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Zanu-PF candidates threatening to shut down churches in Hobhouse

by Fanuel Chinowaita
21 Jun 2018 at 10:12hrs | Views
Zanu pf candidates in Hobhouse are intimidating and threatening to shut down churches for not accepting them to campaign during church services.

According to one of the church officials in Hobhouse, "Mai Nyatoti's campaign team came during church service with the intention of campaigning.

"We told them that there is no problem with campaigning but there are some procedures which must be followed first. They can not just come during our service and change our programs.

"When politicians are coming to campaign they should inform the church leadership in time so that they will be fitted on our programs."

Meanwhile, these politicians are now threatening to report to their Provincial Leadership so that they use their political muscles to close the church, which is against the Constitution of Zimbabwe which guarantees freedom of worship without political interference.

In addition these politicians are now misusing their offices contrary to what  President Mnangagwa is preaching everyday about new dispensation.

Another one of the church officials who asked for anonymity for security reasons bemoaned this action by politicians.

"I think political parties must not use Churches for their campaign. Churches are not rallies but congregation with different people with different political ideologies. It is not advisable for political parties to come and campaign in the churches.

"They should gather their own people at the rallies or do door to door campaigns not to go to churches and disturb church programs.

Source - Fanuel Chinowaita