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A Level: Daily Divinity Questions and Answers with Dingani Witness
10 Apr 2016 at 07:49hrs | Views

QN. Relate how Amos condemnations apply in the society of Zimbabwe? (25)
®The above question requires one to have deep knowledge about the book of Amos specifically what he condemned in Israel.In other words the sins of the Israelites.
®Amos prophesied in the Northern Region "ISRAEL" in the days of the king Jeroboam (Amos 1:1 and Amos 7 : 10).Amos prophesied when Israel was strong economically, this,is the reason why scholars like Professor Roy suggest that Amos prophesied during the prosperous days of Israel.
- During the prosperous days of Israel ,injustices was prevailing among the Israelites, Amos as a prophet fought for social justice and condemning the sins of the Israelites.
- Amos in chapter 2 v 6 uses an oracle to deliver the message of doom to the Israelites because of their many sins "for three transgressions and for four".Amos condemned Israelites for selling the righteous for silver,the son and father sharing same wife, to mention but few only.
- In Amos 4 v 1 ,Amos condemns the Samarian women for oppressing the poor.
- In Amos 5 v 25,Amos condemn the Israelites for not offering the sacrifices in an expected way.
- In Amos 6 v 1-14,Amos condemns the Israelites "the rich" for oppressing the poor,(read the above reference).
- Amos condemned the Israelites for silencing the prophets ,this supported by Amos 2 v 12.
©Does Amos condemnations apply in Zimbabwean context, in other words what Amos condemned is it happening in Zimbabwe or it happened ,allow me to use Vernacular language for emphasis reasons (zvinoitika here Ku Zimbabwe, kuyenzakala yini eZimbabwe).
- If yes ,prove it
- If know ,Why?
©You will realize that Amos condemnations apply in Zimbabwe to a greater extent .The media will guide us in order to write valid information.
©Byo24.com has recorded so many people who lost their farmlands between the time of colonisation up to date .Losing the farmlands for so many reasons one of them being the status of an individual.
- The point is that the poor are being oppressed by the rich,this is the same thing which Amos condemned.
©During the Smith Regime, the Zimbabweans were being oppressed ,this is the reason why they revolted ,thus, evidenced by 1st Chimurenga and 2rd Chimurenga .This is the reason why prophets like Samuel Mutendi and Ezekeil Guti criticised the oppression of the blacks by the whites
- The point is oppression, thus ,what Amos condemned as well.
©The media has went on to record the prostitution which was prevailing in Victoria Falls in the year of 2003-2009.In other words this means that men were sharing the same maiden .In other words this means that there are high chances that the son and father ended up sharing the same maiden indirect .And this is what Amos exactly condemned. Therefore, one will be awarded to a certain degree for proving that Amos condemnations apply in Zimbabwean society.
©Earlier the writer highlighted that Amos condemned Israelites who silenced the prophets. In Zimbabwe silencing prophets was common during the liberation struggle were it is said that the Smith Regime silenced the likes of Ezekiel Guti and Samuel Mutendi for their messages which was anti-colonial ,leading them to be imprisoned. This means that Amos condemnation apply or once applied in Zimbabwean Society.
©It is not documented that Zimbabweans offer sacrifices ,hence, the reason is unknown but one will suggest that time frame contributes and the church in nowadays believe that offering sacrifices its no longer effective as they speak or communicate with God on daily basis. In other words this means that Amos condemnation in this case doesn't apply in the society of Zimbabwe.
®There are so many examples you can use ,some of Amos condemnations happens around you on daily basis
- Media has helped us to a certain degree
- Watch the national TV "Zbc " ,so many cases are being broadcasted on daily basis.
©In other words this means that there is no excuse for failing to execute the above question.
®You have been taught how to conclude ,I won't waste much time repeating the same thing ,even though it has been said that one understands better when different voice repeat the same thing.
+263777896159 (Whatsapp)
Witness Dingani (Facebook)
®The above question requires one to have deep knowledge about the book of Amos specifically what he condemned in Israel.In other words the sins of the Israelites.
®Amos prophesied in the Northern Region "ISRAEL" in the days of the king Jeroboam (Amos 1:1 and Amos 7 : 10).Amos prophesied when Israel was strong economically, this,is the reason why scholars like Professor Roy suggest that Amos prophesied during the prosperous days of Israel.
- During the prosperous days of Israel ,injustices was prevailing among the Israelites, Amos as a prophet fought for social justice and condemning the sins of the Israelites.
- Amos in chapter 2 v 6 uses an oracle to deliver the message of doom to the Israelites because of their many sins "for three transgressions and for four".Amos condemned Israelites for selling the righteous for silver,the son and father sharing same wife, to mention but few only.
- In Amos 4 v 1 ,Amos condemns the Samarian women for oppressing the poor.
- In Amos 5 v 25,Amos condemn the Israelites for not offering the sacrifices in an expected way.
- In Amos 6 v 1-14,Amos condemns the Israelites "the rich" for oppressing the poor,(read the above reference).
- Amos condemned the Israelites for silencing the prophets ,this supported by Amos 2 v 12.
©Does Amos condemnations apply in Zimbabwean context, in other words what Amos condemned is it happening in Zimbabwe or it happened ,allow me to use Vernacular language for emphasis reasons (zvinoitika here Ku Zimbabwe, kuyenzakala yini eZimbabwe).
- If yes ,prove it
- If know ,Why?
©You will realize that Amos condemnations apply in Zimbabwe to a greater extent .The media will guide us in order to write valid information.
©Byo24.com has recorded so many people who lost their farmlands between the time of colonisation up to date .Losing the farmlands for so many reasons one of them being the status of an individual.
- The point is that the poor are being oppressed by the rich,this is the same thing which Amos condemned.
©During the Smith Regime, the Zimbabweans were being oppressed ,this is the reason why they revolted ,thus, evidenced by 1st Chimurenga and 2rd Chimurenga .This is the reason why prophets like Samuel Mutendi and Ezekeil Guti criticised the oppression of the blacks by the whites
- The point is oppression, thus ,what Amos condemned as well.
©The media has went on to record the prostitution which was prevailing in Victoria Falls in the year of 2003-2009.In other words this means that men were sharing the same maiden .In other words this means that there are high chances that the son and father ended up sharing the same maiden indirect .And this is what Amos exactly condemned. Therefore, one will be awarded to a certain degree for proving that Amos condemnations apply in Zimbabwean society.
©Earlier the writer highlighted that Amos condemned Israelites who silenced the prophets. In Zimbabwe silencing prophets was common during the liberation struggle were it is said that the Smith Regime silenced the likes of Ezekiel Guti and Samuel Mutendi for their messages which was anti-colonial ,leading them to be imprisoned. This means that Amos condemnation apply or once applied in Zimbabwean Society.
©It is not documented that Zimbabweans offer sacrifices ,hence, the reason is unknown but one will suggest that time frame contributes and the church in nowadays believe that offering sacrifices its no longer effective as they speak or communicate with God on daily basis. In other words this means that Amos condemnation in this case doesn't apply in the society of Zimbabwe.
®There are so many examples you can use ,some of Amos condemnations happens around you on daily basis
- Media has helped us to a certain degree
- Watch the national TV "Zbc " ,so many cases are being broadcasted on daily basis.
©In other words this means that there is no excuse for failing to execute the above question.
®You have been taught how to conclude ,I won't waste much time repeating the same thing ,even though it has been said that one understands better when different voice repeat the same thing.
+263777896159 (Whatsapp)
Witness Dingani (Facebook)
Source - Dingani Witness
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