering which economy is Kasukuwere talking about yet his party still want to continue destroying the country.

 Dannies Petersen said Kasukuwere is an idiot.

"Now Zimbabweans must live in fear because of these killers and we must keep quite when they kill people keep quite when they feed them self, keep quite Zimbabwe people will suffer more when these leaders still promise to kill people. How many years still they work in parliament why can they not bring back economy," he said.

Source - Byo24News
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