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Seventh-day Adventist Church SG visits Zimbabwe
09 Mar 2014 at 16:42hrs | Views

It was a great on Saturday the 8th of March 9, 2014 when the Seventh-day Adventist gathered at the giant Barberfields Stadium which was filled to the bream, the stadium had a filling capacity of 30,000 to welcome the Secretary General of the General Conference of the Seventh-day Adventists with its headquarters in Washington DC in the USA.
The occasion was graced by the following government officials; the Minister of Provincial affairs in-charge of Bulawayo Metropolitan Proviance Ms Sandy Moyo, Bulawayo City Mayor Clr Moyo,Minister of Transport Dr Obert Mpofu, Minister Sithembiso Nyoni, MP Gorden Moyo, MP S.S. Nkomo, MP Mrs R.Nkomo, Ms Angelina Masuku, Ms Sithokhozile Matutu, Dr Calistus Ndlovu, Dr Dumiso Dabengwa, Vice-Chancellor of the National University of Science and Technology Mr Lindela Ndlovu , Midlands State University Vice-Chancellor Dr Bhala, Solusi University Vice-Chancellor Dr Joel Musvosvi, Great Zimbabwe University Vice-Chancellor, Brethrean in Christ leader in Zimbabwe, High Court Judges representative.
Dr. Ng was received at the Barberfieds stadium by a group of the Pathfinder Club, Adventurers Club, Adventist Youth Society and the Master Guide Clubs who were clad in their beautiful uniforms. Soon after raising up the Zimbabwe national flag and the Adventist Youth, Pathfinder and Adventures Club flags Dr. Ng inspected the guard of honor which was consisted of the Adventist Youths, Pathfinder Club Adventures Club and the Master guides drawn from Bulawayo Metropolitan Churches West Zimbabwe Conference of the Adventist Church.
Accompanying Dr. Ng was Dr. Solomon Maphosa the Executive Secretary of the Seventh-day Adventist Indian Ocean Division with its HQ in South Africa. Dr. Maphosa told the congregation that our Southern Africa Indian Ocean Division of SDAs which is comprised of 23 countries within the Southern Africa had reached 3 000 000 membership mark with Zambia leading with 900 000 followed by Zimbabwe with 700 000 members. He commended Zimbabwe Adventists particularly the lay members for working tireless in preaching gospel of our soon coming Christ. Dr. Maphosa said that Adventist members must continue working and preaching the Advent message until every person in our community is baptized.
The Sabbath main sermon was delivered by Dr Ng the Secretary General of the world Seventh-day Adventist Church. Dr Ng said he was impressed by the vibrancy of the Adventist Church in Zimbabwe. He said the Seventh-day Adventist Church is a world-wide movement-he said the Adventist Church had already entered 209 of the 239 countries recognized by the United Nations.
The title of his sermon was "Signs of the Second Coming of Christ".
He said there will be signs in the political world [Matthew 24 verse 6-7] wars and rumors of wars. He said even though many countries claim to be democratic citizens' civil liberties is under threat. He gave an example of the US where citizens are always under surveillance in the name of state security. Pastor Ng said pointed out that eroding of civil liberties and religious liberty is a sign of the Second Coming of Christ. Dr Ng said there will be signs in the social world such as the deterioration of morality. The advocacy of homosexuality is nothing but a signs of the times. He said as the time of Christ's second time draws nearer and nearer the marriage covenant will be looked down upon.
Dr. Ng said an increase in the knowledge of God is another sign of the second coming of Christ. There will be signs again in the religious world. He said in these days there are talks of church unity, that is, Protestant churches are considering joining with the Roman Catholic Church setting aside doctrinal differences but uniting in "Christ" only. The growth of Spiritualism is also another sign of the second coming. He said spiritualism includes worshiping the spirits of the dead, following miracle workers, false prophets. Dr.Ng said performing miracles only is not a sign to confirm that one is a true prophet of God.
Dr Ng ended his sermon at 12:03PM.Pastor Choga the President of Seventh-day Adventists in Zmbabwe invited Dr Solomon Maphosa to give a closing prayer.
The occasion was graced by the following government officials; the Minister of Provincial affairs in-charge of Bulawayo Metropolitan Proviance Ms Sandy Moyo, Bulawayo City Mayor Clr Moyo,Minister of Transport Dr Obert Mpofu, Minister Sithembiso Nyoni, MP Gorden Moyo, MP S.S. Nkomo, MP Mrs R.Nkomo, Ms Angelina Masuku, Ms Sithokhozile Matutu, Dr Calistus Ndlovu, Dr Dumiso Dabengwa, Vice-Chancellor of the National University of Science and Technology Mr Lindela Ndlovu , Midlands State University Vice-Chancellor Dr Bhala, Solusi University Vice-Chancellor Dr Joel Musvosvi, Great Zimbabwe University Vice-Chancellor, Brethrean in Christ leader in Zimbabwe, High Court Judges representative.
Dr. Ng was received at the Barberfieds stadium by a group of the Pathfinder Club, Adventurers Club, Adventist Youth Society and the Master Guide Clubs who were clad in their beautiful uniforms. Soon after raising up the Zimbabwe national flag and the Adventist Youth, Pathfinder and Adventures Club flags Dr. Ng inspected the guard of honor which was consisted of the Adventist Youths, Pathfinder Club Adventures Club and the Master guides drawn from Bulawayo Metropolitan Churches West Zimbabwe Conference of the Adventist Church.
Accompanying Dr. Ng was Dr. Solomon Maphosa the Executive Secretary of the Seventh-day Adventist Indian Ocean Division with its HQ in South Africa. Dr. Maphosa told the congregation that our Southern Africa Indian Ocean Division of SDAs which is comprised of 23 countries within the Southern Africa had reached 3 000 000 membership mark with Zambia leading with 900 000 followed by Zimbabwe with 700 000 members. He commended Zimbabwe Adventists particularly the lay members for working tireless in preaching gospel of our soon coming Christ. Dr. Maphosa said that Adventist members must continue working and preaching the Advent message until every person in our community is baptized.
The Sabbath main sermon was delivered by Dr Ng the Secretary General of the world Seventh-day Adventist Church. Dr Ng said he was impressed by the vibrancy of the Adventist Church in Zimbabwe. He said the Seventh-day Adventist Church is a world-wide movement-he said the Adventist Church had already entered 209 of the 239 countries recognized by the United Nations.
The title of his sermon was "Signs of the Second Coming of Christ".
He said there will be signs in the political world [Matthew 24 verse 6-7] wars and rumors of wars. He said even though many countries claim to be democratic citizens' civil liberties is under threat. He gave an example of the US where citizens are always under surveillance in the name of state security. Pastor Ng said pointed out that eroding of civil liberties and religious liberty is a sign of the Second Coming of Christ. Dr Ng said there will be signs in the social world such as the deterioration of morality. The advocacy of homosexuality is nothing but a signs of the times. He said as the time of Christ's second time draws nearer and nearer the marriage covenant will be looked down upon.
Dr. Ng said an increase in the knowledge of God is another sign of the second coming of Christ. There will be signs again in the religious world. He said in these days there are talks of church unity, that is, Protestant churches are considering joining with the Roman Catholic Church setting aside doctrinal differences but uniting in "Christ" only. The growth of Spiritualism is also another sign of the second coming. He said spiritualism includes worshiping the spirits of the dead, following miracle workers, false prophets. Dr.Ng said performing miracles only is not a sign to confirm that one is a true prophet of God.
Dr Ng ended his sermon at 12:03PM.Pastor Choga the President of Seventh-day Adventists in Zmbabwe invited Dr Solomon Maphosa to give a closing prayer.
Source - Etiwel Mutero