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Wilbert Mukori's aka Nomusa Garikai's small mind

16 Feb 2017 at 06:51hrs | Views
For time immemorial Wilbert Mukori aka Nomusa Garikai has focused his now innosiating drivel on reforms chete chete . In his latest shot he again chooses to be selective on what he wants  to read in order to excite his one track small brain.

My dear friend Alex Magaisa wrote a very clear and concise article on his BSR last week on the fact that coalition is not the panacea to free and fair elections in Zimbabwe but a critical part of the recipe which must of course include substantive reforms. I fully support his views and  I myself have said same a thousand times that elections without reforms where Zanupf controls the state machinery are a waste of time. However for this little man  with a peanut mind who has even chosen to be a woman at times it is inconcievable for him or her to be  able to deal with more than one issue at a time and therefore fails to understand that coalition politics and reforms are not mutually exclusive.

It would be naive for any sane thinker to believe that a coalition alone would solve everything. The fact of the matter is that every system is designed to give you the results that you get.

As I have written before, the Zimbabwean political architecture and economy have been manipulated and captured to keep Zanupf hegemony at all costs. Unless you fundamentally change that system you will continually get the results that you wish to change. Only if you change the system can you begin to get different results. Numbers have never mattered people's will has never mattered economic decline has never mattered. Poverty and lack have never mattered. Despite all the above Zanupf remains in power. If we don't change the system Zanupf will win simply because that's what the system does and is designed to achieve.

Nomusa or Wilbert depending whether he wants to put a dress or trousers on always chooses to ignore that which confuses his little mind. We all know that reforms are critical but so are coalitions in order to avoid splitting the vote.

As to his shallow appreciation  of how economies can grow this midget minded clown refuses to imagine beyond today and contests that Zimbabwe can indeed grow exponentially with the right cocktail of policies stability and investment. Zimbabwe can indeed be a $100bn economy within 5 years of we revive agriculture and add value to our produce. It can indeed be a $100bn economy if we exploit our $16trillion worth of resources in its belly.

Nomusa or Wilfred or Patrick simply because you think small is neither a virtue nor your fault. That's who you are but don't expect some of us to think as small as you do. Leadership is really about taking followers where they have never imagined and some eternal folllowers like Nomusa Wilbert or Patrick we will have to leave behind in their little holes because they are too afraid to jump out and can never imagine beyond their self imposed mental slavery

Wake up from your slumber little man and for goodness sake at least get my surname right!

Source - Vince Musewe
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