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Free electricity for the Developing World (Matebele Power Project)
05 Nov 2014 at 01:16hrs | Views

I am going to help you get free electricity in your rural home without paying a cent to Power Companies. Electricity is the power of God and no one has a right to charge you for the power of God. I am not talking about Solar panels or wind-power only today. I am going to talk about power will help you at the exact time you need it.
Power opens every road to civilisation ranging from information, education, entertainment, health, transport, food-storage, lighting, home security and the list is endless. Right in the depth of Tshitatshawa under the amaphane trees in rural Zimbabwe, all electricity driven technologies used in New York, can be achieved at your rural home at no monthly costs.
Remember the Developed World is dependent on nuclear power and you know that Zimbabwe will never see nuclear power in another thousand years. Furthermore, nuclear generated electricity can only be installed at your homestead provided you have the dollar power to pay a monthly ransom all your life.
First of all dear Matebele, you have to accept that you are poor. To be poor financially should never mean that you are also intellectually poor. If you are financially poor but intellectually rich, then join me in pushing for every homestead in Matebeleland to have basic electricity by 2018.
I have taken so many years to acquire professional knowledge from best and Developed countries and their Universities. I can confidently call myself most suitable on how to apply Engineering initiatives to turn the fortunes of poor countries like Matebeleland into glory.
For every project to be successful, the Designing Inventor has to identify his customer and explain the benefits of his invention to the end user. This is my agenda today.
I invented a cheap Electricity Generating Device that you can install at your home and enjoy electricity as people in New York City do. You have to work hard to fulfil some of the conditions that this device needs in order to function to maximum efficiency.
Before I jump into the dyno-mechanical functions of this device, I must take you slowly to the reasons why you are getting this device instead of simply getting electricity from Zesa.
Firstly let's talk about ZESA (Zimbabwe Electricity Supply Authority). This Company is good for business and business means money and you have no money. You want to have ZESA Power at your homestead but you are poor and you can't pay for it monthly. Politics also plays a lot of scenery when it comes to supplying electricity in Matebeleland, but, today, let's talk about what we can do and not what we expected those who rule us to do for us.
After accepting that we have a triple tragedy namely poverty, politics and lack of knowledge, let's turn our curse into a blessing by opening up to modern initiatives.
I begged you to start by accepting that you are poor. In this, I know I am setting you to a party of getting wealthier than New Yorkers. Because you are African and the best way to give you a good life examples is by using grandmother's story. I have a personal story to share with you so that you understand why it pays to accept that one is poor.
In 1991 I was only 22 years old living and working in Johannesburg. As a Zimbabwean poor immigrant working as a Service Station Cashier, I bought an old 1977 Colt Gallant car which was good for my financial standard. I got a beautiful South African girlfriend who always reminded me that the old car I was driving made her feel shy to be seen by her friends inside it. This beautiful girl did not understand why I bought an old ugly car. She took me to Bramely one day to show me a BMW which was being sold for 23 000 Rands. I had bought my colt for a thousand Rand. At some point in life, I felt too inferior for the expectations of my girlfriend and we ended up splitting. I don't want to brag, but use your mind what happened today after twenty-three years?
People who do not accept their state of poverty always try to buy things that they cannot afford and they end up disappointed to a breaking point. By the time they realise that they are too short for expensive things, they crumble and never rise again.
Back to the land of opportunity in Matebeleland which is our only home, let us approach this Electricity Generating Initiative with a clear understanding that we are poor. We want a poor man's electricity which we do not want to pay anyone for once we have installed it.
What does Poor Man's Electricity mean? Does it mean that our electricity will be grey in colour while New York Electricity is green? Certainly no, electricity is electricity. Electricity has no colour but what makes their electricity different from ours will be that theirs is generated by the superior nuclear power while ours is generated by Mzilikazi's geographic preferences.
My invention is a simple and conventional hydroelectric device designed for your home. This machine is humbly, simple, cheap, and reparable by the user and has no complications. It generates electricity by use of a clever harvesting system. It does not matter where you live in Matebeleland or even beyond, it's a clever energy harvesting concept that is so dedicated to guarantee your children a computer, T.V, Radio, and Lights at the right time.
Someone would be quick to say solar power already does that if you have enough panels. That is correct and yet this hydro system will never disappoint you as solar does at night.
The Matebele Power Project will satisfy your power needs at the right time you need it. In Matebeleland, people spend the whole day at work, in the fields or herding cattle. In the evening especially between 19:00 and 22:00 the Matebele people gather together as a family. They cook, eat, pray, tell stories and discuss family matters while making plans for the following day. This is the time children study and writes their home works. It's family premium time. It is at this time that a Matebele family needs electricity the most.
Solar panels can only fulfil this crucial need for a Matebele family provided the family have an array of solar panels and a very expensive battery. A good battery to fulfil this duty for this family would be a 54KW Tesla battery which costs $4000.00. Remember we are poor. Even if we were to sell all our cattle, we would not afford to buy this crazy battery only to be used for four years. This battery does not work alone, you still need to pay $6000.00 to get a 9Kwh photovoltaic cells. This takes us back to New York where people have money to splash.
We are only African and we are poor. This is the reason why solar technology has not changed our economic life in Africa.
The Matebele problems are known by the Matebele themselves and only the Matebele can solve Matebeleland challenges hence Matebele Power Project.
Our grandmothers taught us that we can grind your maize grain by grain until we have a bucket-full of mealie-meal to feed the whole family - Laborious but feasible. We will use this technique to use what we have to make electricity for our children.
This project harvests power from all natural sources that we have in Matebeleland. These are, Sunlight Power, flowing rivers, wind and even rain water. When properly executed, these sources cost very little but a lot of hard labour is needed to build the system. To those of us who are well acquainted to physics, the energy harvesting system will store energy as potential energy converted into kinetic energy on demand. This means that all energy sources named above have a duty to fill water tanks by pumping water from a pond to tanks above. This pumping happens all day, all night and kinetic system is ignited 80% between 19:00 and 22:00 and only 2% thereafter.
Water is not needed to drain as fast as you have hypothetically imagined. So much Science and Engineering Design expertise has been applied is inventing a small hydro-power system fit for your home. If Kariba hydro system can power a million homes, why would you hypothetically doubt the rate of tape water to power your home?
Here is exactly what happens, at your homestead, you will need to dig a big water containing pond. At the edge of the pond, you will need to build a five meter pedestal on which to mount a water tank. The pond will need to be filled by rain water or water that you will need to ferry from any far source until the pond is full. During the day when your family are working in the fields, a simple solar powered pump pumps water from the bottom pond to the upper tank. If there is no sun on that day, the windmill will pump water for you. For Solar, there are nine hours of pumping, for wind, probably six hours. If you live near a flowing river, you can mount long pipes from the upper side of the river to your storage system. Remember, where ever there is a water flow, there is a gradient. When-ever there is a gradient, there is free flow of water to your tank system. Where ever there is a free flow of water into your system, there is free electricity all your life for your house hold.
I am inviting you to join hands with me as we power your rural home. Let's discuss. Ask questions and let's start it from there. Remember it's not me claiming to have all what it takes to develop your home. It is you and me discussing the geographies and climatic blessings at your place and combining facts to produce the so much needed power.
Power opens every road to civilisation ranging from information, education, entertainment, health, transport, food-storage, lighting, home security and the list is endless. Right in the depth of Tshitatshawa under the amaphane trees in rural Zimbabwe, all electricity driven technologies used in New York, can be achieved at your rural home at no monthly costs.
Remember the Developed World is dependent on nuclear power and you know that Zimbabwe will never see nuclear power in another thousand years. Furthermore, nuclear generated electricity can only be installed at your homestead provided you have the dollar power to pay a monthly ransom all your life.
First of all dear Matebele, you have to accept that you are poor. To be poor financially should never mean that you are also intellectually poor. If you are financially poor but intellectually rich, then join me in pushing for every homestead in Matebeleland to have basic electricity by 2018.
I have taken so many years to acquire professional knowledge from best and Developed countries and their Universities. I can confidently call myself most suitable on how to apply Engineering initiatives to turn the fortunes of poor countries like Matebeleland into glory.
For every project to be successful, the Designing Inventor has to identify his customer and explain the benefits of his invention to the end user. This is my agenda today.
I invented a cheap Electricity Generating Device that you can install at your home and enjoy electricity as people in New York City do. You have to work hard to fulfil some of the conditions that this device needs in order to function to maximum efficiency.
Before I jump into the dyno-mechanical functions of this device, I must take you slowly to the reasons why you are getting this device instead of simply getting electricity from Zesa.
Firstly let's talk about ZESA (Zimbabwe Electricity Supply Authority). This Company is good for business and business means money and you have no money. You want to have ZESA Power at your homestead but you are poor and you can't pay for it monthly. Politics also plays a lot of scenery when it comes to supplying electricity in Matebeleland, but, today, let's talk about what we can do and not what we expected those who rule us to do for us.
After accepting that we have a triple tragedy namely poverty, politics and lack of knowledge, let's turn our curse into a blessing by opening up to modern initiatives.
I begged you to start by accepting that you are poor. In this, I know I am setting you to a party of getting wealthier than New Yorkers. Because you are African and the best way to give you a good life examples is by using grandmother's story. I have a personal story to share with you so that you understand why it pays to accept that one is poor.
In 1991 I was only 22 years old living and working in Johannesburg. As a Zimbabwean poor immigrant working as a Service Station Cashier, I bought an old 1977 Colt Gallant car which was good for my financial standard. I got a beautiful South African girlfriend who always reminded me that the old car I was driving made her feel shy to be seen by her friends inside it. This beautiful girl did not understand why I bought an old ugly car. She took me to Bramely one day to show me a BMW which was being sold for 23 000 Rands. I had bought my colt for a thousand Rand. At some point in life, I felt too inferior for the expectations of my girlfriend and we ended up splitting. I don't want to brag, but use your mind what happened today after twenty-three years?
Back to the land of opportunity in Matebeleland which is our only home, let us approach this Electricity Generating Initiative with a clear understanding that we are poor. We want a poor man's electricity which we do not want to pay anyone for once we have installed it.
What does Poor Man's Electricity mean? Does it mean that our electricity will be grey in colour while New York Electricity is green? Certainly no, electricity is electricity. Electricity has no colour but what makes their electricity different from ours will be that theirs is generated by the superior nuclear power while ours is generated by Mzilikazi's geographic preferences.
My invention is a simple and conventional hydroelectric device designed for your home. This machine is humbly, simple, cheap, and reparable by the user and has no complications. It generates electricity by use of a clever harvesting system. It does not matter where you live in Matebeleland or even beyond, it's a clever energy harvesting concept that is so dedicated to guarantee your children a computer, T.V, Radio, and Lights at the right time.
Someone would be quick to say solar power already does that if you have enough panels. That is correct and yet this hydro system will never disappoint you as solar does at night.
The Matebele Power Project will satisfy your power needs at the right time you need it. In Matebeleland, people spend the whole day at work, in the fields or herding cattle. In the evening especially between 19:00 and 22:00 the Matebele people gather together as a family. They cook, eat, pray, tell stories and discuss family matters while making plans for the following day. This is the time children study and writes their home works. It's family premium time. It is at this time that a Matebele family needs electricity the most.
Solar panels can only fulfil this crucial need for a Matebele family provided the family have an array of solar panels and a very expensive battery. A good battery to fulfil this duty for this family would be a 54KW Tesla battery which costs $4000.00. Remember we are poor. Even if we were to sell all our cattle, we would not afford to buy this crazy battery only to be used for four years. This battery does not work alone, you still need to pay $6000.00 to get a 9Kwh photovoltaic cells. This takes us back to New York where people have money to splash.
We are only African and we are poor. This is the reason why solar technology has not changed our economic life in Africa.
The Matebele problems are known by the Matebele themselves and only the Matebele can solve Matebeleland challenges hence Matebele Power Project.
Our grandmothers taught us that we can grind your maize grain by grain until we have a bucket-full of mealie-meal to feed the whole family - Laborious but feasible. We will use this technique to use what we have to make electricity for our children.
This project harvests power from all natural sources that we have in Matebeleland. These are, Sunlight Power, flowing rivers, wind and even rain water. When properly executed, these sources cost very little but a lot of hard labour is needed to build the system. To those of us who are well acquainted to physics, the energy harvesting system will store energy as potential energy converted into kinetic energy on demand. This means that all energy sources named above have a duty to fill water tanks by pumping water from a pond to tanks above. This pumping happens all day, all night and kinetic system is ignited 80% between 19:00 and 22:00 and only 2% thereafter.
Water is not needed to drain as fast as you have hypothetically imagined. So much Science and Engineering Design expertise has been applied is inventing a small hydro-power system fit for your home. If Kariba hydro system can power a million homes, why would you hypothetically doubt the rate of tape water to power your home?
Here is exactly what happens, at your homestead, you will need to dig a big water containing pond. At the edge of the pond, you will need to build a five meter pedestal on which to mount a water tank. The pond will need to be filled by rain water or water that you will need to ferry from any far source until the pond is full. During the day when your family are working in the fields, a simple solar powered pump pumps water from the bottom pond to the upper tank. If there is no sun on that day, the windmill will pump water for you. For Solar, there are nine hours of pumping, for wind, probably six hours. If you live near a flowing river, you can mount long pipes from the upper side of the river to your storage system. Remember, where ever there is a water flow, there is a gradient. When-ever there is a gradient, there is free flow of water to your tank system. Where ever there is a free flow of water into your system, there is free electricity all your life for your house hold.
I am inviting you to join hands with me as we power your rural home. Let's discuss. Ask questions and let's start it from there. Remember it's not me claiming to have all what it takes to develop your home. It is you and me discussing the geographies and climatic blessings at your place and combining facts to produce the so much needed power.
Source - Ryton Dzimiri
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