Opinion / Columnist
Indiscipline,factionalism torments Zanu PF, Mugabe
16 Dec 2016 at 23:37hrs | Views

Below is the full speech by President Robert Mugabe at the official opening of Zanu PF annual conference in Masvingo on Friday:
Vice President and Second Secretary Cde Emmerson Mnangagwa and Amai Mnangagwa!
Vice President and Second Secretary, Cde Phelekezela Mphoko and Amai Mphoko! (Inaudible)
We also recognise our respected visitor, Vice President Cyril Ramaphosa, who is Vice President of South Africa, who has been sent here by President Zuma to be with us and to attend our National People's conference.
We welcome you.
The Secretary for Administration, Cde Ignatious Chombo; Members of the Politburo, Central Committee and the National Consultative Assembly; the host chairman of Masvingo province and chairpersons of various provinces; war veterans, war collaborators, political detainees and restrictees; senior Government officials; service chiefs; representatives of business community; our traditional chiefs, and other traditional leaders here present; our church leaders here present; representatives of liberation movements and parties who are here with us; members of the diplomatic corps; student activists; invited guests; ladies and gentlemen; comrades and friends.
I warmly welcome you, welcome you all delegates to our 2016 National People's Conference. Several of you have travelled long distances from your provinces to this venue, Masvingo, and a venue which we offer reverence.
We offer it reverence because of its nearness to the Great Zimbabwe from which both the host province and our country derive our names.
Allow me also to extend a special welcome to our comrades, comrade representatives of liberation movements, and parties who have come to be here in solidarity with us.
The spirit that binds us, the spirit that binds our parties is the same spirit that bound us yesterday as we fought for liberation together, and it is the same spirit that has motivated you to travel all the way to be with us today.
And may that spirit continue to blossom as we move into the future kuti tirambe tiine mweya umwe chete wekubatana wataiva nawo zuro ticharwisa nevavengi — takabatana nyika nenyika; musangano nemusangano —tichinzwanana.
Saka ndizvo zvatinokumbura kuti zvirambe zviripo, kwazvo-kwazvo. Mazuva ano tava Hurumende, hatisisiri musangano chete.
We are no longer just the liberation movement, we are indeed Governments made out of these liberation movements.
Our conference is taking place at a time when the heavens have happily opened, blessing us with heavy showers that point to a promising agricultural season. The rains have thus blessed us with cool weather, one that is ideal and conducive for us to engage in fruitful deliberations on the theme of our conference, which is "Moving with Zim-Asset in Peace and Unity".
"Moving with Zim-Asset in Peace and Unity", the conference's theme, which is both timely and relevant makes matters economical the focal point of most of our deliberations, which are going to take place in these three days we are going to be here for the conference as delegates.
As delegates we are all expected to actively debate and offer solutions for our country's economic recovery in agriculture, in mining structuring and commerce, in tourism, infrastructure and in several other areas.
At this conference, we anticipate robust, frank, informed and informing ministers' and committees' presentations and delegates' subsequent discussions.
All delegates are expected to actively participate in the conference in one form or another. Apart from discussing the economy, our conference will look at the state of the country especially in the year that has gone by.
Tinosungirwa kuongorora musangano wedu kuti pagore iro rino rava kupfuura wanga wakamira sei?
What different organs of the party occasionally meet to review and redress specific aspects of the party?
It is a forum like this one which affords us a holistic view. The broad representation at this conference must translate into a broad eye for looking at fundamental issues affecting our party.
Tasangana kudai tichibva kunzvimbo dzakasiyana-siyana, tinouya tiine pfungwa dzakasiyana- siyana.
Saka maonero iwayo ndoatinosungirwa kuisa pamwe chete kuti tizobuda nepfungwa dzatingati idzi ndopfungwa nezvinangwa zvemusangano wedu wekuMasvingo.
We must be able to look at the party from above and from below and also sideways. Since we all are here come from various provinces, all this should come from all our provinces and districts and from the organs and committees.
Kumaprovince nekumadistrict ikoko, vane maorgans avo akavapa pfungwa. Ndodzavauya nadzo kuno. Asi isuwo tose pachedu muno, tine mvumo yekuongororawo pachedu tichipawo pfungwa dzatinenge tiinadzo.
So finally, we look at the party and the country from the angle of each and every one of us and in the party and only then shall we be able to say we have met, discussed and succeeded and are now ready, truly ready for the year to come.
All these collected views must in the final analysis, reconcile and find consolidation, expression and oneness as it were in our resolutions, which resolutions will guide us in the year to come, the year 2017.
Let me now share with you some of my observations regarding developments in our party in 2016.
Zvandakaona mugore rino rapfuura ratakupedza, aya ari maongorero emuparty nemuHurumendewo futi!
The party remains strong, there is no doubt about it. In fact very strong and formidable by any account.
We have had all our opponents prostrated, so they are flattened on the ground. Havana ruzivo rwekuti voenda kupi, kupi – vakubata apa nepapa.
Zviparty zvirikungomuka zvisina nemusuoro wese zvino hapana kwazvinosvika.
Zvinongozengerera sezvitototo. Zvimwe zvinozvigumira kumadziro zvobva zvaparara. Chaitwa apa hapana.
Chinozvara chimwe chozvara chimwe zvichingodaro izvi and kuti unzwe kuti pfungwa dzavanadzo dzakadzama dzenyika ndedzipi, hapana!
They have practically no ideas, practically no principles and practically no thinking of how this country can be transformed and how this country can have its economy transformed.
Externally, nyika dzokunze, countries that have been hostile to us and all this time expected that Zanu-PF Government shall listen to them and that there shall be the regime change, have failed to achieve that.
There has not been regime change and there shall not be a regime change. They stand defeated on that one. We have had I think quite some success in that area.
We still have to fight anywhere to defend ourselves, protect our policies and our programmes so that we are not inhibited in what we try to do in Zim-Asset.
But, we have been able in the bad year 2016 during which we were visited by a drought, which caused our harvest to be poor and therefore creating the situation of hunger amongst our people. We have been able to feed our people, and we continue the thrust of ensuring that no one dies from hunger.
Tinotenda vanga vachitiitira basa irori rokutsvaga chikafu vanana (Dr Joseph) Made, nekuzoti chipinde munyika zvakanaka paine ruzivo rwokuti chiri kuenda kupi nekupi, chakawanda sei, kunzvimbo dzipi?
Vana Amai (Prisca) Mupfumira tinovatenda zvikuru-kuru. Ngavarambe vakadaro.
Well, as we look at the weather now, the situation is more promising, more auspicious and we know if our people are well fed, they have at least some measure of their own earnings from their harvests and those who are in the other sections of the economy, which also is improving by the way very much improving, are also getting some money.
We know that there is some measure of satisfaction and happiness amongst our people. That is the starting point, to satisfy the needs of our people.
To do this, we have got to have indicating peace and unity, and this unity must begin with us. I agree that we should have enough peace in Zanu-PF, and we have shown enough unity in Zanu-PF.
I say on this one that there has been creeping into our party a new culture of indiscipline, a new culture of indiscipline yevamwe vadiki vanongofunga kuti muparty vanokwanisa kuita zvavanoda, a culture of disrespect.
Havana rukudzo and there is even contempt and arrogance, kuzvikudza, kuvhaira! Hamheno chinoita vadaro chii.
When a member of a party, and we think when you join the party, you are mature enough. Whether you joined at 18, 19, 20, 21 – you are mature enough to know that there are rules to be obeyed.
There are ways to be followed that you cannot dictate how things should be done. There are organs which follow rules and procedures of how things should be done and no one person should stand up there and say ah, I want this to be done this way.
Va(Phelekezela) Mphoko hatichavada. Hazviitwe izvozvo! Vamwe, tumwe twacho hanzi VaMugabe hatichavada. Ko zvino zvausisavade unoti zviitwe sei iwe pachezvako vamwe vazhinji muparty vachiti tinovada? Hanzi ngavanzwe zvandiri kutaura; ngavanzwe zvatiri kutaura.
It doesn't matter kuti uri ani. Whether you are a former detainee or a veteran, or a member with no standing in the party, you should always know how things are done. So action was taken against some, sadly enough including some whom we were outside with.
Vamwe vataive kunze navo, hamheno kuti chikonye chakavapinda chii! Ndozvazvinoita.
Hukuru muparty hunouyaka nekusarudzwa. Hahuuye nekuti aiwa tinoda kupinda uko, tisunde uyo tipindewo. Ko ndopfungwa dzevanhu here idzodzo? Ndopfungwa dzinenge dziine vanhu here?
Saka mugore rino ndozvimwe zvatakaonawo. Ndofunga imi makazvionawo. Zvino kana makazvionawo, takazvionawo pamwe chete. Let us ensure that as we go into the year 2017, we will be united; we will be clearer in our minds; we will know the rules of the party better; abide by them and be principled members of the party or principled leaders of the party.
The stability of the party rests on all its organs operating honestly. Our constitution provides various forms, various forms of how leaders must be punished. Leaders can be changed, and those are the forms that we should follow.
Well, as we meet here and we get divided into groups, thematic committees, we expect that discussions will take place in those thematic committees and discuss various issues.
We want at the end of the day as we assemble again tomorrow and we look at the results of the committees' discussions and resolutions that we can collect them and establish the views and be able to work out solutions based on them. As a party, we must always speak with one voice.
Vakuru vedu, we do not run or organise matters of the party or settle our grievances through Twitter and those vana Facebook etcetera, whatever.
This, this here is a forum, a very important forum of the party. The Central Committee reports to you, the Politburo will have reported to the Central Committee, and you keep some of the programmes or decisions or recommendations that had come from below for reporting to Congress.
Those which are urgent, they may be dealt with on an urgent basis neCentral Committee, but for goodness sake, it does not help getting the newspapers to intervene in our problems and disagreements.
Toti vanaDay-what and Day-this kuti ndivo vonzwa nyaya dzedu, vogosettler nyaya dzedu; vongonzwa nyaya dziri kuitika mumusangano?
Ndo dzava nzira dzokutukana nadzo, nzira dzokunyombana nadzo, nzira dzokuda kugadzirisa, kuzvigadziridza nadzo? Aiwa, hatidi izvozvo.
Izvo zviri kuitwa nevakuru kwete nevadiki. Mabopoto amwe hatimazive anongoiswa mumabepa imomo. Zvimapepa izvozvi hazvina dzimwe news. Aiwa. Dzinongova papata dzikabata kanyaya ako nako papata.
Torega kusevenzeswa vakashaya izvozvi. Twukashaya izvozvo hatunaka dzimwe nyaya dzatwunganyore, saka twunobva twafa nekuti twashaya nyaya. Dzenyika idzi havadzigone. Vanoda zvekungoongorora zviri kuitika muZanu-PF; what is happening with Zanu-PF?
That is what is giving life to these papers which deserve to go to the bin. Unity, which you are showing here as members of the National People's conference is the unity we expect you to show back home in your province.
Regai kufurirwa nesu vakuru kumusoro. Hatidi nyaya yemafactions iyo inotaurwa. Nanganai neparty chete, motarisana nezvinangwa zveparty.
Kana takadaro toenderera mberi.
We have our Zim-Asset projects to work on. They must succeed and let us ensure that the projects and programmes succeed.
Mvura yatapihwa gore rino let's make use of the rain and ensure that province by province, we have succeeded through Zim-Asset. Yes! But also individually, as we must always do to carry out our agricultural programmes successfully. Well, we have come to the conference, Zanu-PF conference. Tingarwisane, tingakakatane asi Zanu-PF inongoramba yakati twi-i!
And people will come back to Zanu-PF anyway. So, Zanu-PF now, Zanu-PF tomorrow, tomorrow and tomorrow. So, we should always move forward in peace, unity and amity; and, that I want now.
From the Politburo and Central Committee, taive neissue yekuita report nekuzopira kuconference ino.
I now wish to submit this Central Committee Report to this conference, the 16th National People's Conference report — Central Committee report to you. Province by province we always get it nenguva.
Tinenge tiine musangano yezvave kuitwa kuti muve neruzivo rwekuti ndezvipi nezvipi zvakakosha zvatakakurukura, Zim-Asset nezvimwe, tikati zvine kodzero yekuiswa munhaurirano iri pano yeCentral Committee.
Now as I submit the Central Committee Report to you the People's National conference through Vice President Mnagangwa — akairasa hamheno zvake; akairasa anoitsvaga semombe! Ndainzi nasekuru ukarasa mombe unototsvaga udziwane. Okay!
Pamberi nekubatana!
Vice President and Second Secretary Cde Emmerson Mnangagwa and Amai Mnangagwa!
Vice President and Second Secretary, Cde Phelekezela Mphoko and Amai Mphoko! (Inaudible)
We also recognise our respected visitor, Vice President Cyril Ramaphosa, who is Vice President of South Africa, who has been sent here by President Zuma to be with us and to attend our National People's conference.
We welcome you.
The Secretary for Administration, Cde Ignatious Chombo; Members of the Politburo, Central Committee and the National Consultative Assembly; the host chairman of Masvingo province and chairpersons of various provinces; war veterans, war collaborators, political detainees and restrictees; senior Government officials; service chiefs; representatives of business community; our traditional chiefs, and other traditional leaders here present; our church leaders here present; representatives of liberation movements and parties who are here with us; members of the diplomatic corps; student activists; invited guests; ladies and gentlemen; comrades and friends.
I warmly welcome you, welcome you all delegates to our 2016 National People's Conference. Several of you have travelled long distances from your provinces to this venue, Masvingo, and a venue which we offer reverence.
We offer it reverence because of its nearness to the Great Zimbabwe from which both the host province and our country derive our names.
Allow me also to extend a special welcome to our comrades, comrade representatives of liberation movements, and parties who have come to be here in solidarity with us.
The spirit that binds us, the spirit that binds our parties is the same spirit that bound us yesterday as we fought for liberation together, and it is the same spirit that has motivated you to travel all the way to be with us today.
And may that spirit continue to blossom as we move into the future kuti tirambe tiine mweya umwe chete wekubatana wataiva nawo zuro ticharwisa nevavengi — takabatana nyika nenyika; musangano nemusangano —tichinzwanana.
Saka ndizvo zvatinokumbura kuti zvirambe zviripo, kwazvo-kwazvo. Mazuva ano tava Hurumende, hatisisiri musangano chete.
We are no longer just the liberation movement, we are indeed Governments made out of these liberation movements.
Our conference is taking place at a time when the heavens have happily opened, blessing us with heavy showers that point to a promising agricultural season. The rains have thus blessed us with cool weather, one that is ideal and conducive for us to engage in fruitful deliberations on the theme of our conference, which is "Moving with Zim-Asset in Peace and Unity".
"Moving with Zim-Asset in Peace and Unity", the conference's theme, which is both timely and relevant makes matters economical the focal point of most of our deliberations, which are going to take place in these three days we are going to be here for the conference as delegates.
As delegates we are all expected to actively debate and offer solutions for our country's economic recovery in agriculture, in mining structuring and commerce, in tourism, infrastructure and in several other areas.
At this conference, we anticipate robust, frank, informed and informing ministers' and committees' presentations and delegates' subsequent discussions.
All delegates are expected to actively participate in the conference in one form or another. Apart from discussing the economy, our conference will look at the state of the country especially in the year that has gone by.
Tinosungirwa kuongorora musangano wedu kuti pagore iro rino rava kupfuura wanga wakamira sei?
What different organs of the party occasionally meet to review and redress specific aspects of the party?
It is a forum like this one which affords us a holistic view. The broad representation at this conference must translate into a broad eye for looking at fundamental issues affecting our party.
Tasangana kudai tichibva kunzvimbo dzakasiyana-siyana, tinouya tiine pfungwa dzakasiyana- siyana.
Saka maonero iwayo ndoatinosungirwa kuisa pamwe chete kuti tizobuda nepfungwa dzatingati idzi ndopfungwa nezvinangwa zvemusangano wedu wekuMasvingo.
We must be able to look at the party from above and from below and also sideways. Since we all are here come from various provinces, all this should come from all our provinces and districts and from the organs and committees.
Kumaprovince nekumadistrict ikoko, vane maorgans avo akavapa pfungwa. Ndodzavauya nadzo kuno. Asi isuwo tose pachedu muno, tine mvumo yekuongororawo pachedu tichipawo pfungwa dzatinenge tiinadzo.
So finally, we look at the party and the country from the angle of each and every one of us and in the party and only then shall we be able to say we have met, discussed and succeeded and are now ready, truly ready for the year to come.
All these collected views must in the final analysis, reconcile and find consolidation, expression and oneness as it were in our resolutions, which resolutions will guide us in the year to come, the year 2017.
Let me now share with you some of my observations regarding developments in our party in 2016.
Zvandakaona mugore rino rapfuura ratakupedza, aya ari maongorero emuparty nemuHurumendewo futi!
The party remains strong, there is no doubt about it. In fact very strong and formidable by any account.
We have had all our opponents prostrated, so they are flattened on the ground. Havana ruzivo rwekuti voenda kupi, kupi – vakubata apa nepapa.
Zviparty zvirikungomuka zvisina nemusuoro wese zvino hapana kwazvinosvika.
Zvinongozengerera sezvitototo. Zvimwe zvinozvigumira kumadziro zvobva zvaparara. Chaitwa apa hapana.
Chinozvara chimwe chozvara chimwe zvichingodaro izvi and kuti unzwe kuti pfungwa dzavanadzo dzakadzama dzenyika ndedzipi, hapana!
They have practically no ideas, practically no principles and practically no thinking of how this country can be transformed and how this country can have its economy transformed.
Externally, nyika dzokunze, countries that have been hostile to us and all this time expected that Zanu-PF Government shall listen to them and that there shall be the regime change, have failed to achieve that.
There has not been regime change and there shall not be a regime change. They stand defeated on that one. We have had I think quite some success in that area.
We still have to fight anywhere to defend ourselves, protect our policies and our programmes so that we are not inhibited in what we try to do in Zim-Asset.
But, we have been able in the bad year 2016 during which we were visited by a drought, which caused our harvest to be poor and therefore creating the situation of hunger amongst our people. We have been able to feed our people, and we continue the thrust of ensuring that no one dies from hunger.
Tinotenda vanga vachitiitira basa irori rokutsvaga chikafu vanana (Dr Joseph) Made, nekuzoti chipinde munyika zvakanaka paine ruzivo rwokuti chiri kuenda kupi nekupi, chakawanda sei, kunzvimbo dzipi?
Vana Amai (Prisca) Mupfumira tinovatenda zvikuru-kuru. Ngavarambe vakadaro.
Well, as we look at the weather now, the situation is more promising, more auspicious and we know if our people are well fed, they have at least some measure of their own earnings from their harvests and those who are in the other sections of the economy, which also is improving by the way very much improving, are also getting some money.
We know that there is some measure of satisfaction and happiness amongst our people. That is the starting point, to satisfy the needs of our people.
To do this, we have got to have indicating peace and unity, and this unity must begin with us. I agree that we should have enough peace in Zanu-PF, and we have shown enough unity in Zanu-PF.
I say on this one that there has been creeping into our party a new culture of indiscipline, a new culture of indiscipline yevamwe vadiki vanongofunga kuti muparty vanokwanisa kuita zvavanoda, a culture of disrespect.
Havana rukudzo and there is even contempt and arrogance, kuzvikudza, kuvhaira! Hamheno chinoita vadaro chii.
When a member of a party, and we think when you join the party, you are mature enough. Whether you joined at 18, 19, 20, 21 – you are mature enough to know that there are rules to be obeyed.
There are ways to be followed that you cannot dictate how things should be done. There are organs which follow rules and procedures of how things should be done and no one person should stand up there and say ah, I want this to be done this way.
Va(Phelekezela) Mphoko hatichavada. Hazviitwe izvozvo! Vamwe, tumwe twacho hanzi VaMugabe hatichavada. Ko zvino zvausisavade unoti zviitwe sei iwe pachezvako vamwe vazhinji muparty vachiti tinovada? Hanzi ngavanzwe zvandiri kutaura; ngavanzwe zvatiri kutaura.
It doesn't matter kuti uri ani. Whether you are a former detainee or a veteran, or a member with no standing in the party, you should always know how things are done. So action was taken against some, sadly enough including some whom we were outside with.
Vamwe vataive kunze navo, hamheno kuti chikonye chakavapinda chii! Ndozvazvinoita.
Hukuru muparty hunouyaka nekusarudzwa. Hahuuye nekuti aiwa tinoda kupinda uko, tisunde uyo tipindewo. Ko ndopfungwa dzevanhu here idzodzo? Ndopfungwa dzinenge dziine vanhu here?
Saka mugore rino ndozvimwe zvatakaonawo. Ndofunga imi makazvionawo. Zvino kana makazvionawo, takazvionawo pamwe chete. Let us ensure that as we go into the year 2017, we will be united; we will be clearer in our minds; we will know the rules of the party better; abide by them and be principled members of the party or principled leaders of the party.
The stability of the party rests on all its organs operating honestly. Our constitution provides various forms, various forms of how leaders must be punished. Leaders can be changed, and those are the forms that we should follow.
Well, as we meet here and we get divided into groups, thematic committees, we expect that discussions will take place in those thematic committees and discuss various issues.
We want at the end of the day as we assemble again tomorrow and we look at the results of the committees' discussions and resolutions that we can collect them and establish the views and be able to work out solutions based on them. As a party, we must always speak with one voice.
Vakuru vedu, we do not run or organise matters of the party or settle our grievances through Twitter and those vana Facebook etcetera, whatever.
This, this here is a forum, a very important forum of the party. The Central Committee reports to you, the Politburo will have reported to the Central Committee, and you keep some of the programmes or decisions or recommendations that had come from below for reporting to Congress.
Those which are urgent, they may be dealt with on an urgent basis neCentral Committee, but for goodness sake, it does not help getting the newspapers to intervene in our problems and disagreements.
Toti vanaDay-what and Day-this kuti ndivo vonzwa nyaya dzedu, vogosettler nyaya dzedu; vongonzwa nyaya dziri kuitika mumusangano?
Ndo dzava nzira dzokutukana nadzo, nzira dzokunyombana nadzo, nzira dzokuda kugadzirisa, kuzvigadziridza nadzo? Aiwa, hatidi izvozvo.
Izvo zviri kuitwa nevakuru kwete nevadiki. Mabopoto amwe hatimazive anongoiswa mumabepa imomo. Zvimapepa izvozvi hazvina dzimwe news. Aiwa. Dzinongova papata dzikabata kanyaya ako nako papata.
Torega kusevenzeswa vakashaya izvozvi. Twukashaya izvozvo hatunaka dzimwe nyaya dzatwunganyore, saka twunobva twafa nekuti twashaya nyaya. Dzenyika idzi havadzigone. Vanoda zvekungoongorora zviri kuitika muZanu-PF; what is happening with Zanu-PF?
That is what is giving life to these papers which deserve to go to the bin. Unity, which you are showing here as members of the National People's conference is the unity we expect you to show back home in your province.
Regai kufurirwa nesu vakuru kumusoro. Hatidi nyaya yemafactions iyo inotaurwa. Nanganai neparty chete, motarisana nezvinangwa zveparty.
Kana takadaro toenderera mberi.
We have our Zim-Asset projects to work on. They must succeed and let us ensure that the projects and programmes succeed.
Mvura yatapihwa gore rino let's make use of the rain and ensure that province by province, we have succeeded through Zim-Asset. Yes! But also individually, as we must always do to carry out our agricultural programmes successfully. Well, we have come to the conference, Zanu-PF conference. Tingarwisane, tingakakatane asi Zanu-PF inongoramba yakati twi-i!
And people will come back to Zanu-PF anyway. So, Zanu-PF now, Zanu-PF tomorrow, tomorrow and tomorrow. So, we should always move forward in peace, unity and amity; and, that I want now.
From the Politburo and Central Committee, taive neissue yekuita report nekuzopira kuconference ino.
I now wish to submit this Central Committee Report to this conference, the 16th National People's Conference report — Central Committee report to you. Province by province we always get it nenguva.
Tinenge tiine musangano yezvave kuitwa kuti muve neruzivo rwekuti ndezvipi nezvipi zvakakosha zvatakakurukura, Zim-Asset nezvimwe, tikati zvine kodzero yekuiswa munhaurirano iri pano yeCentral Committee.
Now as I submit the Central Committee Report to you the People's National conference through Vice President Mnagangwa — akairasa hamheno zvake; akairasa anoitsvaga semombe! Ndainzi nasekuru ukarasa mombe unototsvaga udziwane. Okay!
Pamberi nekubatana!
Source - Byo24News
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