Opinion / Columnist
Mugabe's genocide victory ceremony
20 Feb 2017 at 07:48hrs | Views
Mugabe's birthday celebration near Bhalagwe disused mine is a genocide victory ceremony and endorsement of Gukurandi massacre of the Ndebele people.
Forensic psychology states that a serial killer will at most return to the crime scene to conceal evidence. Some serial killers return to the crime scene as act of ritualistic grandiose behaviour associated with a sense of accomplishment. Genocidal ZANU PF, Robert Mugabe ,his henchmen Mnangagwa, Sekeramayi, Chiwenga and others celebrate this 21st February movement in Matabeleland South to fully endorse the dissemination and liquidation of the Ndebele people by Mugabe's Gukurahundi 5th Brigade private militia of the 1980s. Thousands of Ndebele Gukurahundi victims were killed and begrudgingly thrown into the disused Bhalagwe mine shaft and many others were buried in shallow graves all over Matabeleland commanded by the over decorated first secretary and commander of ZANU pf, President Mugabe.
This birthday bash is a scornful victory ceremony by Mugabe to mark the decapitation of the Ndebele people, to laugh at them, to show off an injudicious view that the Shona tribe has supreme authority over the Ndebele people and also an early hero's send-off for Mugabe in advance of his inevitable death as this may be his last 21st February celebration in his life time. We all die.
It is ironic that this 21st birthday celebration for Mugabe is held in the middle of a drought stricken poor rural community of Matabeleland with nothing else there other than the human corpses scattered everywhere in unmarked graves of the unknown innocent victims of Mugabe's act of genocide.
There is no doubt the small community around Rhodes Estate Preparatory School in Matopo will be overwhelmed with suspense, bewilderment and a reminder of the historic traumatic experience of gukurahundi atrocities as the tiny community springs to a buzz of government 4x4 trucks, hordes of army details, army helicopters and trucks, passenger buses, large tents pitched up, the smell of cuisine reserved for the upper class and the display of the latest Gucci ZANU pf regalia fashion.
Makeshift improvements will be made to this small community such as a short tired road if any, and borehole drilled mainly done for the comfort of the president and his gang of heartless supporters to have a good time. The mainly hungry and dejected villagers will be treated to elephant meat, a few food handouts and a donation of items unwanted by Grace. The villagers, some of them forced to donate their cows to feed Mugabe and his lot will spend the whole day sitting in the scotching sun, chanting ZANU PF slogans and singing songs of admirations more of Grace than anyone else in the celebrations. The poor villagers will be reminded of historic disparaging ethnic hate speeches by Grace that they are prostitutes, interested in making babies, uneducated and keen on crossing the border to South Africa to become criminals.
Matabeleland will also be reminded that the genocide on Matabeles sponsored by ZANU PF using its Gukurahundi machinery which was driven by Mugabe's deep rooted political and tribal hatred of the Ndebeles, powerful emotions of political domination and control, the desire for a one party state; and a deliberate unwillingness for him to create a truly inclusive and a diverse tribal tolerant government for all the people of Zimbabwe.
The people of Matabeleland see the birthday bash as a smoke screen by Robert to sway the attention of the public away from his real motive. The main motive for genocidal Mugabe and his henchmen is returning to Bhalagwe disused mine to cover up his atrocious crimes by digging up the skeletons at Bhalagwe in an attempt to destroy the evidence. It is not coincidental that the ZANU PF hangman Emmerson Mnangagwa is pushing hard for command agriculture at Maphisa's ARDA irrigation scheme less than 10 km from Balagwe disused mine where the remains of the butchered Ndebele victims were thrown into like dogs by Mugabe's representatives. Mnangagwa is using his command agricultural project as a fore runner for him to secretly proceed to Balagwe mine to temper with the evidence of the broken skulls and bones of the Ndebele people. Mnangagwa sees himself as the likely successor of ZANU PF and the issue of Gukurahundi genocide hangs over his head. In the likelihood that he wins the state presidency and having destroyed the evidence at Bhalagwe, Mnangagwa may then have the confidence to order an investigation into the Gukurahundi atrocities blame it on the then deceased Mugabe in the hope that his name is cleared.
The ZANU PF perpetrators of the Gukurahundi genocide are certainly living with emotions of guilt and shame for violating moral standards and the respect for human life. The prospects of the end of ZANU PF government in the 2018 elections is provoking in them a sense of fear of the impending investigation and incarceration of perpetrators of genocide and crimes against humanity of which ZANU pf leaders are the main suspects. It is not unusually for governments and government leaders with a diagnosis of dictatorship and genocidal disorder to dig up the mass graves of their making in attempt to destroy the evidence; locate it elsewhere or just burn it in a blast furnace to destroy the exhibit. After doing all that they would then run their mouths in denial to portray themselves as victims of smear mongering.
ZANU pf have always denied and dismissed the Gukurahundi genocide as having ever happened describing it as 'a moment of madness' (Robert Mugabe); 'A western conspiracy' (Report Phelekezela Mphoko); 'A closed chapter' (Emmerson Mnangagwa); and 'a myth' (George Charamba aka Nathaniel Manheru). All these are acts of denial from inconsistent, conflicting and unconnected positions. They even put forward a case that all the reports about Gukurahundi atrocities cannot be taken seriously because they do not come from officially sources. It is important to note that there is nothing as official as the story told by the victims themselves not the likes of Nathaniel Manheru (George Charamba). ZANU pf also minimizes the number of people killed and refuses to categorize their action as genocide but an act of protecting national sovereign. They even compare their act of genocide as not anything to talk about as the numbers of the killings of the people of Matabeleland and Midlands was nothing as compared to the number of deaths during the liberation struggle of Zimbabwe.
The expression by Mugabe of entitlement and self-importance is to blame for the deviant behaviour which is linked to narrow mindedness to seek control of the material and human world craving for superficial authority by imposition of fear to promote superficial goodness about himself. It is expected and not surprising that Mugabe's birthday's speech will be about cosmetic and superficial remedies to the gukurahundi atrocities such as the "National Healing Integration and Reconciliation Commission" reburying victims of Gukurahundi atrocities ignoring all the important due processes of identification of victims, the causes of their death, prosecution of the perpetrators and reparation of victims. Mugabe does not want to be investigated, he does not want the world to know how he killed those people thrown into Bhalagwe and he does not want the world to know the identity of those people by the names, gender and age. I guess all the identity cards that were confiscated from those people pending their death were present to Mugabe as trophies and so he knows who they are and many they are. None of those people killed by Mugabe's gukurahundi militias carried a gun, spear, knife, stone or even threading pin. Mugabe would say that they were dissidents while the grand motive was the tribal extermination of the Ndebeles. Mugabe enjoyed when his tribal sword struck and pierced deep into the hearts and minds of the Ndebeles now living with emotional traumas of his actions. Mugabe is returning to Matabeleland today now in person to do a head count of the remaining Ndebeles. I pray and hope that none of the remaining Ndebele people will ever die of another tribal sword of hate from a tribalist president now and in the future.
ZANU pf conducted its own fact finding mission, the Chihambakwe commission of inquiry in 1983 and no one was surprised when the report was not made public even up to now. There are two likely reasons why the Chihambakwe commission of inquiry was undertaken. The first reason was that Mugabe wanted this inquiry to defend his position and give justification for having a military intervention in Matabeleland and Midlands. The results of the commission may have been too much to bear for Mugabe and his government and therefore got withheld from public circulation. The government's reason for withholding the publication of the Chihambakwe report was that the findings would provoke public outcry and violence. The second reason was that the commission of inquiry was not necessarily for public consumption after all but an evaluation excise to measure the degree of success by Mugabe in achieving the objectives for the killings in Matabeleland.
The genocide against the Ndebele people was unprovoked hostility and aggression which was calculated and aimed at achieving goals of crimes of against humanity. The actions of Mugabe did not fit within the definition of politics but a humanitarian catastrophe completely outside the rule book of politics. It was a wicked attack on the overall well-being of the people of Matabeleland and Midlands aimed at degrading, denigrating, destroying, displacing, humiliating, liquidating and decapitating the people in that region. President Mugabe has chosen to celebrate the demise of the people of Matabeleland right at their door step. I wish the president a happy birthday while I ponder where to find the tomb my grandparents that still remains a mystery about its location. I am still at loss as to what harm an elderly person would have done to the government of Robert Gabriel Mugabe to deserve to be ruthlessly killed by heavy weaponry. Their death was a victory to you Mr President but pain, sorry and tears to me. Your cakes get bigger with every year of your birthday celebrations. I see the size of your cake as representative all those Ndebele people who died at your hands on the very soil your birthday is hosted this February. Just to warn you sir, there is a grave not very far from where you will be standing. We don't expect any sympathy to come from you sir for good reasons that are also known to you too.
The Ndebele ZANU Pf political surrogates, Abedinico, Never, Khaya, Phekelezela and others are deluded scroungers that carry out the evil ideals of ZANUPF both in their heads and stomachs to perpetrate them on their Ndebele kith and keen. They are ZANU PF running dogs doing all the dirty work against their own tribal clan. Enos Nkala,ZANU PF surrogate and minister of gukurahundi in the height of the massacre of the Ndebeles in the 1980 got deluded with fake authority and power disowned his tribal identity at rally in Maphisa and , wished he was cleansed of being a Ndebele. Nkala died as good as pauper living amongst the Ndebele people that he so despised during his hay days of surrogacy later kicked out by Mugabe at the end of his surrogate mission. Jabulani Sibanda with his 'Mugabe & Grace bedroom coup' slur was in breach of his surrogate contract and for that he lost the privileges that come with being a surrogate. Calistus Ndlovu drunk with surrogate power referred Dr Joshua Nkomo as 'dead donkey' now he is a spent force as there is no more surrogate roles for him in ZANU PF. Jonathan Moyo is now learning one or two things about being a ZANU PF surrogate.
The experience suffered by people of Matabeleland is beyond human comprehension, dignity and morality. In the bellies of the earth of the land of Matabeleland are hundreds of unmark shallow graves pregnant with bodies of innocent people whose lives were cut short in their prime life. These people meant everything to their loved ones; they were significant to them in every conceivable way. Their main crime for them to deserve to die was that they were none other than being Matabeles.
Happy birthday Comrade Robert Gabrial Gutshungu Mugabe first secretary and president of ZANU PF and first known black president to have killed more than 20 0000 Ndebele people in an independent Zimbabwe.
Forensic psychology states that a serial killer will at most return to the crime scene to conceal evidence. Some serial killers return to the crime scene as act of ritualistic grandiose behaviour associated with a sense of accomplishment. Genocidal ZANU PF, Robert Mugabe ,his henchmen Mnangagwa, Sekeramayi, Chiwenga and others celebrate this 21st February movement in Matabeleland South to fully endorse the dissemination and liquidation of the Ndebele people by Mugabe's Gukurahundi 5th Brigade private militia of the 1980s. Thousands of Ndebele Gukurahundi victims were killed and begrudgingly thrown into the disused Bhalagwe mine shaft and many others were buried in shallow graves all over Matabeleland commanded by the over decorated first secretary and commander of ZANU pf, President Mugabe.
This birthday bash is a scornful victory ceremony by Mugabe to mark the decapitation of the Ndebele people, to laugh at them, to show off an injudicious view that the Shona tribe has supreme authority over the Ndebele people and also an early hero's send-off for Mugabe in advance of his inevitable death as this may be his last 21st February celebration in his life time. We all die.
It is ironic that this 21st birthday celebration for Mugabe is held in the middle of a drought stricken poor rural community of Matabeleland with nothing else there other than the human corpses scattered everywhere in unmarked graves of the unknown innocent victims of Mugabe's act of genocide.
There is no doubt the small community around Rhodes Estate Preparatory School in Matopo will be overwhelmed with suspense, bewilderment and a reminder of the historic traumatic experience of gukurahundi atrocities as the tiny community springs to a buzz of government 4x4 trucks, hordes of army details, army helicopters and trucks, passenger buses, large tents pitched up, the smell of cuisine reserved for the upper class and the display of the latest Gucci ZANU pf regalia fashion.
Makeshift improvements will be made to this small community such as a short tired road if any, and borehole drilled mainly done for the comfort of the president and his gang of heartless supporters to have a good time. The mainly hungry and dejected villagers will be treated to elephant meat, a few food handouts and a donation of items unwanted by Grace. The villagers, some of them forced to donate their cows to feed Mugabe and his lot will spend the whole day sitting in the scotching sun, chanting ZANU PF slogans and singing songs of admirations more of Grace than anyone else in the celebrations. The poor villagers will be reminded of historic disparaging ethnic hate speeches by Grace that they are prostitutes, interested in making babies, uneducated and keen on crossing the border to South Africa to become criminals.
Matabeleland will also be reminded that the genocide on Matabeles sponsored by ZANU PF using its Gukurahundi machinery which was driven by Mugabe's deep rooted political and tribal hatred of the Ndebeles, powerful emotions of political domination and control, the desire for a one party state; and a deliberate unwillingness for him to create a truly inclusive and a diverse tribal tolerant government for all the people of Zimbabwe.
The people of Matabeleland see the birthday bash as a smoke screen by Robert to sway the attention of the public away from his real motive. The main motive for genocidal Mugabe and his henchmen is returning to Bhalagwe disused mine to cover up his atrocious crimes by digging up the skeletons at Bhalagwe in an attempt to destroy the evidence. It is not coincidental that the ZANU PF hangman Emmerson Mnangagwa is pushing hard for command agriculture at Maphisa's ARDA irrigation scheme less than 10 km from Balagwe disused mine where the remains of the butchered Ndebele victims were thrown into like dogs by Mugabe's representatives. Mnangagwa is using his command agricultural project as a fore runner for him to secretly proceed to Balagwe mine to temper with the evidence of the broken skulls and bones of the Ndebele people. Mnangagwa sees himself as the likely successor of ZANU PF and the issue of Gukurahundi genocide hangs over his head. In the likelihood that he wins the state presidency and having destroyed the evidence at Bhalagwe, Mnangagwa may then have the confidence to order an investigation into the Gukurahundi atrocities blame it on the then deceased Mugabe in the hope that his name is cleared.
The ZANU PF perpetrators of the Gukurahundi genocide are certainly living with emotions of guilt and shame for violating moral standards and the respect for human life. The prospects of the end of ZANU PF government in the 2018 elections is provoking in them a sense of fear of the impending investigation and incarceration of perpetrators of genocide and crimes against humanity of which ZANU pf leaders are the main suspects. It is not unusually for governments and government leaders with a diagnosis of dictatorship and genocidal disorder to dig up the mass graves of their making in attempt to destroy the evidence; locate it elsewhere or just burn it in a blast furnace to destroy the exhibit. After doing all that they would then run their mouths in denial to portray themselves as victims of smear mongering.
ZANU pf have always denied and dismissed the Gukurahundi genocide as having ever happened describing it as 'a moment of madness' (Robert Mugabe); 'A western conspiracy' (Report Phelekezela Mphoko); 'A closed chapter' (Emmerson Mnangagwa); and 'a myth' (George Charamba aka Nathaniel Manheru). All these are acts of denial from inconsistent, conflicting and unconnected positions. They even put forward a case that all the reports about Gukurahundi atrocities cannot be taken seriously because they do not come from officially sources. It is important to note that there is nothing as official as the story told by the victims themselves not the likes of Nathaniel Manheru (George Charamba). ZANU pf also minimizes the number of people killed and refuses to categorize their action as genocide but an act of protecting national sovereign. They even compare their act of genocide as not anything to talk about as the numbers of the killings of the people of Matabeleland and Midlands was nothing as compared to the number of deaths during the liberation struggle of Zimbabwe.
The expression by Mugabe of entitlement and self-importance is to blame for the deviant behaviour which is linked to narrow mindedness to seek control of the material and human world craving for superficial authority by imposition of fear to promote superficial goodness about himself. It is expected and not surprising that Mugabe's birthday's speech will be about cosmetic and superficial remedies to the gukurahundi atrocities such as the "National Healing Integration and Reconciliation Commission" reburying victims of Gukurahundi atrocities ignoring all the important due processes of identification of victims, the causes of their death, prosecution of the perpetrators and reparation of victims. Mugabe does not want to be investigated, he does not want the world to know how he killed those people thrown into Bhalagwe and he does not want the world to know the identity of those people by the names, gender and age. I guess all the identity cards that were confiscated from those people pending their death were present to Mugabe as trophies and so he knows who they are and many they are. None of those people killed by Mugabe's gukurahundi militias carried a gun, spear, knife, stone or even threading pin. Mugabe would say that they were dissidents while the grand motive was the tribal extermination of the Ndebeles. Mugabe enjoyed when his tribal sword struck and pierced deep into the hearts and minds of the Ndebeles now living with emotional traumas of his actions. Mugabe is returning to Matabeleland today now in person to do a head count of the remaining Ndebeles. I pray and hope that none of the remaining Ndebele people will ever die of another tribal sword of hate from a tribalist president now and in the future.
ZANU pf conducted its own fact finding mission, the Chihambakwe commission of inquiry in 1983 and no one was surprised when the report was not made public even up to now. There are two likely reasons why the Chihambakwe commission of inquiry was undertaken. The first reason was that Mugabe wanted this inquiry to defend his position and give justification for having a military intervention in Matabeleland and Midlands. The results of the commission may have been too much to bear for Mugabe and his government and therefore got withheld from public circulation. The government's reason for withholding the publication of the Chihambakwe report was that the findings would provoke public outcry and violence. The second reason was that the commission of inquiry was not necessarily for public consumption after all but an evaluation excise to measure the degree of success by Mugabe in achieving the objectives for the killings in Matabeleland.
The genocide against the Ndebele people was unprovoked hostility and aggression which was calculated and aimed at achieving goals of crimes of against humanity. The actions of Mugabe did not fit within the definition of politics but a humanitarian catastrophe completely outside the rule book of politics. It was a wicked attack on the overall well-being of the people of Matabeleland and Midlands aimed at degrading, denigrating, destroying, displacing, humiliating, liquidating and decapitating the people in that region. President Mugabe has chosen to celebrate the demise of the people of Matabeleland right at their door step. I wish the president a happy birthday while I ponder where to find the tomb my grandparents that still remains a mystery about its location. I am still at loss as to what harm an elderly person would have done to the government of Robert Gabriel Mugabe to deserve to be ruthlessly killed by heavy weaponry. Their death was a victory to you Mr President but pain, sorry and tears to me. Your cakes get bigger with every year of your birthday celebrations. I see the size of your cake as representative all those Ndebele people who died at your hands on the very soil your birthday is hosted this February. Just to warn you sir, there is a grave not very far from where you will be standing. We don't expect any sympathy to come from you sir for good reasons that are also known to you too.
The Ndebele ZANU Pf political surrogates, Abedinico, Never, Khaya, Phekelezela and others are deluded scroungers that carry out the evil ideals of ZANUPF both in their heads and stomachs to perpetrate them on their Ndebele kith and keen. They are ZANU PF running dogs doing all the dirty work against their own tribal clan. Enos Nkala,ZANU PF surrogate and minister of gukurahundi in the height of the massacre of the Ndebeles in the 1980 got deluded with fake authority and power disowned his tribal identity at rally in Maphisa and , wished he was cleansed of being a Ndebele. Nkala died as good as pauper living amongst the Ndebele people that he so despised during his hay days of surrogacy later kicked out by Mugabe at the end of his surrogate mission. Jabulani Sibanda with his 'Mugabe & Grace bedroom coup' slur was in breach of his surrogate contract and for that he lost the privileges that come with being a surrogate. Calistus Ndlovu drunk with surrogate power referred Dr Joshua Nkomo as 'dead donkey' now he is a spent force as there is no more surrogate roles for him in ZANU PF. Jonathan Moyo is now learning one or two things about being a ZANU PF surrogate.
The experience suffered by people of Matabeleland is beyond human comprehension, dignity and morality. In the bellies of the earth of the land of Matabeleland are hundreds of unmark shallow graves pregnant with bodies of innocent people whose lives were cut short in their prime life. These people meant everything to their loved ones; they were significant to them in every conceivable way. Their main crime for them to deserve to die was that they were none other than being Matabeles.
Happy birthday Comrade Robert Gabrial Gutshungu Mugabe first secretary and president of ZANU PF and first known black president to have killed more than 20 0000 Ndebele people in an independent Zimbabwe.
Source - Themba Mthethwa
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