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What I learnt from Miss Gambiza

07 May 2019 at 07:57hrs | Views
During my first year at David Livingstone Secondary School, I was taught by a somewhat weird science teacher called Miss Gambiza. Whenever you noticed a mistake in one of the revision tests she gave us, you would rather keep it to yourself and not attempt to tell her to remark where she had made a mistake. If anyone approached her to say, "Mam' , I got number 24 correct but you marked me wrong....",  she would go absolutely crazy!" She would furiously get your book and re-mark everything you wrote, and I guarantee you that after she is done marking your paper or book, you would definitely get marks which were much less than what you got before talking to her. Instead of correcting the one you got right, she would remark your test again looking for the mistakes you made and start reducing your marks. You would regret why you asked her to give you that mark you thought you deserved. Absolutely crazy, I haven't seen anything like it! But as I sat down drinking my glass of orange juice, I thought about some key things which can be Learnt From Miss Gambiza.

1. Most of the time the reason why you would have gone to complain to Miss Gambiza about her marking would be that, you would have checked your friend's marks and discovered that you wrote the same answer but he got it correct while yours was marked wrong. Life will always be full of surprises, those who put equal efforts as us may at times reap more than us. It frustrates. We are often tempted to complain to God about why you have less than those who haven't done anything more amazing than what you have done. Your turn of being the highly favored one is also coming.  Let me warn you, don't worry about your neighbor's marks, if Miss Gambiza marked him correct and you were marked wrong though you wrote the same answer or put the same effort, keep it to yourself and stay out of trouble, otherwise you will get your marks reduced further. Mind your business and stop comparisons.

2. I noticed that Miss Gambiza always tried to be very generous with marks, to everyone. That's the reason she got mad if you went to ask her to re-mark where she had made a mistake. In other words she would be seeing you as someone who doesn't appreciate the other marks you didn't derseve that she would have given you. She will be thinking, 'Ok, after all the marks I gave you out of my sympathy in this test, which you didn't derseve, you are concentrating on just one mark where I made a mistake?' Most of the times in life we don't notice the great favours that Miss Gambiza would have done for us, we only focus on just one mark she marked wrong. That's what made her furious. The given underserved marks are always much  more than the one mark we are complaining about.

In life, we tend to focus more on the mistakes and a few offenses from those who love us and undermine all  the other efforts and sacrifices they have made for us. It's so sad. I miss Miss Gambiza.


Source - Mthokozisi Gwizi
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