Opinion / Columnist
Dokora please help Duma Primary School pupils
23 Mar 2017 at 09:07hrs | Views

Mhembere, the headmaster of Duma Primary School in Bikita is putting Learners in dangerous circumstances by selecting those with arrears not to obtain the services from their teachers until they clear their outstanding balances. It is now a month since some of the learners missed lessons. This started after SDC members and parents gathered a meeting and agreed to remove the Learners from those who paid full school fees, whom they call "VANA VAMWARI."
Mhembere every morning during school days, moves around in all classes saying, "Ndauya kuzoona kuti vana vaMwari havasi kuvhiringidzwa here neava vana vaSATAN vasingadi kubhadhara school fees." Mhembere was quoted saying this. By doing this, Mhembere is creating an unhealthy environment to learners with arrears. The most under fire Learners are the grade seven who are preparing to sit for their grade seven examinations in November this year. "Those with arrears are not going to write the mock examinations on 27 March unless they paid before this date," Mhembere said.
Mhembere and his staff members have agreed to group those who paid on their side and those with arrears on their side. No any Learner who has some arrears was allowed to write exercises or tests even to participate in the class. One of the grade seven teacher sympathies with Learners and be in breach of the agreement and started giving them work after they missed about two exercises. I am sure this teacher was much worried about the final results; I mean the pass rate since outstanding performer is granted an incentive.
I don't know why Mhembere and his SDC and the staff members are doing this since the Learners are not the once who should suffer for the failure of a parent or guardian. Ndizvo here kuti madzibaba akadya mazambiringa vana vobwadzira? Mwana shall not suffer because of the parent. Dokora is he aware if this? This culture of disadvantaging a Learner is growing in many schools. Gwindingwi the adjacent High school is also sharing the same culture with this primary school. Kuda ndizvo zvaitaurwa navakuru kuti zvikomo zvivakidzani zvinopakurirana mhute. It is worse if you go to Gwindingwi; Learners with arrears are being seen seated outside the classrooms to avoid access of services from their teachers. They spend more than 4 hours outside the boundaries monitored by Paweni the chair person and his followers so as not to go back to their classes.
I am much concerned with the Learners like those at Duma primary school; some were seen with tears on their faces. How discourteous is this type of leadership. The Headmaster should talk to the parent not to frustrate the learners who have nothing to say except crying. Just imagine grade seven Learners are between 11 and 13 years they are still young to be irritated. They know nothing about how to get the fees. This culture of SDC and headmasters which is escalating should stop or otherwise the authorities should take action before this persists. Kutaura kudai vamwe vana vepaDuma Havana mufaro sezvo vanogariswa kwavo vega vachinzi havana kubhadhara fees zvakare vari kurasikirwa nezvidzidzo zvakawanda chaizvo apa ma grade seven vakatarisana nokunyora bvunzo dzavo. I suggest that the schools who act in this manner of mistreating the learners should receive supervision.
Mhembere every morning during school days, moves around in all classes saying, "Ndauya kuzoona kuti vana vaMwari havasi kuvhiringidzwa here neava vana vaSATAN vasingadi kubhadhara school fees." Mhembere was quoted saying this. By doing this, Mhembere is creating an unhealthy environment to learners with arrears. The most under fire Learners are the grade seven who are preparing to sit for their grade seven examinations in November this year. "Those with arrears are not going to write the mock examinations on 27 March unless they paid before this date," Mhembere said.
Mhembere and his staff members have agreed to group those who paid on their side and those with arrears on their side. No any Learner who has some arrears was allowed to write exercises or tests even to participate in the class. One of the grade seven teacher sympathies with Learners and be in breach of the agreement and started giving them work after they missed about two exercises. I am sure this teacher was much worried about the final results; I mean the pass rate since outstanding performer is granted an incentive.
I don't know why Mhembere and his SDC and the staff members are doing this since the Learners are not the once who should suffer for the failure of a parent or guardian. Ndizvo here kuti madzibaba akadya mazambiringa vana vobwadzira? Mwana shall not suffer because of the parent. Dokora is he aware if this? This culture of disadvantaging a Learner is growing in many schools. Gwindingwi the adjacent High school is also sharing the same culture with this primary school. Kuda ndizvo zvaitaurwa navakuru kuti zvikomo zvivakidzani zvinopakurirana mhute. It is worse if you go to Gwindingwi; Learners with arrears are being seen seated outside the classrooms to avoid access of services from their teachers. They spend more than 4 hours outside the boundaries monitored by Paweni the chair person and his followers so as not to go back to their classes.
I am much concerned with the Learners like those at Duma primary school; some were seen with tears on their faces. How discourteous is this type of leadership. The Headmaster should talk to the parent not to frustrate the learners who have nothing to say except crying. Just imagine grade seven Learners are between 11 and 13 years they are still young to be irritated. They know nothing about how to get the fees. This culture of SDC and headmasters which is escalating should stop or otherwise the authorities should take action before this persists. Kutaura kudai vamwe vana vepaDuma Havana mufaro sezvo vanogariswa kwavo vega vachinzi havana kubhadhara fees zvakare vari kurasikirwa nezvidzidzo zvakawanda chaizvo apa ma grade seven vakatarisana nokunyora bvunzo dzavo. I suggest that the schools who act in this manner of mistreating the learners should receive supervision.
Source - whatsapp
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