Opinion / Columnist
There is no 'secessionist' Mthwakazi, only a 'restorationist' one!
29 Dec 2016 at 18:05hrs | Views
There are no 'secessionist' political organization or political parties in Mthwakazi.
There are only 'RESTORATIONIST' political organizations and political parties of Mthwakazi.
Those political organizations and political parties who have so configured themselves as to suggest 'secessionism' - and have not yet realized it - will hopefully do so pretty soon and align themselves properly.
It is now critical that restorationist political organization and political parties of Mthwakazi challenge newspapers, journalists, and editors who continue to use the politically-pointed and politically-targeting term 'secessionists', and force them to embrace the politically-responsible and politically circumscribed term: 'restorationists'. No one will do that for you, Mthwakazians - please!
Restorationism and secessionism lead to two different outcomes, certainly processes. Where restorationism is political and 'restores', secessionism is violent and politically dismembers. UMthwakazi has never had elements of secessionism, only restoration, for obvious reasons.
UMthwakazi, as a political existence and expression - a demos - cannot secede from itself. As Mthwakazians (and indeed, right-thinking Zimbabweans, know), we seek no permission to say, or apologise for saying, that the present Zimbabwe State is uMthwakazi State simply renamed. But that renaming has not changed the political nature and character of the present State operating as today's Zimbabwe, from being a Mthwakazi State in different name.
A thief does not confer any title or better title to a thing that the thief himself does not have, in the same way that a conquest doesn't not confer a status or better status over a State that the conqueror himself does not have. This is why post-colonial America isn't the same America it was under British colonial rule, and why America, in contrast to other former colonies, has not only enjoyed unsurpassed power, but enjoys the privilege of being the world's only superpower and the world's longest known empire, and getting even stronger as an empire.
The point of the paragraph above is that what many call the Zimbabwe 'crisis' (there is no 'crisis' in Zimbabwe at all!), and what is known as the Matebeleland or Mthwakazi Question, emanate from the crisis of legitimacy that Zimbabwe - throughout its name-changes - has suffered from, from inception. And the key - the solution - is to be found in 1923 Referendum that created an artificial Southern Rhodesia that has limped wounded and politically fatally wounded into today's Zimbabwe.
And as uMthwakazi has been at both pains and pleasure to point out at various points of this Zimbabwe's many instances of political madness, 'Zimbabwe' is not the first name the Mthwakazi State has been re-styled by in its long and tortured history of deception and political megalomania under White colonial rule and Black tribal rule. Go back and search, and you will collide with such names as 'Zambezia'; Southern Rhodesia, Rhodesia, Zimbabwe-Rhodesia, and, today - 'Zimbabwe' - as political cobblers of varying twisted 'skills' and crazy political mental make-up, have sought to hollow out uMthwakaziness out of their political pet projects, all to serious and costly political grief. Gukurahundism and Shonaism are just the latest, the most manifest, the angriest, and the most brutal of those attempts to empty uMthwakazi out of what is, has always been, and will always be a Mthwakazi State - however, named, re-named, mis-named and corrupted (or attempted to be corrupted) that new political styling or label is.
The underlying political point about the Mthwakazi State's coreness is therefore pretty obvious. Only Zimbabwe - to the extent it doesn't include uMthwakazi, and doesn't - can secede from uMthwakazi State presently operated as Shonaist and Gukurahundist Zimbabwe, not uMthwakazi from Zimbabwe.
It's therefore a pity that many Mthwakazi political organizations and political groups have presently chosen vocal-ness ahead of substance and have not hit home - and repeatedly - this most fundamental of points about uMthwakazi's restorationism, yet this point is the core of the restorationist agenda! And by the way, it is taking far too long for uMthwakazi's restorationist politics to take a serious, sage, and politically thought-through turn, in a manner that demonstrates that that agenda has come of political age and needs be, and must be taken, seriously. And this failure includes the behaviour and conduct of the Royal Khumalo House, in particular, by the way.
Unhelpful letters etc, are being written or have been written to and thrown at the British Government by all and sundry from Mthwakazi, in a manner that totally betrays vocal emptiness and bombast, at the true expense of serious political traction. That simply has to stop! Of course, Her Majesty's Government is a responsible and polite government; it will reply politely, but with the same answer that it has given over and over again, and will, and should give, yet none of these Mthwakazi political groups and organizations engaged in this rather politically embarrassing practice have paused to think and seek political advice as to why this is so; why Her Majesty's Government keeps saying Zimbabwe is a sovereign State in whose internal affairs the British Government has no say and will not interfere.
In case all those Mthwakazians and Mthwakazi political groups and organizations who may have written Her Majesty's Government in the past think Her Majesty's Government is playing games, well, sorry, it is not! Take it from me, that is a serious Government, and it is not. What that Government has told you ad nauseum is true, correct, authentic and representative of international law and politics on the matter at present, and that won't change. So, could those doing it please stop putting this restorationist agenda to political shame voluntarily - and to the utter glee of uMthwakazi's political enemies - because it is simply not the way to go about it.
The time for Mthwakazi politics of volume and wishful thinking and mental, utopian construction (of which this writer may also be equally guilty of in their own way), must therefore, and is truly over!
There is advice - proper solid advice out there - seek it and avail yourselves of it. It does not come on the cheap, nor is it easily available or accessible, but it is there. And there are many Mthwakazians (and others) who will give it freely if only Mthwakazians sought it and thought it mattered, rather than just tearing away blindly in the forlorn hope that somewhere and somehow, uMthwakazi will collide with independence and restoration somewhere down the political timeline. And when that advice is to hand, it doesn't need to be hundred percent accurate in the public sphere or in our public discourse; it would be enough that it was generally accurate and true. Experts will always be there, at the right time - at the right stage - to put things correctly and accurately in terms of documentation etc. At the very minimum - I guess - Mthwakazians must seek the right knowledge and advice, and proceed only on that basis.
If the restorationist agenda is serious about itself, then, surely, it is now time to induce and introduce seriousness, authenticity, and political pedigree into it. The time for Mthwakazi's self-appointed political Moseses and fake political prophets is surely over. This is not a joke - to all of us. To all Mthwakazians. We simply do not have all the answers - or at all - and only advice will plug those knowledge gaps properly, and afford us the political momentum we are struggling to find politically.
And to the Royal Khumalo House, the message is clear and has also been said clearly in the recent past. You cannot have a King without a Kingdom, Khumalos! That is putting the cart before the horse. And that, bakwethu, is not rocket science. This rubbish and nonsense about 'King' so-and-so or 'Prince' so-and-so - all self-appointed - can it please STOP, and stop forthwith! That part of the long story-telling of Mthwakazi is reserved for the master narrator - the story-teller herself - the United Kingdom of Matebeleland - through the United Kingdom of Matebeleland Constitution.
And another thing, the Royal Khumalo House, in particular, or amaKhumalo, in general, are not apart from, above, or beyond uMthwakazi as a political structure or demos. The Royal Khumalo House and amaKhumalos are inside of uMthwakazi, and ONLY one part of many structures, processes, and procedures that constitute and make up uMthwakazi - the demos - and the expression of which culminates in, and ends with, the restored United Kingdom of Matebeleland.
The evangelical message to all Mthwakazi is therefore that uMthwakazi and Mthwakazians must now find each other, align, and speak with one voice in respect of this matter and do so in a manner that demonstrates unequivocally to the world, that uMthwakazi is speaking through her chosen - and true - representatives. Out through windows with egos and political self-exaltation, in through the front door with cooperation, collaboration, and submitting ourselves to Mthwakazi, and uMthwakazi alone.
Finally, there is fertile political hunting ground that uMthwakazi political organizations and political groups are voluntarily surrendering to Shonaism and Gukurahundism - while distracted by the present and needless political posturing - which form the political holy grail of Shonaism and Gukurahundism, and which uMthwakazi should be focusing on now. And it is this.
There is a completely false view perpetrated by Shonaism and Gukurahundism that the Shona are a 'nation' who exists as a homogenous group, contra- uMthwakazi. Nothing can be further from the truth, historically, factually, and prognostically.
For a start, as we all know the term 'Shona' is a name given those groups by uMthwakazi, though the Shona - ironically given Shonaism and Gukurahundism's hatred of uMthwakazi - now wear it as a badge of honour. Shona groups - unlike uMthwakazi - who is actually made up of different tribes, are in fact disparate clans and dialects, sub-clans and sub-dialects, that absolutely hate and despise each other and have nothing in common except similarities in language. Without uMthwakazi they would long have liquidated each other. This is why - and wonderfully so - the Karanga have always identified with and lived as uMthwakazi, including other Shona groups from as far as Manicaland and other parts of northern Zimbabwe, Zezuru territory, to be precise. It is only in Mthwakazi that these groups ever find true happiness and expression as part of something 'free', and a nation. So, where am I headed with this detail?
The thing is, in uMthwakazi's present state of political bull-squaring - and what a waste of valuable political time - we are failing to use this deadly weapon of tribalism, clannism, and dialectism at our disposal, to fan tribal animosity within and among Shona groups themselves and alone, in the same manner that they have tried and continue to try under Shonaism and Gukurahundism to fan the break-up of Mthwakazi as a nation into the tribes that make up uMthwakazi. In particular, their efforts have been focused on the Kalanga - just one tribe of uMthwakazi - in this respect. Sadly, some, and certainly the so-called educated Kalangas - not the ordinary Kalangas - have bought into this very poorly-constructed stratagem of Shonaism and Gukurahundism.
Mthwakazi, this Shonaist and Gukurahundist Zimbabwe is a deck of cards - a political Tower of Babel - that will collapse on itself and inside itself at the slightest of touches. It is on this weakness - this presence of bitter and internecine rivalries among Shona groups - that uMthwakazi must now fan and cause as much political harm there as Shonaism and Gukurahundism continue to try over uMthwakazi.
There is nothing to be gained by Mthwakazi watching political vandals from Shonaist and Gukurahundist Zimbabwe break uMthwakazi's windows when uMthwakazi is equally - if not better - equipped to bring down Shonaist and Gukurahundist Zimbabwe's House of Sand with a steady and well calibrated flow of water pointed in that particular direction.
And will all this political attack from Mthwakazi be malevolent, or just political mischief-making? No, it is and has to be politically purposed, impersonal, and rise above the person or people. This strategy answers - in a fundamental way - uMthwakazi's political strategy designed to achieve political parity, or the possibility of political parity. Played well - and in tandem with uMthwakazi's own now serious restorationist politics - draining the foundations of Shonaism and Gukurahundism, is key. It's simple. To reconstruct uMthwakazi and a new Zimbabwe, you have to deconstruct this Zimbabwe!
And post- Mugabe - an event which is anytime now - we cannot as this Nation and People of Kings and Queens - uMthwakazi - allow Shonaism and Gukurahundism to take hold again, however angrily, brutally, or deceptively these twin political evils of our time may seek to re-invent themselves after Mugabe drops dead. Shonaism, Gukurahurahundism, and Mugabeiism get buried and interred with Mugabe's bones at his soon-coming death, and in their place, not to be replaced with the same, or more of the same.
Certainly, not with Mnangagwaism, however Nathaniel Manheru - aka - George Charamba and fellow Shonists and Gukurahundism may campaign for it by means foul and politically criminal! Emmerson Mnangagwa is fighting a political fight of his life and his being dangerous is not something that should ever be imagined by anyone - Mthwakazian or Zimbabwean - who thinks anyone - including themselves - should be alive. Friend and foe alike! And this means uMthwakazi's restorationist agenda must now become more serious than it has ever been before!
There are only 'RESTORATIONIST' political organizations and political parties of Mthwakazi.
Those political organizations and political parties who have so configured themselves as to suggest 'secessionism' - and have not yet realized it - will hopefully do so pretty soon and align themselves properly.
It is now critical that restorationist political organization and political parties of Mthwakazi challenge newspapers, journalists, and editors who continue to use the politically-pointed and politically-targeting term 'secessionists', and force them to embrace the politically-responsible and politically circumscribed term: 'restorationists'. No one will do that for you, Mthwakazians - please!
Restorationism and secessionism lead to two different outcomes, certainly processes. Where restorationism is political and 'restores', secessionism is violent and politically dismembers. UMthwakazi has never had elements of secessionism, only restoration, for obvious reasons.
UMthwakazi, as a political existence and expression - a demos - cannot secede from itself. As Mthwakazians (and indeed, right-thinking Zimbabweans, know), we seek no permission to say, or apologise for saying, that the present Zimbabwe State is uMthwakazi State simply renamed. But that renaming has not changed the political nature and character of the present State operating as today's Zimbabwe, from being a Mthwakazi State in different name.
A thief does not confer any title or better title to a thing that the thief himself does not have, in the same way that a conquest doesn't not confer a status or better status over a State that the conqueror himself does not have. This is why post-colonial America isn't the same America it was under British colonial rule, and why America, in contrast to other former colonies, has not only enjoyed unsurpassed power, but enjoys the privilege of being the world's only superpower and the world's longest known empire, and getting even stronger as an empire.
The point of the paragraph above is that what many call the Zimbabwe 'crisis' (there is no 'crisis' in Zimbabwe at all!), and what is known as the Matebeleland or Mthwakazi Question, emanate from the crisis of legitimacy that Zimbabwe - throughout its name-changes - has suffered from, from inception. And the key - the solution - is to be found in 1923 Referendum that created an artificial Southern Rhodesia that has limped wounded and politically fatally wounded into today's Zimbabwe.
And as uMthwakazi has been at both pains and pleasure to point out at various points of this Zimbabwe's many instances of political madness, 'Zimbabwe' is not the first name the Mthwakazi State has been re-styled by in its long and tortured history of deception and political megalomania under White colonial rule and Black tribal rule. Go back and search, and you will collide with such names as 'Zambezia'; Southern Rhodesia, Rhodesia, Zimbabwe-Rhodesia, and, today - 'Zimbabwe' - as political cobblers of varying twisted 'skills' and crazy political mental make-up, have sought to hollow out uMthwakaziness out of their political pet projects, all to serious and costly political grief. Gukurahundism and Shonaism are just the latest, the most manifest, the angriest, and the most brutal of those attempts to empty uMthwakazi out of what is, has always been, and will always be a Mthwakazi State - however, named, re-named, mis-named and corrupted (or attempted to be corrupted) that new political styling or label is.
The underlying political point about the Mthwakazi State's coreness is therefore pretty obvious. Only Zimbabwe - to the extent it doesn't include uMthwakazi, and doesn't - can secede from uMthwakazi State presently operated as Shonaist and Gukurahundist Zimbabwe, not uMthwakazi from Zimbabwe.
It's therefore a pity that many Mthwakazi political organizations and political groups have presently chosen vocal-ness ahead of substance and have not hit home - and repeatedly - this most fundamental of points about uMthwakazi's restorationism, yet this point is the core of the restorationist agenda! And by the way, it is taking far too long for uMthwakazi's restorationist politics to take a serious, sage, and politically thought-through turn, in a manner that demonstrates that that agenda has come of political age and needs be, and must be taken, seriously. And this failure includes the behaviour and conduct of the Royal Khumalo House, in particular, by the way.
Unhelpful letters etc, are being written or have been written to and thrown at the British Government by all and sundry from Mthwakazi, in a manner that totally betrays vocal emptiness and bombast, at the true expense of serious political traction. That simply has to stop! Of course, Her Majesty's Government is a responsible and polite government; it will reply politely, but with the same answer that it has given over and over again, and will, and should give, yet none of these Mthwakazi political groups and organizations engaged in this rather politically embarrassing practice have paused to think and seek political advice as to why this is so; why Her Majesty's Government keeps saying Zimbabwe is a sovereign State in whose internal affairs the British Government has no say and will not interfere.
In case all those Mthwakazians and Mthwakazi political groups and organizations who may have written Her Majesty's Government in the past think Her Majesty's Government is playing games, well, sorry, it is not! Take it from me, that is a serious Government, and it is not. What that Government has told you ad nauseum is true, correct, authentic and representative of international law and politics on the matter at present, and that won't change. So, could those doing it please stop putting this restorationist agenda to political shame voluntarily - and to the utter glee of uMthwakazi's political enemies - because it is simply not the way to go about it.
The time for Mthwakazi politics of volume and wishful thinking and mental, utopian construction (of which this writer may also be equally guilty of in their own way), must therefore, and is truly over!
There is advice - proper solid advice out there - seek it and avail yourselves of it. It does not come on the cheap, nor is it easily available or accessible, but it is there. And there are many Mthwakazians (and others) who will give it freely if only Mthwakazians sought it and thought it mattered, rather than just tearing away blindly in the forlorn hope that somewhere and somehow, uMthwakazi will collide with independence and restoration somewhere down the political timeline. And when that advice is to hand, it doesn't need to be hundred percent accurate in the public sphere or in our public discourse; it would be enough that it was generally accurate and true. Experts will always be there, at the right time - at the right stage - to put things correctly and accurately in terms of documentation etc. At the very minimum - I guess - Mthwakazians must seek the right knowledge and advice, and proceed only on that basis.
If the restorationist agenda is serious about itself, then, surely, it is now time to induce and introduce seriousness, authenticity, and political pedigree into it. The time for Mthwakazi's self-appointed political Moseses and fake political prophets is surely over. This is not a joke - to all of us. To all Mthwakazians. We simply do not have all the answers - or at all - and only advice will plug those knowledge gaps properly, and afford us the political momentum we are struggling to find politically.
And to the Royal Khumalo House, the message is clear and has also been said clearly in the recent past. You cannot have a King without a Kingdom, Khumalos! That is putting the cart before the horse. And that, bakwethu, is not rocket science. This rubbish and nonsense about 'King' so-and-so or 'Prince' so-and-so - all self-appointed - can it please STOP, and stop forthwith! That part of the long story-telling of Mthwakazi is reserved for the master narrator - the story-teller herself - the United Kingdom of Matebeleland - through the United Kingdom of Matebeleland Constitution.
And another thing, the Royal Khumalo House, in particular, or amaKhumalo, in general, are not apart from, above, or beyond uMthwakazi as a political structure or demos. The Royal Khumalo House and amaKhumalos are inside of uMthwakazi, and ONLY one part of many structures, processes, and procedures that constitute and make up uMthwakazi - the demos - and the expression of which culminates in, and ends with, the restored United Kingdom of Matebeleland.
The evangelical message to all Mthwakazi is therefore that uMthwakazi and Mthwakazians must now find each other, align, and speak with one voice in respect of this matter and do so in a manner that demonstrates unequivocally to the world, that uMthwakazi is speaking through her chosen - and true - representatives. Out through windows with egos and political self-exaltation, in through the front door with cooperation, collaboration, and submitting ourselves to Mthwakazi, and uMthwakazi alone.
Finally, there is fertile political hunting ground that uMthwakazi political organizations and political groups are voluntarily surrendering to Shonaism and Gukurahundism - while distracted by the present and needless political posturing - which form the political holy grail of Shonaism and Gukurahundism, and which uMthwakazi should be focusing on now. And it is this.
There is a completely false view perpetrated by Shonaism and Gukurahundism that the Shona are a 'nation' who exists as a homogenous group, contra- uMthwakazi. Nothing can be further from the truth, historically, factually, and prognostically.
For a start, as we all know the term 'Shona' is a name given those groups by uMthwakazi, though the Shona - ironically given Shonaism and Gukurahundism's hatred of uMthwakazi - now wear it as a badge of honour. Shona groups - unlike uMthwakazi - who is actually made up of different tribes, are in fact disparate clans and dialects, sub-clans and sub-dialects, that absolutely hate and despise each other and have nothing in common except similarities in language. Without uMthwakazi they would long have liquidated each other. This is why - and wonderfully so - the Karanga have always identified with and lived as uMthwakazi, including other Shona groups from as far as Manicaland and other parts of northern Zimbabwe, Zezuru territory, to be precise. It is only in Mthwakazi that these groups ever find true happiness and expression as part of something 'free', and a nation. So, where am I headed with this detail?
The thing is, in uMthwakazi's present state of political bull-squaring - and what a waste of valuable political time - we are failing to use this deadly weapon of tribalism, clannism, and dialectism at our disposal, to fan tribal animosity within and among Shona groups themselves and alone, in the same manner that they have tried and continue to try under Shonaism and Gukurahundism to fan the break-up of Mthwakazi as a nation into the tribes that make up uMthwakazi. In particular, their efforts have been focused on the Kalanga - just one tribe of uMthwakazi - in this respect. Sadly, some, and certainly the so-called educated Kalangas - not the ordinary Kalangas - have bought into this very poorly-constructed stratagem of Shonaism and Gukurahundism.
Mthwakazi, this Shonaist and Gukurahundist Zimbabwe is a deck of cards - a political Tower of Babel - that will collapse on itself and inside itself at the slightest of touches. It is on this weakness - this presence of bitter and internecine rivalries among Shona groups - that uMthwakazi must now fan and cause as much political harm there as Shonaism and Gukurahundism continue to try over uMthwakazi.
There is nothing to be gained by Mthwakazi watching political vandals from Shonaist and Gukurahundist Zimbabwe break uMthwakazi's windows when uMthwakazi is equally - if not better - equipped to bring down Shonaist and Gukurahundist Zimbabwe's House of Sand with a steady and well calibrated flow of water pointed in that particular direction.
And will all this political attack from Mthwakazi be malevolent, or just political mischief-making? No, it is and has to be politically purposed, impersonal, and rise above the person or people. This strategy answers - in a fundamental way - uMthwakazi's political strategy designed to achieve political parity, or the possibility of political parity. Played well - and in tandem with uMthwakazi's own now serious restorationist politics - draining the foundations of Shonaism and Gukurahundism, is key. It's simple. To reconstruct uMthwakazi and a new Zimbabwe, you have to deconstruct this Zimbabwe!
And post- Mugabe - an event which is anytime now - we cannot as this Nation and People of Kings and Queens - uMthwakazi - allow Shonaism and Gukurahundism to take hold again, however angrily, brutally, or deceptively these twin political evils of our time may seek to re-invent themselves after Mugabe drops dead. Shonaism, Gukurahurahundism, and Mugabeiism get buried and interred with Mugabe's bones at his soon-coming death, and in their place, not to be replaced with the same, or more of the same.
Certainly, not with Mnangagwaism, however Nathaniel Manheru - aka - George Charamba and fellow Shonists and Gukurahundism may campaign for it by means foul and politically criminal! Emmerson Mnangagwa is fighting a political fight of his life and his being dangerous is not something that should ever be imagined by anyone - Mthwakazian or Zimbabwean - who thinks anyone - including themselves - should be alive. Friend and foe alike! And this means uMthwakazi's restorationist agenda must now become more serious than it has ever been before!
Source - Xoxani Ngxoxo
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