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MRP thanks Beitbridge West voters

by Stephen Jakes
08 Aug 2018 at 03:27hrs | Views
Mthwakazi Republic Party (MRP) has thanked the Beitbridge electorate especially these who voted for MRP.

"We value your votes and your faith in entrusting us with your political destiny. We would like to assure you that it was not a wasted vote but a mandate that gives us power to do more to ensure that your expectations are meet at all cost, whether we are in the Zimbabwean Parliament or not," said the party.

"On the 25th of July the Union of Mthwakazi Parliament was launched to ensure that our concerns as the people of Beitbridge West and Mthwakazi at large are addressed. We encourage all our members and supporters to be unshakable as we stand together against the evil system that seeks to benefit and thrive at our cost. We encourage our people to stand up and register for their membership of the party by securing membership cards. Let's all assume the responsibility to liberate ourselves, and never feel comfortable of being slaves to Harare political parties."

"We would want to make it known and clear to the winning thieves that the days of sleeping on duty are over. We encourage the people of Beitbridge West to work with team MRP to make our oppression a thing of the past."

The party said those of you who will be sidelined by these election thieves on issues of development, social and economic benefits, because of your political affiliation, feel free to contact us on 0777394186 so that they deal with it accordingly, as it is tantamount to human rights abuse.

"Remain fearless, focused, determined and commited to liberate ourselves," said MRP.

Source - Byo24News