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Daily Divinity Questions and Answers with Witness Dingani
09 Jun 2017 at 02:49hrs | Views

QN "Ecstasy was a phenomenon also found outside Israel" (G.Holscher). Show how this statement has often been used to dispute that prophecy was unique Israel?(25)
Different definitions of ecstasy have been brought forward by different scholars, some define ecstasy as an abnormal behavior as a result of being possessed by the spirit of supernatural force,Ecstasy and prophecy cannot be easily separated, this has been supported by Philo who argued that no ecstasy no prophecy. The above question requires one to prove that ecstasy was not unique to Israel.
Number of scholars believe that ecstasy was also common to the following surrounding nations.
Among the Israelites they were some who were ecstatic, this will be fully shown below.
- Israelites experienced ecstasy, this idea was first experienced by the 70 elders during the exodus event, this is recorded in Numbers 11 :22-26. The type of ecstasy which they experienced has been interpreted by different scholars, some believe that it was contagious type of ecstasy. This has been supported by Constable in page 41, paragraph 4 in his NUMBERS notes who submitted that this type of prophecy was selective and temporary. This type of prophecy was also common in surrounding nations, this has been supported by Pritchard quoted by B.W.Anderson in his book entitled the "The Living World of Old Testament", who recorded the story of Wen - Amon [the story is well known ]As such, this indicates that ecstasy was phenomenon also found outside Israel as it was found in Phoenicia and Egypt basing on the story of Wen -Amon.
- The sons of prophets experienced absorption ecstasy; absorption ecstasy is whereby an individual prophesy ecstatically after being induced or absorbed by music, this is recorded in 1st Samuel 10:6-10 has been supported by J Lindblom quoted by Ewbank page 9, paragraph 6.[The point in this case is that Israelites experienced ecstasy]. Extra biblical sources proves that ecstasy was common in surrounding nations, it was common in Syria, this can be supported by the story of STELLE ZAKIR, who was answered by a seer who delivered the visions in trance. The story of Mt Camel Contest is well known by so many people, what cannot be noticed is that the Baal prophets which were exported by Jezebel from Phoenicia experienced ecstasy in 1st Kings 18:28,this type of ecstasy is also believed by B.W.Anderson in his book entitled "The Living word of Old Testament" to have existed in Asia -Minor (orges of Dionysus). All this, indicates that ecstasy was a phenomenon also found outside Israel as the author indicated that it was found in Phoenicia, Syria and Asia-minor.
The prophetic titles of Israel prophets, is believed to be similar to those of surrounding nations, Israel prophets named their prophets as man of God, this trend started with Moses, this is evidenced in Joshua 14:6,Samuel was also regarded as a man of God in 1st Samuel 9:7-9, Elijah the Tishbite was regarded as a man of God by the widow of Zerapath in 1st Kings 17:12-20.The young prophet from Judah is named as man of God in the bible (1st Kings 13:1) even though scholars like Josephus named him as Jadon. In surrounding nations they were prophets who were named as man of God, this has been supported by Martin North citing the story of Andrew Parrot the French archaeologist [Sometimes the story is well known as the story of ZIMRI LIM ). As such, this indicates that prophetic titles can be used to dispute the view that prophecy was unique to Israel.
- Advising Kings (Gad and Nathan ): Similar to the story of Balaam the Moabite who advised the King of Moab Baalak to offer the sacrifices [read Numbers 23 :1 to get full information]
Questions by schools to be answered on Newspaper can be submitted through my mobile number +2363777896159 or Email address : witnessdingani@gmail.com. Readers of the Daily Old Testament Questions and Answers can follow the Questions and Answers on Sunday News Newspaper every week | Bulawayo24.com Online Newspaper | Listen to Divinity on Lips Radio Program with Witness Dingani every Sundays on Channel Zim Free Tv Decorders [Radio Dialogue] 09:00am -10:00am or Like Facebook page "Witness Dingani" where some of useful information will be posted. For assistance in Apostolic age kindly inbox Sir Derco on +263735710949 and For assistance in Four gospels kindly inbox Sir Chakabva on +263785199703
Remember this ancient Indian proverb: "if you conquer your mind, you conquer the world."
Different definitions of ecstasy have been brought forward by different scholars, some define ecstasy as an abnormal behavior as a result of being possessed by the spirit of supernatural force,Ecstasy and prophecy cannot be easily separated, this has been supported by Philo who argued that no ecstasy no prophecy. The above question requires one to prove that ecstasy was not unique to Israel.
Number of scholars believe that ecstasy was also common to the following surrounding nations.
Among the Israelites they were some who were ecstatic, this will be fully shown below.
- Israelites experienced ecstasy, this idea was first experienced by the 70 elders during the exodus event, this is recorded in Numbers 11 :22-26. The type of ecstasy which they experienced has been interpreted by different scholars, some believe that it was contagious type of ecstasy. This has been supported by Constable in page 41, paragraph 4 in his NUMBERS notes who submitted that this type of prophecy was selective and temporary. This type of prophecy was also common in surrounding nations, this has been supported by Pritchard quoted by B.W.Anderson in his book entitled the "The Living World of Old Testament", who recorded the story of Wen - Amon [the story is well known ]As such, this indicates that ecstasy was phenomenon also found outside Israel as it was found in Phoenicia and Egypt basing on the story of Wen -Amon.
- The sons of prophets experienced absorption ecstasy; absorption ecstasy is whereby an individual prophesy ecstatically after being induced or absorbed by music, this is recorded in 1st Samuel 10:6-10 has been supported by J Lindblom quoted by Ewbank page 9, paragraph 6.[The point in this case is that Israelites experienced ecstasy]. Extra biblical sources proves that ecstasy was common in surrounding nations, it was common in Syria, this can be supported by the story of STELLE ZAKIR, who was answered by a seer who delivered the visions in trance. The story of Mt Camel Contest is well known by so many people, what cannot be noticed is that the Baal prophets which were exported by Jezebel from Phoenicia experienced ecstasy in 1st Kings 18:28,this type of ecstasy is also believed by B.W.Anderson in his book entitled "The Living word of Old Testament" to have existed in Asia -Minor (orges of Dionysus). All this, indicates that ecstasy was a phenomenon also found outside Israel as the author indicated that it was found in Phoenicia, Syria and Asia-minor.
The prophetic titles of Israel prophets, is believed to be similar to those of surrounding nations, Israel prophets named their prophets as man of God, this trend started with Moses, this is evidenced in Joshua 14:6,Samuel was also regarded as a man of God in 1st Samuel 9:7-9, Elijah the Tishbite was regarded as a man of God by the widow of Zerapath in 1st Kings 17:12-20.The young prophet from Judah is named as man of God in the bible (1st Kings 13:1) even though scholars like Josephus named him as Jadon. In surrounding nations they were prophets who were named as man of God, this has been supported by Martin North citing the story of Andrew Parrot the French archaeologist [Sometimes the story is well known as the story of ZIMRI LIM ). As such, this indicates that prophetic titles can be used to dispute the view that prophecy was unique to Israel.
- Advising Kings (Gad and Nathan ): Similar to the story of Balaam the Moabite who advised the King of Moab Baalak to offer the sacrifices [read Numbers 23 :1 to get full information]
Questions by schools to be answered on Newspaper can be submitted through my mobile number +2363777896159 or Email address : witnessdingani@gmail.com. Readers of the Daily Old Testament Questions and Answers can follow the Questions and Answers on Sunday News Newspaper every week | Bulawayo24.com Online Newspaper | Listen to Divinity on Lips Radio Program with Witness Dingani every Sundays on Channel Zim Free Tv Decorders [Radio Dialogue] 09:00am -10:00am or Like Facebook page "Witness Dingani" where some of useful information will be posted. For assistance in Apostolic age kindly inbox Sir Derco on +263735710949 and For assistance in Four gospels kindly inbox Sir Chakabva on +263785199703
Remember this ancient Indian proverb: "if you conquer your mind, you conquer the world."
Source - Witness Dingani
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