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MP empowers youth, women

by Nozibelo Maphosa
11 Sep 2016 at 08:07hrs | Views
NATIONAL Assembly Member for Nkulumane Killian Sibanda has initiated vocational training courses in his constituency aimed at helping youths and raise standards of life for women, children and other vulnerable groups.

In an interview on Friday after touring Sizinda Vocational Training Centre where youths from his constituency are doing courses, Sibanda said he wanted to help youths who are not eligible for tertiary education, so that in spite of not having gone to college, they can be taken off the streets and made into people of value to society.

"I chose to assist these youths study towards their careers because they are the future generation of Zimbabwe and educating them will get them off the streets," said Sibanda.

Principal of the Sizinda Vocational Training Centre Mrs Sifiso Takavarasha said Sibanda had been assisting the training centre with studying equipment since last year. The training centre offers short courses in disciplines such as catering, cosmetology, electrical systems, motor mechanics and clothing technology.

"Sibanda has been providing us with training material, so these short courses we are offering are like a scholarship from him to the Nkulumane youths. We have had more than 300 students studying catering, electrical systems, motor mechanics and clothing technology all from Nkulumane constituency," said Mrs Takavarasha.

Mrs Takavarasha said though clothing technology had few students they were hoping to enrol more in that department with time.

"We are looking forward to enrol many students in the clothing technology department as we can see the country's clothing industry has been grossly affected by second hand clothes," said Mrs Takavarasha.

Among the projects is a training facility which saw 300 women graduating after completing short courses in jam and sauce making, vegetable drying, soap making and how to manage small businesses.

Sibanda said he had also facilitated markets for the beneficiaries which would see the women supplying retail shops such as Choppies.

"We are taking advantage of the introduction of Statutory Instrument 64 which says we should not import goods we can produce locally," said Sibanda.

Apart from youths, Sibanda is helping Mandwandwe High School complete construction of its Science laboratory and Mncumbatha Secondary School to complete the building of its classroom  blocks. Sibanda also facilitated electricity connection for new stands in Nkulumane 12. He said the connections should be complete by November.

Source - sundaynews
More on: #Nkulumane, #Women