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WATCH: Pastor Alph Lukau stages another fake miracle/prophecy

by Methusi Ncube
11 May 2019 at 02:20hrs | Views
Popular South African pastor Alph Lukau has been caught out in another staged prophecy at his church Alleluia Ministries.

This time the controversial clergyman falsely used Bulawayo born Tawanda Zinyemba, who claimed he was a Zimbabwean soldier for seven years in the DRC where he killed and rape countless innocent people. He claimed he could not sleep because the spirits of the dead where haunting him so he had come to Lukau's church for deliverance.

In a video that Lukau posted on YouTube about two months ago, the pastor is heard asking Zinyemba if they had met before and the Zimbabwean says no.

The pastor claims that a spirit is showing him that Zinyemba was a Zimbabwean soldier who killed and raped innocents in the DRC and the spirits of those he killed were giving him no rest.

Zinyemba grew up in Gwabalanda suburb and relatives and friends have expressed outrage at the faked prophecy.

"He was a close friend and the truth is that he was never a soldier in the DRC or anywhere. He was once a prison guard in Mutare. The time he claims to have been in the DRC 1996-2003 was the time when we were still in school at Inyanda Secondary school. I don't think he has ever been to the DRC in his life," said Mandla Tshuma.

A relative who asked not to be named said it was sad that Zinyemba may have been paid a pittance by Lukau to stage the event while condemning thousands who began following Lukau because of the video, to hell.

"I was shocked when I saw the video and the way my nephew is lying through his teeth with a straight face is disturbing. The South African government must ban this pastor to safeguard gullible lazy people who do not want to read the bible for themselves. These fools are busy worshiping Lukau instead of God and they give their life savings to the church so that the pastor maintains his lavish lifestyle," fumed the relative.

Lukau is reputed to be the richest pastor in the world and said to be worth more than US$1 billion. The money comes mainly from tithes and offerings from congregants who affectionately call him Man of God.

Lukau has always come under fire for allegedly claiming to heal any kind of illness and for also claiming to raise the dead.

Earlier this year he was under the spotlight after claiming to have raised another Zimbabwean, Elliot Masango, from the dead in a widely circulated video. It turned out Masango may have been paid to play dead.

When he eventually died in Zimbabwe recently, Masango was reportedly being hunted by South African police for his role in the fraudulent fake miracle.

It remains a mystery why Lukau is still operating and his church keeps growing in leaps and bounds despite having been exposed for faking miracles dozens of times over the years. Lukau started his ministry on February 24, 2002, in Lyndhurst, Johannesburg.

Alleluia Ministries International has tens of thousands of members in branches in different continents. Its branches are located in South Africa, Zambia, Namibia, Democratic Republic of Congo, Angola, Europe and in South America.

Source - Byo24News